Why why why did this hooyo allow Toronto star 2 use her as the face of poverty

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Accept an L, for what? Are you shaming individuals for experiencing poverty, or is this a PR issue for you because the woman is Somali?


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Accept an L, for what? Are you shaming individuals for experiencing poverty, or is this a PR issue for you because the woman is Somali?

No ! We are not the only people in poverty so why allow them to take a pic


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
No ! We are not the only people in poverty so why allow them to take a pic

We know that. How about I tell you Somalis are not the poster children of poverty in Toronto, images rotate between different groups facing poverty - ex/ immigrants, single parents, individuals with disabilities etc. Also, the woman consented to them using her photo. It was not stolen. You're making mole Hills into mountains.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
We know that. How about I tell you Somalis are not the poster children of poverty in Toronto, images rotate between different groups facing poverty - ex/ immigrants, single parents, individuals with disabilities etc. Also, the woman consented to them using her photo. It was not stolen. You're making mole Hills into mountains.

So you approve this? When we already have the impression that we are a welfare leeches !

Queen Carawelo

So in your mind if you hand the Ls to this lady she will magically get out of the poverty she's in?

Menace do you even know how and when to hand the L? Do you know what L means? You overused your L limitis.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
So you approve this? When we already have the impression that we are welfare leeches !

Sit in the corner with your dunce cap on, Regan. Let me guess if it were up to you all those that have no choice but to use social assistance would be called "welfare queens". Furthermore, you don't know if she is on the dole, you're just assuming. It goes to show that you have a negative impression of Somalis "as abusing the system". You also want to skirt poverty under the rug, when it comes to Somalis.

She doesn't take a L for experiencing poverty.
:cosbyhmm:but having 11 children in poverty that's worthy of 3 Ls at least.
Family planning is not a phrase that exist in af Somali.

Family planning is daqan gaalo. Have kids, enjoy life, be grateful.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
She doesn't take a L for experiencing poverty.
:cosbyhmm:but having 11 children in poverty that's worthy of 3 Ls at least.

On a side note, some weird Indian dude I used to work with asked me why I have a small family, for a Somali. He then assumed my parents were educated, which is true. I have still seen plenty of Somalis with more than 3 kids that are educated (my parents generation). I think it has more to do with individual preference/culture/faith/circumstance. Even then, I have met Somalis that came from larger sized families and most of them don't have the intention of having that many children, compared to their parents. Different times, different circumstances I suppose.
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Family planning is daqan gaalo. Have kids, enjoy life, be grateful.


Having multiple kids that they cannot financially support is the height of irresponsibility. Irresponsibility and lack of foresight is one of the reasons we're such f*ck ups in qurbaha.

Somalis should stop popping babies out and start looking after the ones they already got.

Islam rejects the idea that children are a burden. Perhaps a little less Justin Beiber and a little more of Mufti Menk?
Family planning should be approached by the government stating they will only support the first 3 children through welfare. Why have 11 children you can't feed, clothe and house? To those who are saying family planning is haram, remember the welfare proceeds are all haram taxed from haram businesses and not through the tax of the sales of biyo zamzam. Allah prefers quality children than useless quantity who become criminals and terrorists. Do you expect every Somali family on welfare be given villas of 6 bedrooms and an open cheque of welfare? Look @ Dicon and other ghetto areas? It became little Somali ghettoes and second generation Somalis after an expensive wedding live there. How will she Support her kids through their schooling years or sports activities? Where is the father? Family planning will only work if the government limits welfare to only few children & you will see Somalis succeeding. We need a kick in the bum.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Family planning should be approached by the government stating they will only support the first 3 children through welfare. Why have 11 children you can't feed, clothe and house? To those who are saying family planning is haram, remember the welfare proceeds are all haram taxed from haram businesses and not through the tax of the sales of biyo zamzam. Allah prefers quality children than useless quantity who become criminals and terrorists. Do you expect every Somali family on welfare be given villas of 6 bedrooms and an open cheque of welfare? Look @ Dicon and other ghetto areas? It became little Somali ghettoes and second generation Somalis after an expensive wedding live there. How will she Support her kids through their schooling years or sports activities? Where is the father? Family planning will only work if the government limits welfare to only few children & you will see Somalis succeeding. We need a kick in the bum.

Truest post you've made.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Yes children should not be viewed as a burden but also Allah said don't just pray to me for things to fall from the sky and that you must me proactive. You can't use the deen half way. " I'm just gonna have 11 kids with a deadbeat dad and Things will just workout " ain't proper. Also ask yourself " what kind of a country am I in" " is their system the same as the old countty".

Queen Carawelo

If you can't take care of your kids then don't have sex at all. Kids shouldn't be a burden but you shouldn't also punish kids for your own selfishness. Kids need love, attention. And you need money in order to have kids, they need shelter, food and clothing. You can't expect the government or someone else to take care of your seeds. Those kids will resent you in the future because YOU put them in poverty. You had the choice of not having sex but you did, now work hard and provide for those kids.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Did any of you bother to read the article?This has absolutely nothing to do with family planning or laziness. Her husband left her with 11 children, she got injuried and could no longer work but was still able to successfully raise her children ( 6 are currently pursuing post-secondary studies).

Single parent Hawo Ali, 53, who has raised 11 children in Regent Park, earned her Toronto Public Health Food Handler Certificate through Ibrahim’s program. Her samosas are very popular, Ibrahim said.

Ali, who came to Canada from Somalia in 1992 with five children, had six more kids with her husband after she arrived. But in 1999 her husband left and a year later a workplace injury forced her to quit her job as a cleaner.

“I see all my neighbours and friends and it’s a hard life,” she said. But all of her children, including six who are in university and college, are doing well.

So how is this an 'L'? :umwhat:
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