Why is there so much crime in Sweden? 10 years ago it had the lowest gun crime in Europe so what changed?


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Vems fel är det egentligen? Jag är själv trött på att folk alltid ska skylla allt på staten och regeringen. Vi har själv ansvar att uppforstra våra barn och se till att de inte hamnar snett. Tyvärr har en stor del utav oss en offerkofta och skyller på alla förutom oss själva.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
majority of criminals are native Swedes or balkanites.


It's a bit dishonest to say that. We always look at crime in relation to population size hence crime 'rate'. Sweden tries it's best to obscure data in relation to crime and ethnicity but you can look at the neighbouring Scandinavian countries as a pretty accurate proxy and the numbers don't look positive.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Somalis love to lie to themselves. It is better that we acknowledge our problem and then try to improve ourselves as a people instead of saying that others are worse or that it's the government's fault.


I have a better solution, they should only allow young children and women as refugees. The West biggest mistake was allowing middle aged men with their own strict beliefs and ideologies that clashes with Western ones in to their land. Young children and women are the most vulnerable in war, they suffer the most whereas men are the ones who both contribute and can stop war or corruption in a nation.
I think only children under 14. They can be molded into western cheerleaders.
singls parents or our-of-home care in teen years usually result in early death, low level education, involvement in crime.



Forza Somalia!
We all know why it's happening but we can't talk about it. We have to be politically correct. The Swedes have only themselves to blame for being leftist retards. It's seem like their fake right-wing government hasn't done shit.

Why you speaking like white male american? War hadal yaa ku qabsanaya?


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Vems fel är det egentligen? Jag är själv trött på att folk alltid ska skylla allt på staten och regeringen. Vi har själv ansvar att uppforstra våra barn och se till att de inte hamnar snett. Tyvärr har en stor del utav oss en offerkofta och skyller på alla förutom oss själva.
Brottslighet orsakas av något av följande: Lågt IQ, dysgen kultur och brist på familjestruktur. Nu tror jag inte på att IQ och genetik är korrelerade så somalisk brottslighet måste vara en konsekvens av de andra två.
are u cadaan? why speak like 4chan sxb, look at why this happening in the first place before calaacaling
These people are idiots, they believe the white supremacist rethoric that Sweden is now full of crime ridden no-go zones because of migration as if it isn't one of the safest countries on earth, safer than the north american countries they live in.
The myth of no go-zones has been long debunked but white supremacists and their somali lackeys here still bring this up non stop.
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These people are idiots, they believe the white supremacist rethoric that Sweden is now full of crime ridden no-go zones because of migration as if it isn't one of the safest countries on earth, safer than the north american shitholes they live in.
The myth of no go-zones has been long debunked but white supremacists and their somali lackeys here still bring this up non stop.
Ogadeen Mujahiid disproving these lamagoodle coons 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿