Why people in somalia don't eat seafood?

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We sit on the longest coast in Africa for god's sake. Fish is the only seafood we consume and that's only in certain parts around mudug. What's up with that? How come we don't ever eat other seafood like shellfish, clams, other types of fishes, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters and etcc? Are these not found in Somalia/land? I am pretty sure we have them. For example, oysters are easy to harvest and with all the beaches we have got, I am sure they are all around. We need to promote seafood in somalia because it's very healthy diet and not to mention, the economy would benefit from these, and we'd have a lot less hungry people. we're too reliant on this canjero, bariis and pasto diet.
They say it's for poor people. Also, chicken and beef is for poor people.

The fish I had in Somalia was the most delicious I ever had.
I've noticed that too, our diet doesn't fully reflect the abundant seafood there is along Somalia's coastline.

Mediterranean peoples like Italians, Greeks and the Spaniards have a diet that largely consists of seafood and they live very long healthy lives.
I think because of (wuswus or wiswaas).
And we just dont Somali people rather eat meat than fish.
I think this is it because seafood doesn't really look that welcoming. Some somalis hate fish, now imagine them being told to eat clams. It wouldn't go well.


Have you tried lobster & crab though?...
That shit tastes amazing sxb.
Yep, people also told me calamari, maki etc. tasted amazing and I didn't like any of them. I can only f*ck w/ salmon and John West canned tuna. I guess I'm just weird like that lol


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
In Puntland fish is popular, its served at most hotels but the more inland you are the more expensive it is to get fresh fish.

You can buy canned tuna as well in Somalia laakin many diaspora have wiswaas about it.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Fish is popular in my ancestral region and a primary aspect of our diet. It explains a lot tbh. #NotAllSomalis :manny:
It is said that PLers are the smartest Somalis bar none and it could be due to our nutrition. We eat more fish than your average Somali.

You'll find a lot of coastal communities in Bari compared to other regions.
i just had a canned tuna and every friday,mom cooks fish to eat with pasta,it is fking delicious..it is custom inherited from my great ancestors.those in coastal cities do eat fish but it is expensive else where.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I thought Fish and Chicken is pricey which is why most dont eat it on a daily basis

Anyways Shrimp and lobsters

i just had a canned tuna and every friday,mom cooks fish to eat with pasta,it is fking delicious..it is custom inherited from my great ancestors.those in coastal cities do eat fish but it is expensive else where.
Seafood isn't just fish tho. I don't think most somalis would find other forms of seafood tasty. I can only imagine a somali being told to eat a raw oyster.:mjlol:


cismaan maxamuud
If you eat what a normal somali does (meat and milk) you'd live very long infact somalis in ancient times were known to live for an average lifespan of 140 and we're also giants. Wallahi billah this is why I hate baasto
i think that's pretty accurate,i'm from the mainland bari far away from the coast,i think my ancestors solely survived on a nomadic diet of meat and milk and consequently many of my recent ancestors have surpassed 100 or reached 100
In the south back in the day, octopuses were quite popular along with shrimps/swordfish/sharks/lobsters/crabs.

With such a long coastline, it's pretty silly that somalis are starving at this day in age. May allah alleviate the pains our people are facing, amiin
we have got to promote it somehow sxb. Not so many people would die from roob la'aan or droughts and crops not growing and all that water related stuff. Between the cattle, crops, and the seafood; hunger could be combated pretty successfully if we honestly tried.
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