Will the ban on TikTok in Somalia affect your day-to-day life?


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Not very merciful of you 🤣

Being this tough will only backfire in today's societies, as it's only efficient in police-states, of which there're are few out there.

Not really. The majority of people are decent human beings who do not litter. It's not in society's interest to have people who litter create babies. Society does not need 3 more like them. Kill anyone who commits any crime so they don't multiply.
Not really. The majority of people are decent human beings do not litter. It's not in society's interest to have people who litter create babies. Society does not need 3 more like them. Kill them so they don't multiply.

You may have a point, but littering doesn't warrant execution. There're always going to be people committing petty crimes and engaging in socially non-acceptable acts. While you want them to learn about their wrongdoings, harsh repercussions should suffice in which they learn to not act upon it again.


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
You may have a point, but littering doesn't warrant execution. There're always going to be people engaging in petty crimes and socially non-acceptable acts. While you want them to learn about their wrongdoings, harsh repercussions should suffice in which they learn to not act upon it again.

A bullet to the head is cheaper to taxpayers than any length of a prison sentence. It should be done in Africa first as a trial to see its effectiveness, which I believe will be 100% effective.
About time! They should also add facebook to counter fake news that's coming from former geeljires calling themselves reporters. It's insane how many there are on facebook.
I know at least two of them personally, and these guys cannot write proper Somali and they have tens of thousands of followers on facebook. It's insanity!
The world is healing

Im all for it but why do I have to suffer the same consequences as these locals like I just want to watch my art tiktoks in peace :kendrickcry:
If the ban is effected, it'll only impact Hormood clients in Xamar and its environs, and not PL (fibre via Oman for Golis) & SL (fibre via Jibouti for TeleSom), unless the Fed. gov't could convince said polities. Not the best policy, but a reactive one by a clueless minister.

