Wignats Are Raging At What's Happening In Formerly "Based" Poland!


Coping through the 1st world

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Cadaanka will be ok, in fact happy with their girls fucking multiple men but rage when seeing them with one black man. Heathens.

Raggaan niman mala dhixi karo. Zina is the norm before marriage but their ”gheerah” only comes out when a man not from their group participates in their pagan activities. Xininyohood marhore waala jarey.
honestly why is that?

all of these white supremacist accounts are ran by timo jileecs, indhoyars, latinos and just about any other minorities
They think by allying with cadaans and shitting on black people they'll be elevated in the racial hierarchy and be seen as equals to cadaans. They don't understand cadaans hate all non cadaans, will never see them as equal and will always seek to subjugate them.