Will Egypt and Ethiopia Go to War?


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
The battle between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has escalated under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, spreading into Somalia and Somaliland. (Image Credit: 10 Downing Street, World Economic Forum)
The rising conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Nile’s waters is spilling into Somalia. As Ethiopia takes steps to recognize and establish a presence in Somaliland, Egypt is stepping up its military role in Somalia.

Speculation now grows over an Egypt-Ethiopia war, or proxy war, over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which is vital to Ethiopia’s progress but also triggers Egyptian anxieties over the loss of access to the Nile.

We dive deep into the geopolitical tensions driving the Egypt-Ethiopia rivalry in the Horn of Africa, the goals of leaders like Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the strategic role of Somalia and Somaliland, and the involvement of key regional players Turkey and the United Arab Emirates:

No, the prospect that this would happen is totally and utterly absurd. Ethiopia is in no way capable of having a war with a country its own size and equipment level. At this moment, FANO is capturing towns and cities, and the Tigray have been the victims of the largest 21st-century genocide in Africa. Thats not even mentioning the ruminating problems with the Oromo.

The moment a war breaks out, all these skeletons will gladly help and exact revenge on Abiy’s government.

Second, a collapse of the more amicable federal government means an Al-Shabaab takeover of the south, and with it, like the Taliban did in Afghanistan, the absorption of the last decade's worth of military aid and training given to the FGS.

Egypt would not be having a land war but will chuck some missiles at GERD as they’ve been given a cart blanche because Ethiopia invaded it’s “Ally”. Ethiopia will have the civil war flare up on top of legitimatising Al Shabaab as Somalis will flock to whatever faction raises arms to battle Ethiopia, as we have seen in 2006 with the ICU.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
The battle between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has escalated under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, spreading into Somalia and Somaliland. (Image Credit: 10 Downing Street, World Economic Forum)
The rising conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Nile’s waters is spilling into Somalia. As Ethiopia takes steps to recognize and establish a presence in Somaliland, Egypt is stepping up its military role in Somalia.

Speculation now grows over an Egypt-Ethiopia war, or proxy war, over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which is vital to Ethiopia’s progress but also triggers Egyptian anxieties over the loss of access to the Nile.

We dive deep into the geopolitical tensions driving the Egypt-Ethiopia rivalry in the Horn of Africa, the goals of leaders like Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the strategic role of Somalia and Somaliland, and the involvement of key regional players Turkey and the United Arab Emirates:

Both countries are literally broke, they can’t afford a war. Interference in each others national security on the other hand is more likely.