Your mooriyaan tuug uncle begged for them to come back under AUSSOM and they are in your lands not AY's because you are cawaan qaawan sxb
Your mooriyaan tuug uncle begged for them to come back under AUSSOM and they are in your lands not AY's because you are cawaan qaawan sxb
Unfortunately the corrupt government and the clans that dominate it use foreign troops and American airstrikes to fight their local grudges, which leads to the weaker clans throwing in with the khawarij.Why would diaspora from jilib & jamaame be shabab supporters? When they can’t even go back to their hometowns on holiday. If anything they are sad at the state of their cities
Dalxoreeye saved us from Itoobiya. He will forever be in my heart
The same man who kissed the hand of Abiy Ahmed
Abyi humiliated him at Ankara .The same man who kissed the hand of Abiy Ahmed
Most of these posters want Southern Somalia to not progress so they can have more fkd. Last 5 years under both Farmaajo and HSM the pace of development has increased.A massive problems that somalis on social media and the wider society in general have . Is that they only accept progress if the guy in charge is from their qabil or it happens in some specific miraculously perfect way. But that's simply not how the real word works. It's actually a good thing that hsm who's probably one of the most corrupt president's we've had is still making progress on certain things. It shows that somalia's development is slow but it's not being stopped by politics and corruption .
If that bothers you and you cant accept it then you never really wanted somalia to succeed.
Exactly. While I'll never deny that a lot of the conflicts over the last year are hsm creating a new norm of the politiczation of qabil . Ultimately somalia woukd have had to undergone these growing pains anyway. It's like how a forest fire is necessary for new trees and plants to grow.Most of these posters want Southern Somalia to not progress so they can have more fkd. Last 5 years under both Farmaajo and HSM the pace of development has increased.
Compare the last 5 years with the previous 5 and you can see a great difference. I legitimately am hopeful for the country based on development data.Exactly. While I'll never deny that a lot of the conflicts over the last year are hsm creating a new norm of the politiczation of qabil . Ultimately somalia woukd have had to undergone these growing pains anyway. It's like how a forest fire is necessary for new trees and plants to grow.
I've been analysing the situation in the south of the country for a few years now and I can see the theme here atmis get paid millions by these European states to remain indefinitely in Somalia as well as Ethiopia and Kenya who are simply invaders in the south they face no resistance by the local administrations in fact these admins welcome these Gaalos to occupy the country under the guise of fighting something very difficult to fight or a very terrifying group that these admins couldn't fight without calling Gaalo it seems that's the case here if I was Qoslaye I would surrender myself while I still could but these Southerners never learn.
Yup basically a joke of a government that is reliant on foreigners/ Gaalos to stay kickingYou have a way with saying things straight without bull
Imagine a gov that can't fight and win over a movement within their own domain for 20 years despite calling gaalo to protect them from the menace of their fellow Somali who is living in baadiyo...sh1t doesn't make sense, Somalia tbh especially the South is on UN life support the minute they pull the plug its game over....
Didn't qoslaye say no more Ethiopia assuming that's the case then maybe it will just be Kenya remaining and Uganda most likely but I doubt Ethiopia will leaveIf Europe and America don’t pay for aussom Burundi and all countries except ethiopia and Kenya will be out
Assuming Kenya and Ethiopia will continue funding their troops