Why is the manosphere obsessed with the movie Titanic?

Everything you listed comes under personality. I know it’s a shocking concept for you redpillers.

I took the time to detail the exact personality traits of the character Leo played, and you response is “personality is a concept shocking to you redpillers”

Do you even think before you write my dear?

People fall for personality types along with forming an emotional connection and being witty and fun allows people to connect with you.

This statement might be true for you and many others but it ain’t for everyone, so avoid speaking in absolutes.

I suppose when you’re a shut in and don’t have friends or understand how humans connect you’d put it down to women only.

Don’t waste time trying to psychoanalyze me, when you have already failed countless times.

Btw I’m not a teenager so I don’t have “friends”, I have acquaintances, colleagues and family by blood and by bond.

Even with platonic friendships we choose friends that make us laugh who are witty whom we can have fun with.

This is where you project your female needs onto men, I mean what kind of a man seeks friendship with other men that can make him laugh. You should really examine your thoughts before you write them down.

Weirdo men don’t seem to understand that both men and women also crave that in romantic relationships. Kane, you didn’t say anything new. If you knew how people form relationships both platonic and romantic, you wouldn’t genderize this.

Relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, common values and interests.
For you the common interests might be laughing and having fun and for me it might be sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. So please don’t speak for others, speak only for yourself. Ok sweety
Also, your second last point. It’s pure sexism. Men don’t marry based on simple duty. A man wouldn’t marry a woman he wasn’t attracted to. Man too are loyal to their desires hence why a man would choose beauty over an unattractive woman his parents are pushing him to marry

If men were all loyal to their desires they would forgo marriage and all become sugar daddies of sorts, since variety is their favorite flavor they would have a new women each week.

only a very select men do that, that’s why Allah has promised men countless hural cayns in jannah and allowed them to marry 4 in the mean time.

again your just talking while making no sense!

. We women have always known you can’t buy or negotiate men’s desires, a man either wants you or he doesn’t and no amount of duty is going to make him love you, but due to you being a sexist hypocrite, you can’t see this and thus you’ve made it into a gender issue.

Copy and paste my argument mix it with a little bit of anti logic and throw it back in my face, how original of you.

I hope you make valid points next time, so we can have an interesting exchange. Because as things stand I feel like your short changing me on ideas, shame on you Angie my dear.
I took the time to detail the exact personality traits of the character Leo played, and you response is “personality is a concept shocking to you redpillers”

Do you even think before you write my dear?

This statement might be true for you and many others but it ain’t for everyone, so avoid speaking in absolutes.
It’s true for a good % of people.
Don’t waste time trying to psychoanalyze me, when you have already failed countless times.

Btw I’m not a teenager so I don’t have “friends”, I have acquaintances, colleagues and family by blood and by bond.
Thats insane behavior. Most normal well rounded people have friends and crave it. Humans are social creatures. You’re not anymore ‘Alpha’ because you think having friends is below you or childish.

Do you honestly think not having friends is ‘normal’?
This is where you project your female needs onto men, I mean what kind of a man seeks friendship with other men that can make him laugh. You should really examine your thoughts before you write them down.
Yes, men become friends with those that have in common with and have fun with as well. This is what I mean? Touch grass.
Relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, common values and interests.
For you the common interests might be laughing and having fun and for me it might be sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. So please don’t speak for others, speak only for yourself. Ok sweety
Again very one dimensional and black and white. When did I say that relationships aren’t based on trust? When did I say that all of what you mentioned isn’t important?

If men were all loyal to their desires they would forgo marriage
They can’t due to social and religious reason and because marriage benefits men more. Once they’re old and had all the ‘fun’
Who is going to cook and clean for them and raise their kids? Marriage as an institution benefits men just as much as women.

Being with multiple every week and changing partners means a man isn’t going to have a woman serving him.
That aspect of marriage is important to men.

I can’t believe you didn’t think of that.
Most bachelor men are lonelier then even single women and tend to die alone since men don’t look after each other the way women do. That’s why older men are rarely alone.

all become sugar daddies of sorts, since variety is their favorite flavor they would have a new women each week.
We are talking about desires in terms of choosing a spouse. Stick to the topic at hand.

Again using extremes and a silly one at that. When men choose to marry, they marry women they desire sexually. Am I lying? Yes or no?

We’re talking about desires in terms of choosing a marriage partner and not desires in general. The only way you can make an argument is by changing the whole point.

The facts still stands, men marry women based on their desire for her as well. A man isn’t going to marry a woman solely on duty.
only a very select men do that, that’s why Allah has promised men countless hural cayns in jannah and allowed them to marry 4 in the mean time.
Isn’t marrying 4 women based on desire as well?!! What a dumb man.
again your just talking while making no sense!
When a man marries, he marries a woman whom he finds beautiful. Also, in the Dunya a man can marry 4 women as well. So again, a very dumb point Wallahi.

At this point, you debate for the sake of it.

The same way, women want to marry a man they’re attracted to, so do men. You’re completely changing the whole question. Do men lot marry women they find attractive as well?

Copy and paste my argument mix it with a little bit of anti logic and throw it back in my face, how original of you.
You’re very silly. You’ve completely missed the whole point and starting waffling about how men desire multiple women despite the fact that in the dunya men can marry multiple women and when they do, they marry women whom they find attractive.

Unless you’re arguing men marry women they find ugly but marry to be charitable ect then be quiet.
I hope you make valid points next time, so we can have an interesting exchange. Because as things stand I feel like your short changing me on ideas, shame on you Angie my dear.
My points are very valid. You’ve shown that you’re a weirdo who thinks not having friendships makes him Alpha. Most normal well adjusted people have and want friendships. Humans are social creatures and not understanding this is why you’ll always struggle with romantic relationships as well.
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Key points:

-Men desire marriage as well and a lot of it is due to the stability it brings and the fact that men get someone looking after them. Studies show that married men live longer than single men and are indeed happier.

-Men rarely marry women they’re not attracted to or don’t like personality wise. Hence I’m at a loss as to why in terms of marriage you don’t understand that men base it also on desire as well. In fact, men marry more based on their desires than women do since men on average aren’t financially or socially dependent on women.

-Friendships aren’t based on age. This whole ‘I’m too cool for friends’ is a modern Western concept and it’s found amongst many young men which is why they’re lonelier and fall into redpill more and suicide rates are higher. Millennials and Gen Z have the least friends compared to the older generation.
There is nothing ‘traditional’ or manly about your take and it’s why many of you lot have mental health issues.

- Relationships are based on bonds and you’re right that people bond on different things. Fun, wit, passing knowledge but the overall important thing is that people enjoy each others company. If someone doesn’t even understand how friendships function, they’ll struggle with Romantic relationships as well.

Key points:

-Men desire marriage as well and a lot of it is due to the stability it brings and the fact that men get someone looking after them. Studies show that married men live longer than single men and are indeed happier.

certain men desire marriage not all, a man who can cook, clean and who isn’t motivated by lust, tends to be selective and that eliminates a huge chunk of the female population from his list of potential spouses.

-Men rarely marry women they’re not attracted to or don’t like personality wise. Hence I’m at a loss as to why in terms of marriage you don’t understand that men base it also on desire as well. In fact, men marry more based on their desires than women do since men on average aren’t financially or socially dependent on women.

Some men marry women whom they find physically attractive but who have no personality, while others marry women with great personalities but no looks.

More men marry for looks over personality out of lust and lack of options.

Women hold all the cards as far as mate selection goes and women almost never marry men they don’t desire.

-Friendships aren’t based on age. This whole ‘I’m too cool for friends’ is a modern Western concept and it’s found amongst many young men which is why they’re lonelier and fall into redpill more and suicide rates are higher. Millennials and Gen Z have the least friends compared to the older generation.
There is nothing ‘traditional’ or manly about your take and it’s why many of you lot have mental health issues.

I said family by bond that’s a level above friendship I think you missed that part!!

- Relationships are based on bonds and you’re right that people bond on different things. Fun, wit, passing knowledge but the overall important thing is that people enjoy each others company. If someone doesn’t even understand how friendships function, they’ll struggle with Romantic relationships as well.

people bond over many things and enjoyment means different things to different people, one groups preferences are not better then another just because one can relate.

Friendships and romantic relationships might share common themes, on the surface.

But they have completely different rules of play, one needs peace to work, where the other needs constant tension for intimacy.

relationships where lovers become friends desire usually dies, Somalis say “two lovers are neither friends nor enemies”.

To simultaneously hate and love your partner, is the secret to a great relationship, but it would destroy a friendship.

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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Personality doesn't matter in finding someone. You can have so many people wanting to be with you despite your shitty personality (but those people will have a shitty personality too). You see people with shitty personalities all the time with someone. The issue is having no personality which I believe reflects the plurality or majority of people. No one will want to be with you or someone whose personality is focused on material possessions instead of being able to connect with anyone.
certain men desire marriage not all, a man who can cook, clean and who isn’t motivated by lust, tends to be selective and that eliminates a huge chunk of the female population from his list of potential spouses
Kane, even the men who don’t desire marriage still desire a set up that’s akin to marriage. It’s a classic case of why buy the cow when you get the milk for free. Furthermore, women provide an emotional outlet for men they don’t get via friendships such as someone who cares for them when sick and old age ect. Hence why married men live longer.
Some men marry women whom they find physically attractive but who have no personality, while others marry women with great personalities but no looks.
I think the men who marry women they’re not personally attracted at all are a very small minority and even then those marriages benefit a man in some way and such a man might desire a woman that looks after him. That could be his main priority. It is hardly about duty.
More men marry for looks over personality out of lust and lack of options.

Women hold all the cards as far as mate selection goes and women almost never marry men they don’t desire.
Again, desire is still part of it. You said it yourself they’re marrying for lust.

I said family by bond that’s a level above friendship I think you missed that part!!
That’s still a friendship albeit a very deep one.
people bond over many things and enjoyment means different things to different people, one groups preferences are not better then another just because one can relate.

Friendships and romantic relationships might share common themes, on the surface.

But they have completely different rules of play, one needs peace to work, where the other needs constant tension for intimacy.

relationships where lovers become friends desire usually dies, Somalis say “two lovers are neither friends nor enemies”.
I like to listen to people who’ve been married for 50 yrs and most will tell you there is a level of friendship. I look at my grandparents and other elderly people I know who’ve had successful marriages spanning half a century. They’re friends. The thing is after 20 yrs, the excitement and passion will die and what’s left is deep love and friendship and respect.
To simultaneously hate and love your partner, is the secret to a great relationship, but it would destroy a friendship.
That’s the most strangest thing I’ve read. Care to expand?
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Personality doesn't matter in finding someone. You can have so many people wanting to be with you despite your shitty personality (but those people will have a shitty personality too). You see people with shitty personalities all the time with someone. The issue is having no personality which I believe reflects the plurality or majority of people. No one will want to be with you or someone whose personality is focused on material possessions instead of being able to connect with anyone.
Most people reading this might find it a weird and wacky take, but I totally see where you’re coming and it’s an interesting take but I see it more with friendships. The older I become the more I realize that unfortunately for humans being boring is a capital offense more so than being terrible. Terrible people are at least memorable. It reminds me of this saying.

‘Perhaps the world's second-worst crime is boredom; the first is being a bore’.

The thing is many people with ‘bad personalities’ tend to in the beginning have charisma and charm and are somewhat entertaining. Someone with no personality won’t be able to attract people as they’re boring and very forgettable.

I see very rude, y judgmental and unreliable and just downright terrible people with a big group of friends. But what is it about them that attracts people? Confidence and being fun. However, whether people with bad characteristics can maintain friendships and relationships is another topic all together. Hence I do see where you’re coming from, but I reckon that whilst these people can find husbands and wives easily, they’re probably the people with the highest divorce rates. After a while the charm wears of and then the spouse is left with the reality their choice. Ultimately, no one wants a horrible person.
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The most misunderstood man in here.
Randomly watching Youtube clips of the '97 classic Titanic, only to realise the comments are always full of Incels saying "Rose is for the streets" or "why didn't she think about her 50 year marriage instead of some guy she banged on a ship " :mjlol:

Examples :

View attachment 333044

Is this film some sort of weird case study for incels I'm not getting?
F rose she killed my nigga Jack rip. She had enough space for two this selfish .


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Most people reading this might find it a weird and wacky take, but I totally see where you’re coming and it’s an interesting take but I see it more with friendships. The older I become the more I realize that unfortunately for humans being boring is a capital offense more so than being terrible. Terrible people are at least memorable. It reminds me of this saying.

‘Perhaps the world's second-worst crime is boredom; the first is being a bore’.

The thing is many people with ‘bad personalities’ tend to in the beginning have charisma and charm and are somewhat entertaining. Someone with no personality won’t be able to attract people as they’re boring and very forgettable.

I see very rude, y judgmental and unreliable and just downright terrible people with a big group of friends. But what is it about them that attracts people? Confidence and being fun. However, whether people with bad characteristics can maintain friendships and relationships is another topic all together. Hence I do see where you’re coming from, but I reckon that whilst these people can find husbands and wives easily, they’re probably the people with the highest divorce rates. After a while the charm wears of and then the spouse is left with the reality their choice. Ultimately, no one wants a horrible person.

I have known a terrible person since I was in high school. He's a huge narcissist and reaches out to my mother and siblings to get a hold of me (no boundaries whatsoever). He uses his charisma and charm and bubbly personality on them (Somali fluency, talking about deenta, Somalia, asking questions about them especially about the past, etc). Most people have cut this person off by the way and I have realized he has started to change. I think there's hope for these kinds of people.
I have known a terrible person since I was in high school. He's a huge narcissist and reaches out to my mother and siblings to get a hold of me (no boundaries whatsoever). He uses his charisma and charm and bubbly personality on them (Somali fluency, talking about deenta, Somalia, asking questions about them especially about the past, etc). Most people have cut this person off by the way and I have realized he has started to change. I think there's hope for these kinds of people.
Being charming and charismatic is a super power. How do you think evil people like Hitler were able to get millions of followers?

Your story doesn’t surprise me and I can imagine that narc man you’re talking about doesn’t find it hard making friends right?


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Being charming and charismatic is a super power. How do you think evil people like Hitler were able to get millions of followers?

Your story doesn’t surprise me and I can imagine that narc man you’re talking about doesn’t find it hard making friends right?

It was very easy for him to make friends. Less so now since he's gotten older but I would say he makes a lot of acquaintances now. You usually can't even cut off a narc if you wanted to. He's the reason why I am very careful who I let in my life now and appear mysterious. I can tell within seconds if I'm dealing with a narcissist and immediately put up walls.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
They are broke. Today generation know the value of money because they are broke. A rich 50 year old is yummy to them


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