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Self imposed exile
Islam was never the problem. It's Somalis forgoing their culture for Arabism for whatever historical reasons.

We didn't even feel the need to create our own writing script after a millennia of being exposed to the Arabic script.

You guys going about it the wrong way.

Insulting strongly held beliefs won't change anything in Somalia.

Try telling African Americans Christians that they all religiously follow a doctrine that didn't accept them just half a century ago.
The irony of this dumb crowd is amazing as well as their limited obtuse logic.

They are always quick to point out that Islam = Arabism

Then champions atheism which is a belief system produced and championed by White Europeans

Those same Europeans their forefathers successfully fought countless of times while they never even once clashed with the Arabs, in fact the Arabs came to our aid fighting white European imperialist under the Ottomans due to Islamnimo.

These are the kinds of people that will sell their own mothers, sisters, daughters to the colonialist for money, these Europhile atheists are by far the dumbest crowds on this site, a bunch of spineless conformist quacks.

You could argue the same thing about hardline Somali salafis that adopt all things Arab and masquerade it as sunnah. You've exhibited tier 1 Arab bootyclapping already with the historically inaccurate account of arabs coming to our rescue. lol you've conveniently missed out the fact that the yemenis helped soviet Ethiopia in 79. There hasn't been a true ummah for a while and Arabs only interfere in Somali affairs if there's significant politics/self interest at play. You my friend are steeped in hypocrisy. However you're right Islamism does not equate to Arabism but to slate Europeans and revere arabs in an angelic light is erronous on so many levels.


That one dude with the prosthetic arm.
I don't see what the fuss is if we weren't Muslims we would be christians etc. some other religion would have taken the spot. Even if we was atheist it wouldn't mean shit look at a lot of East Asian cultures and Scandinavian countries who are mostly atheist they're still weirdos.

And yet the same places you talk about have scored full marks for stability, healthcare and highly across culture and enviroment, infrastructure and education.
You could argue the same thing about hardline Somali salafis that adopt all things Arab and masquerade it as sunnah. You've exhibited tier 1 Arab bootyclapping already with the historically inaccurate account of arabs coming to our rescue. lol you've conveniently missed out the fact that the yemenis helped soviet Ethiopia in 79. There hasn't been a true ummah for a while and Arabs only interfere in Somali affairs if there's significant politics/self interest at play. You my friend are steeped in hypocrisy. However you're right Islamism does not equate to Arabism but to slate Europeans and revere arabs in an angelic light is erronous on so many levels.
@Inquisitive_ made a point, the problem is that that the main misconception is that westernatstion is modernisation. Although Yemen had to help Mengistu Ethiopia in 1979 may be hypocrisy during this they were two Yemen's one Soviet the other democractic. South Yemen had to help his brother Soviet Ethiopia against Somalia, because Somalia defected from Soviets and sided with Jimmy Carter.

Don't be suprised in the 70s, 80s and 90s the muslim workd was filled with dictators influenced by either socialisim, facisim or something.

Look at Iraq, saddam hussein was influenced by facisim because he cared about arabs. That's why in 1980's he invaded iran with anerican help to regain the ahwaz because the presucution they were going through because of being Arab. His economy became so bad due to the amount they spent on war.

Doesn't that sound similar to siyaad barre Ogaden invasion.

Gaddafi, the long regining dictator of the muslim world. Believed in afrocentricism, he wabted to make Africa fully independent from other powers that why he made the African Union. America seen him as a obstacle against they're ideas. They tried every way to stop him and then they funded his people to go kill him to stop becoming the wealthest african country. Libya was Africa's wealthest country and is pretty wealthy 1 dinar = 73 Us cents.

Islam is not made for only Arabs rather

And We have not sent down the Book (the Qur’aan) to you (O Muhammad, except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a folk who believe”

[al-Nahl 16:64]

“(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad) in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief in the Oneness of Allaah and Islâmic Monotheism) by their Lord’s Leave to the path of the All Mighty, the Owner of all praise”

[Ibraaheem 14:1]
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