Why you should have kids by 24.

This age is literally the peak of your prime literally. After this age your hormones levels reduce Testosterone reduces for males, Estrogen for females etc. And Ideally I believe you should have kids way younger but I won't get into that topic. Delaying pregnancies can also cause complications in childbirth etc.
Physically it might be better. I can't really say since I'm not well versed on the topic but I can't imagine most people nowadays could provide a good life for their children at 23-25. Most people are just graduating university and working on getting a job. Many graduates don't get decent job roles nor do they get a job straight out of school. It might be different if you plan on living a different lifestyle but that's how most people live. It does depend on where you live. This is 100% a bad idea in the west for 90% of people. It might viable in some other countries.

I think early 30s is the best time period for both genders (Though I hear pregnancy gets harder after 30 for us Ladies I'll need to read up on that). Not too old but you can raise your kids well and you'll have the lifestyle needed to raise a decent family. Most successful families I see have parents in this range.


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