Will Puntland ever shut down the idp camps?


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
It's the truth. They can stay in the south. The last thing I want is seeing them everywhere in my grandparents home. Many people will call me out but I don't care I will always speak my truth. They don't belong in Puntland.
I’m sure the white supremacist say the same thing about you. What have they done to you exactly, why hate on a people who have never wronged you. Fear Allah (swt) sister and do not bring oppression upon those who are innocent and just. For Allah (swt) does not like the oppressors.


I’m sure the white supremacist say the same thing about you. What have they done to you exactly, why hate on a people who have never wronged you. Fear Allah (swt) sister and do not bring oppression upon those who are innocent and just. For Allah (swt) does not like the oppressors.
I never said i hate them. Don't twist words I never said. All I said was that they don't need to be in puntland. The natives here needs work. They have many regions in the south they can go and make money. Our numbers aren't anywhere near 5 million. Anyways let's end this discussion since we both can't agree with each other.
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IDPs are big business for Somalia governments. Many people who aren’t even displaced take cards and get money and benefits as hustle. governments also get cut

Yusuf M

They need to be sent back to failed state of kunfuria. We reer Puntland don't share same culture, dialect, and traditions with them. Puntland is playing a very dangerous demographic game by host large numbers of people from the south and not just bantus. I don't hate anyone, but in order to avoid future clan/ethnic violence everyone needs to stay in their own regions. The worse thing is Puntland is tolerating expansionist Oromo mass immigration to PL. I'd start with Oromo deportation, then followed by Bantus iyo other terror supporting reer failed state of south Somalia. Because I'm not like these other kumbaya MJs who believe in fake Somalinimo crap. I'm a Puntland first pro independence. To hell with South Somalia and its never ending problems.


They need to be sent back to failed state of kunfuria. We reer Puntland don't share same culture, dialect, and traditions with them. Puntland is playing a very dangerous demographic game by host large numbers of people from the south and not just bantus. I don't hate anyone, but in order to avoid future clan/ethnic violence everyone needs to stay in their own regions. The worse thing is Puntland is tolerating expansionist Oromo mass immigration to PL. I'd start with Oromo deportation, then followed by Bantus iyo other terror supporting reer failed state of south Somalia. Because I'm not like these other kumbaya MJs who believe in fake Somalinimo crap. I'm a Puntland first pro independence. To hell with South Somalia and its never ending problems.
Yeah I agree bantus should remain in the south to avoid ethnic replacememt that's literally happening in the south (its too late for them) if Puntland continues or don't shut down these camps than they're just going to remain in Puntland for several.decades, intermarry with the locals (not against inter-marriages but if it increases than its a problem) and slowly start rhe bantu replacement. Puntland must close down the camps.
Yeah I agree bantus should remain in the south to avoid ethnic replacememt that's literally happening in the south (its too late for them) if Puntland continues or don't shut down these camps than they're just going to remain in Puntland for several.decades, intermarry with the locals (not against inter-marriages but if it increases than its a problem) and slowly start rhe bantu replacement. Puntland must close down the camps.
Are you from Puntland?

Garaad Awal

Former African
Yeah I agree bantus should remain in the south to avoid ethnic replacememt that's literally happening in the south (its too late for them) if Puntland continues or don't shut down these camps than they're just going to remain in Puntland for several.decades, intermarry with the locals (not against inter-marriages but if it increases than its a problem) and slowly start rhe bantu replacement. Puntland must close down the camps.
For an alleged “Habar Jeclo” You seem oddly too concerned about PL’s wellbeing. *Takes another screenshot for record purposes*
Taking Notes Ryan The Office GIF by MOODMAN


For an alleged “Habar Jeclo” You seem oddly too concerned about PL’s wellbeing. *Takes another screenshot for record purposes*
Taking Notes Ryan The Office GIF by MOODMAN
my grandmother from my dad side is MJ. But his father is habar jeclo. I promise you im not lying I even want ssc to be controlled by Somaliland fully. Yes I did initially say is wrong but if Somaliland wins and takes back its sovereignty than who am I to complain?


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Also sis @pinkyandthebrain

For every 'problem' that is blamed on Bantus, the real problem is always Somalis, and the solution is always something like healthcare, security, justice and so forth.

The fear of Somalis losing their phenotype, is completely unfounded. Most Somalis don't even marry the beautiful Somalis from the historic 'out-caste' clans. Rest assured, there will be no mass guur with Bantus either. As for their population growing, well, Somalis need to stop killing each other over stupid issues, then that wouldn't be a problem either.
Sister they are gion to out produce us Bantu inbreed like rabbit 🐇 wa wasmo jeclyihin jar33rka Chicago iyo kan jamaamo joogo isku jeesto le waye 😂wasmo,music and food 🥘
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
As long as the dhulmi stops, I dont mind if bantus overpopulate us. We deserve it


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
whos us??? theres barely bantus in bari even reer hafuun are down south due to abaar from 70ys+
Sis, theres so many idp camps, many bantus are coming working in PL because we are dad musliin ah oo ilaheey ka baqo we dont discriminate against them Unlike somaliland theyre so racist 😏 this is why PL is better
Sis, theres so many idp camps, many bantus are coming working in PL because we are dad musliin ah oo ilaheey ka baqo we dont discriminate against them Unlike somaliland theyre so racist 😏 this is why PL is better
sl burning benadiris business or bari caging oromos which gov is worse, sl were talking well abot lascanod being karxiis