So now that you care about puntland citizens will you stop referring to them as Bermuda Triangle?Your post made me laugh, horta don't take fadhi ku dirir serious dude, we are all related one way or another, what sows discords are the elitist on all sides and the dumb dupes that fight for their causes.
It's like those people marching against Trump no idea what they are marching about, or those hoarded on busses for the Arab spring or other Western colour revolutions, duped into serving the agenda of others.
In the end none of them care about the people, neither does Gaas nor the now deposed Guleed, this current deal screws the people of P/land no one else and it makes the elites richer and the citizens poorer, no one else is suffering, they have hatched this plot for their own benefits.
So yes the report I am writing compiling all the names of their elitists to apply this pressure I see as helping other Somali's, because if I ignore this and think let them rot, those elitist will get richer and the ramifications in the end will hurt us all in many ways.
As long as you don't set up isbaaro & wear a suicide bomb and blow yourself up into smithereens we good after all security comes before wealth on the government agenda whereas in south mudug it's like 50 cents get rich or die trying isbaaro iyo suicide belt, hawiye are like yajuuj iyo majuuj you know nothing except pillaging raping iyo terrorism.