Why the rise of competitiveness, arrogance and humbling others in the diaspora?


What is with this new culture where both men and women go around trying to humble each other. It's not your JOB. Leave it Allah swt. It is very arrogant to go and do that even if the person is arrogant. If someone is arrogant about their education, guess what? They will either get over it, or get over it when they retire. Arrogant about looks? Father time will do the job. Arrogant about deen, money, status ect. all of it will end.

I noticed this nonsense online with some Somalis doing it to each other. I had a ex-friend who would do this and when I asked her why, she said because she didn't want to kiss the person's ass or bow down to them. I told her the option of being indifferent was an option. She was confused. This girl would go around telling more attractive woman (she was pretty but average pretty) that another attractive woman was better looking. If someone was more educated than her she would compliment someone with higher degree/career or a better College program. Has anyone met someone like this? Now looking back I think this ex-friend had to have been very arrogant to do this to other people. Granted sometimes the girls she did it to were cocky girls but sometimes it was girls who just were good looking. To this day I don't know why this person was like this. I know some Somali girls can be very competitive but this was next level and this same girl was very kind and supportive to non-Somalis friends of ours. Anyways, she was bullied badly but I didn't know her back then only heard about it.

Now I see the same thing online with Somali men or women (online you never know) calling others blm halimo if the girl is educated. Like I seen people target educated Somali girls. It so selfish and emotionally unintelligent, again I am not saying you should root for them or support them because they are Somali but can't you ignore them?? Like why? And I noticed Somali fobs don't do this neither do Somalis back home, its the diaspora. Why would you copy the racist trope the far right just to drag your own people? And the sad part is these same dudes and girls deep down know they want their daughters to be like that. This one Somali dude called the girls in America HOES and married a Somali girl back home (which I support), this same dude had 2 daughters and I asked him if he would want guys his age to say his daughters are hoes. How the f*ck is it our fault we were born in North America or Europe? AND why should we be punished for pursuing education when that is what our parents wanted. I don't get why our culture can be so hasid? I'm convinced they have adopted the Arab culture of treating women like slaves.

Whats embarrassing is how much they drag Ilhan Omar. I get the people in her riding, but Somalis in Somaliland even dragging her for what? You think she is the UN and can make a nation. Also she is "faquesh" to them so why/bed/demand the same "faquesh" to establish your nation. This is so embarrassing because you see Zionist pushing hate on her because they hate Somalis. I seen non-Somalis in America tell me that they think she is brave. You see all these other groups now running for elections because they seen her do it. Show me any other Muslim/Arab WITH THEIR HIJABS on like her. I dgaf if she doesn't wear it the right way, or even her poltics (that's another story). I do think she is too liberal but where was the smoke for Ahmed Hussein when he did this:


Anyways the hasidness imo applies to both genders and may even be worse with the men since they are killing each other. But what is the root of this behaviour. I have a new theory that poor nutrition causes cognitive issues. The ex-friend I was talking about might be autistic and might explain the odd behaviour. This short sighted culture that is very narcissistic might also be linked to emotional retardation, autism, adhd etc. Which is high in nomadic tribes. They hyper aggressiveness coming from camel herding, famine, and tribal wars for survival could be still in our minds. I just cannot accept it anymore and would rather be isolated than be around these people but I see it online too.

Also I should mention a lot Somalis mimic and mirror each other will marry around the same time, pick similar careers as their friends and compete. Their mothers even egg this on. Again that might be autism again, since mirrorring is in autism. What do you guys think?

For me all this has reaffirmed that the diaspora take on these attributes we had back home and applied it here. It is more toxic and odd here than back home. The anti-social, competitive, hot tempered nomad just comes off weird in this social climbing/networking, passive aggressive, fake nice, individualistic culture in the West. I cannot adapt either but I am not emotionally retarded though.

Am I the only one who sees this or has experienced with this?


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Soomaaliga ah hadduu hal qof yahay waa caqli badan yahay, laba qof wa dood, saddex qof wa mushqiilo, afarna way foodo.

Just like the true nature of a nomad, our greatness is in solitude.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
The reality is it is qabyaalad masked as just hating. The hypocrisy is if they had someone like that they would be ignoring all those same issues that they repeatedly bring up.
The reality is it is qabyaalad masked as just hating. The hypocrisy is if they had someone like that they would be ignoring all those same issues that they repeatedly bring up.
You think so? I noticed qabil when it comes to marriage is a major factor even in the diaspora lol. I realized this when it came to marriage, even in my own family. They would deter me if the guy isn't same tribe but if he is they would overlook things they would nitpick the other. But with friendship no way.

I do think this specific friend might have been mimicking her mother because her mother would praise me to my face. So perhaps she wanted to mirror me. It was weird, she got married a few weeks after me with a guy she barely knew. Same career, same everything. And should would say it, like I plan to do "this" same thing you did. And if I would question why she would accuse me of trying to block her success. Mind you when I would be attaining it, she would hate and then suddenly it is great when she wants it. Example: I wanted to move to the Qatar or Saudi Arabia (I work as a Nurse) she would then say it overrated and useless, then she says a few months after she gets into the same Masters in Nursing program that now she wants to go to the middle east. I wanted to because it pays better than here but why does she want to all of a sudden? It drove me nuts, and we were friend since I was 15.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
I am super guilty of doing this.

If it's a bad man, I humble them by showing my dominance and ruthlessness at shaqo. I will never take a non-boss role ever again. It feels really good to have power and to use it punishing bad people.

I also like to humble women with low emotional intelligence who show interest in me. It's happened so many times.

I am super guilty of doing this.

If it's a bad man, I humble them by showing my dominance and ruthlessness at shaqo. I will never take a non-boss role ever again. It feels really good to have power and to use it punishing bad people.

I also like to humble women with low emotional intelligence who show interest in me. It's happened so many times.

Thank you for giving a productive response. With men do you have to do that to survive?? That makes sense to do that so you won't get disrespected or treated badly.

LMAO at the second point. Would you do that with your wife? Would you like to lower her self-esteem and what if she is already humble or already has low self-esteem?


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