Yemen has been a poor country since it's inception and in recent times has plummeted to the very bottom and has the 5th lowest HDI. Poverty rate of 82.7 percent, Literacy rate of 54 percent. Nom GDP per capita of 608 USD. In contrast Oman has the 54th highest HDI , poverty rate of 10 percent, Literacy rate of 95 percent. Nom GDP per capita of 23,240.897 USD
What creates these differences?
- Colonial and imperial history : Yemen has a legacy of colonialism, divided rule and foreign interference that created sectarian divisions contributing to civil strife
- Political Leadership: Due to it's legacy it fostered a corrupt leadership in Yemen which stole from the countries wealth and diverted it for personal/private use and saw other Yemeni's at political enemies. Unlike Oman's leadership who re-invested the countries resources and wealth and distributed it to benefit the citizens. Omans government was more democratic and inclusive and saw every Omani as equal regardless of stripe.
- Economic crippling industry: Yemen uses it scarce agriculture and water resources to produce Khat drug away from its traditional cash crops like fruit or coffee. Unlike Oman's leadership who diversified the economy away from oil and gas to open up other sectors (while omanizing the gas & oil sector) and outlawed khat and uses it's scarce agriculture/water resources responsibly.
I have seen people make a big deal out of the culture, Gegraphy/Climate, Tribal culture, the IQ intelligence of a people to explain disparities between stability and wealth you see between nations. When in reality the main difference between the state of a country is the leadership/governance and the economic policies they undertake.
Take for example Oman hosts similar demographic and tribal structure as in Yemen, with the same Yemeni Mahra clan and even the Darod Somali clan from it's other regionally poor distraught neighbor Somalia being represented in the political leadership and economic structure. Culturally similar as well. Which renders such explanations insufficient. Yemen v Oman is just 1 example, you can find other dichotomous examples like Taiwan v China, North v South Korea , East v West Germany etc
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