Why Somaliland should never recieve recognition

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Bored to death
AMISOM benefits from a UN logistical support package, bilateral donations, and voluntary contributions to UN managed Trust Fund in Support of AMISOM. The European Union (EU) provides the resources needed for the payment of troop allowances and other related expenses, within the framework of the African Peace Facility (APF).


Leave that conspiracy stuff alone.


No it isn't.

Somalia is not able to get any imf loans until we pay off the debt. The bulk of which was from the kacaan.
Not really the debt at 1991 was 1.5 billion today is 3 billion something is up. The debt siyaad barre had were mainly for weapons:rolleyes:
The next 1.5 billion no one knows how it accumulated:confused:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Somliland is in all honesty a clanist issue (It should more honestly be renamed "Isaaqland" because we all know the Dir to the west and Harti to the east give no real shits for this independence crap, the only chaps who truly care live here and here) so I give no shits for it but I don't blame them for being so averse toward the southern "government" (or that parody of a government).

Somalia has been a complete joke since the civil war and I can understand not wanting to be held hostage by the never changing south however Somaliland being granted independence is pointless. What will we get? Yet another useless non-secular and Islamic state wrought with its own set of secessionist issues (here and here) and no true democracy. Mashallah.
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