Why people in somalia don't eat seafood?

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Indeed brother, the three blessed resources we have is arable lands, coastline and abundance of livestock. With those three well managed, plus somalis setting aside cuqdad hatred, we won't need to be further humiliated in terms of starvation. It's a shame that our blessed lands in the south is home to terror and our rivers all hail from our neighbours (jubba/shabelle) who are damming it as we speak/ Somalis inhabit the most lands of any ethnic group in Horn of africa yet we have to fail to utilise and take advantage of this blessing. We need to dam the rivers from the seasonal river Toghdeer in the north to install drip irrigation throughout the nation to maximise our yield. Drought resistant crops such as pearl millet/sorghum should be planted throughout the north/central regions aswell.

Don't let the internet fool you, the droughts in the north has made the affected head to neighbouring puntland/galmudug, Hirshabelle and DDSI (galbeed). It's mainly the qurbajoog who are most toxic, the folks back home are simply tired (referring to the locals and not the corrupt ministers/politician).

We need to be strong in our faith, culture and in terms of brotherhood, we should pass this hurdle in sha allah.

We are currently battling against foreigners, ourselves and climate change.
Very true bro. The resources are abundant and very diverse and to top it all, we have got a nation of mere 10million people. It should be moderately easy to beat starvation wallahi. If we introduce more seafood into our a diet, that should take care of some problems. Irrigation systems and storage of rain water would also be another solution like you pointed out. How can the people there die of floods in rainy seasons and droughts in summers? The solutions are there but I reckon we are very lazy group of people. It'll start at the family level and a big reformation of our culture would solve a lot of these problems.
It's quite embarrassing when foreigners are telling Somalis to take advantage of their coastline and to eat it's seafood.Also somalis follow the shafi'i school so everything is halal. Another shame is that Somalis can barely protect their maritime waters and that foreigners as far as Belize stealing our resources. Unless somalis get their shit together, this humiliation will not be ending anytime soon.
sxb how can they protect our waters if they don't deem what's in it valuable? First we must realize that our seas are very important to us, then we would probably protect it. On top of what you mentioned, a lot of westerners dump nuclear waste there compromising plenty of fish, lobsters and shrimps. The trick would be to convince somalis that they can look to the se for food.


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It's delicious really. You just need to prepare it right. If you don't like it it's because whoever cooked it didn't do it right.

Istagfurullah hasana.

Shit is disgusting no matter what you do to it. Imma keep eating my red meat tho

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