Why was this picture controversial 10 years ago?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The worst reputation of Obamas era was the Libya controversy. That man single handedly destroyed the very country that could’ve been the face of Africas future running economy. Same thing with Bush and Saddam controversy. They keep meddling on MENA issues. This is the biggest issues I have with the west and their hypocrisy.


they're all zionists, all the same in foreign policy. Bush, Obama, Trump... ppl should forget the differences they have on the surface and realize they're actually the same...

also, just to be fair- I seriously hate Obama because I think he had a big role in creating this extreme sjw cultural marxist takeover of western culture. ppl were happier and more normal before Obama... oh yeah but... just to be fair- for those Obama sympathizers who support him for the same reason Riley Freeman cited.... if I had to choose, I would choose Obama over Trump or Bush in a heartbeat...

domestically, Bush was not all that bad though (besides the mass surveillance/police state apparatus he helped build)... the US was a more conservative, Christian country... rather than aggressively anti all religion like it is today

another thing I want to mention is that if you give leftists what they want, they will be miserable... bcuz the story from Bush to Obama to now in the West... is the story of leftists winning and now the society in general including the leftists are much miserable than they were pre-Obama...

I am not a zoomer where the first president I remember is Obama... I remember very well when 9/11 happened when I was in elementary, I remember all that era... and I write all this out because I want ppl to know how things were

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Obama's second term is when he legalized same sex marriage. That is exactly when the left went to shit.

This times a million. One hundred percent. I remember.

I remember how leftism went super mega extreme with Obama's second term. I remember when Obama was first elected.

I was cheering and celebrating when Obama first won the election. Back in 2008, the younger me was on the Obama train. I was genuinely excited about Obama.

It's not like Obama was elected and I was a conservative hating on Obama and looking for talking points against him. I was pro-Obama.

but when Obama's second-term happened... that is when leftists really started to alienate me and when they started going way too far and I got really uncomfortable with what I was seeing from them. now they're more extreme, their stance is just keep going more extreme and eventually I think they'll have to pay for how far they've gone.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This times a million. One hundred percent. I remember.

I remember how leftism went super mega extreme with Obama's second term. I remember when Obama was first elected.

I was cheering and celebrating when Obama first won the election. Back in 2008, the younger me was on the Obama train. I was genuinely excited about Obama.

It's not like Obama was elected and I was a conservative hating on Obama and looking for talking points against him. I was pro-Obama.

but when Obama's second-term happened... that is when leftists really started to alienate me and when they started going way too far and I got really uncomfortable with what I was seeing from them. now they're more extreme, their stance is just keep going more extreme and eventually I think they'll have to pay for how far they've gone.

another thing that really bothers me is how leftists and leftism... they don't have some agreed-upon endpoint of what they want if they have their way and they can't just hand you the blueprint- "ok, this is what we want". instead they give you vague slogans. EQUALITY. things like that.

whereas myself.... I believe in the shariah... I have things I would like to be implemented as well but... anyone who would like to know about the shariah, there's plenty of books and material they can read to learn about the shariah... if I took power tomorrow, people could pretty much know what to expect... they might cry to the UN when I start implementing hudood and outlaw lgbt and arresting witches... ok but... anyone who wants can know what it is I would want to implement, it's laid out, there's plenty of resources and I'd be happy to go into specific detail as to how I interpret the shariah... whereas with leftists- they just let it be a surprise... they can't be open, upfront and transparent about their aims and objectives... if they were honest they'd have to say "we are out to push an agenda against religion, in favor of eliminating the family, in favor of eliminating nations for the sake of global tyranny (run by yhd)"... they can't be upfront about what they're about so they hide behind vague and deceptive slogans without being specific and clear as to their aims.
another thing that really bothers me is how leftists and leftism... they don't have some agreed-upon endpoint of what they want if they have their way and they can't just hand you the blueprint- "ok, this is what we want". instead they give you vague slogans. EQUALITY. things like that.

whereas myself.... I believe in the shariah... I have things I would like to be implemented as well but... anyone who would like to know about the shariah, there's plenty of books and material they can read to learn about the shariah... if I took power tomorrow, people could pretty much know what to expect... they might cry to the UN when I start implementing hudood and outlaw lgbt and arresting witches... ok but... anyone who wants can know what it is I would want to implement, it's laid out, there's plenty of resources and I'd be happy to go into specific detail as to how I interpret the shariah... whereas with leftists- they just let it be a surprise... they can't be open, upfront and transparent about their aims and objectives... if they were honest they'd have to say "we are out to push an agenda against religion, in favor of eliminating the family, in favor of eliminating nations for the sake of global tyranny (run by yhd)"... they can't be upfront about what they're about so they hide behind vague and deceptive slogans without being specific and clear as to their aims.
The extreme leftists have no end goal. They just want nothing but chaos for everyone. Honestly what can you expect from people who champion men sleeping with men? Listening and giving into their demands is 70% of the reason why this world is messed up. Even some the far right wouldn't have been this extreme if things were normal. They now push their stupid ideologies to combat the extreme and now common leftists. The biggest way to solve this is to dismantle the qaniis community.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The extreme leftists have no end goal. They just want nothing but chaos for everyone. Honestly what can you expect from people who champion men sleeping with men? Listening and giving into their demands is 70% of the reason why this world is messed up. Even some the far right wouldn't have been this extreme if things were normal. They now push their stupid ideologies to combat the extreme and now common leftists. The biggest way to solve this is to dismantle the qaniis community.

Let me get all the feminist women and the spineless men who support them- let me get them out of the way. I am not against women. Let women do whatever they want that isn't against Islam.

But we have this massive weaponization of random women who don't know anything about politics being pushed into this apparatus of leftism. They might genuinely have no idea that they are feeding into an anti-religious agenda or maybe they're truly that evil.

By nature, women simply are not into politics like us men. And I'm not saying we should prevent them from learning about it. If some woman wants to learn about and follow politics, I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I'm not against that.

But any person- go talk to your dad about politics and see how animated it gets- and then go talk to women in your family about politics and notice how they scratch their head and sort of look and sound confused.

There may be some genius woman who genuinely gets politics and genuinely has some interesting things to say on the topic.

But there are vast, huge numbers of women who know nothing about politics- and then instead of simply staying out of it, now there is this push to politicize random women who don't know about politics and recruit them into this giant army for leftism.

I am telling you it is an army of liberal white women and their allies who are like the force field protecting leftist degeneracy. Who is it sending their kids to drag queen story hour? who is it okaying their kids to be trannies?

I am telling u it is liberal white women. and their buddies.

get them out the way and we could start combatting the degeneracy. but they stand in the way and then they want to cry "but we're women, you can't attack us". so they want to get into politics and then be off limits to attack when they push nonsense.
Let me get all the feminist women and the spineless men who support them- let me get them out of the way. I am not against women. Let women do whatever they want that isn't against Islam.

But we have this massive weaponization of random women who don't know anything about politics being pushed into this apparatus of leftism. They might genuinely have no idea that they are feeding into an anti-religious agenda or maybe they're truly that evil.

By nature, women simply are not into politics like us men. And I'm not saying we should prevent them from learning about it. If some woman wants to learn about and follow politics, I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I'm not against that.

But any person- go talk to your dad about politics and see how animated it gets- and then go talk to women in your family about politics and notice how they scratch their head and sort of look and sound confused.

There may be some genius woman who genuinely gets politics and genuinely has some interesting things to say on the topic.

But there are vast, huge numbers of women who know nothing about politics- and then instead of simply staying out of it, now there is this push to politicize random women who don't know about politics and recruit them into this giant army for leftism.

I am telling you it is an army of liberal white women and their allies who are like the force field protecting leftist degeneracy. Who is it sending their kids to drag queen story hour? who is it okaying their kids to be trannies?

I am telling u it is liberal white women. and their buddies.

get them out the way and we could start combatting the degeneracy. but they stand in the way and then they want to cry "but we're women, you can't attack us". so they want to get into politics and then be off limits to attack when they push nonsense.
Especially with liberal cadaan women I've noticed a lot of them have made it their identity to fight against oppression. That's good and all but they are the ones that continue to vote for people they are against because they love their whole identity of getting protests together and making themselves known through that. Look at any election results through the US and a lot of cadaan women will vote against their candidates that they support why? If they do and their candidate wins there is a big chance that their whole identity of fighting goes away because their candidate might actually help. They don't want that to be taken from them so they make sure to vote for their oppression. What makes it funny in the democratic party a lot of the blame if they fail goes to madow men even though they vote majority democrat unlike cadaan women they get the blame. Madow women, latinas, and the qaniis group jump them like they're the main reason why their candidate lost. Cadaan women got this shit on lock down. If just this group was out of the way in political discussions everything would be a lot better.
The worst reputation of Obamas era was the Libya controversy. That man single handedly destroyed the very country that could’ve been the face of Africas future running economy. Same thing with Bush and Saddam controversy. They keep meddling on MENA issues. This is the biggest issues I have with the west and their hypocrisy.


Imo that's why he was elected.
To pacify minority demographics stateside & using blackface to neuter Libya while having plausible deniability.

This is why a Kamala presidency would be dangerous.. they'd use the same playbook with her.

Dark faces doing yt bidding because yt faces aren't clean. Dirty world we live in.
The guy breathed and there was a controversy lol :deadpeter:
That Obama was like Abraham Lincoln to the Qanis he freed them and majority of American did not want that:liberaltears:. A lot of people suspected he was Qanis him self, but you can tell a lot about a man by the way he sucks his carton on fags :whew:


