Why support a "United Somalia"?

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There’s no hatred between Somalis only those who hate RSL either want clan unity (Darood nationalists) , jealous of RSL(Pewnanis) or want to keep a monopoly in the HOA( some DJB) and the dumbos who can’t differentiate between ethnicity and nationality .
The bolded part is fabricated and doesnt hold any weight in History. The SNM were fighting and regrouping from their anscetrol land in the hawd. Their funding was solely from the Isaaq community around the world. Ironically you talk about collusion, Siad barre colluded with Mengistu and Signed over Somali Republics rights to the "Ogaden" Somali Galbeed region so he can cripple the SNM. He lost the war, and out of his power hungry struggle to keep the seat forever sealed the fate of Somali Galbeed to be an Ethiopian region. This is real history, penned in books and not the nonsensical ramblings of rabid tribalists

My guy, no one in his right mind will ever want to unite with Somalia. We already saw what a united Somali Republic looked like, there's no need to repeat mistakes looking for a different result
This guy defensing SNM is claiming Dhulbahante :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ:@Starscream @World @Karim
And he insults Siad Barre. I have never once seen a member of MOD insult Siad Barre. What's next? Insulting the Mad Mullah?
He said that before :mjlol:
We heard " majority of the north would've been gaal if it wasnt for the sayid" and "we would've all been slaves". Logic asks, since the majority did opposed the Sayid, then why weren't the majority Gaal or slaves during his campaign or after his defeat:pachah1:

This is what happens when history and logic challenges the two types of irrational Somalis "Siyaadists" and "Sayidists":dead:
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Anyone with a brain knows this dude is not dhulbahante


Why do people pretend to be from other clans? How insecure does someone have to be to do that? It’s not like everyone doesn’t know what they are it’s just so cringe....

He’s just embarrassing his real clan.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Wallahi i will never recognize Somaliland until Puntland, Jubbaland , Koonfuria and Galmudug are recognized as Independent States.


Reformation of Somaliland
Ninyahow didn't u die in big jihaa in 2012:farmajoyaab: how many ruux does this pitch poy have:faysalwtf:

You know what's funny bro allot these haters they're easily willing to believe "Mercury" who says he's "Isaaq" & Anti-SL but not willing to accept any Dhulbahante for being Pro-SL.
You know what's funny bro allot these haters they're easily willing to believe "Mercury" who says he's "Isaaq" & Anti-SL but not willing to accept any Dhulbahante for being Pro-SL.

They're soomaalidiid zaaxip. They will say they love Somalis but support the successive governments who did what I listed in op, all out of qabyaalad hidden behind false nationalistic. Waa munaafqiin aanba ilaahayba garanayn:susp:
Bal eeg xita no one can even challenged my post:drakewtf:
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