Will the self-declared state show East Africa how it’s done?

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SL is an illegal secessionist movement, so how on earth is that keeping it real?

Keeping it real, by operating independently for 27 years, and never backing down from independence
, while the other two, relinquished their claims for independence, and along showed how Somali unity is worth, in shilling.

Meaning SL has better case for independence than any federal state, and dare I say, even better from Somalia itself.

SNA, you moron. Who else?

SNA reports back to SFG, are you saying you support the government, that would be amusing, because the head of SNA, is appointed by president with careful reflection on clan allocation.

I feel so sorry for you. The qabyaalad parasite has devoured most of your logic.


It’s being reported that thousands of soldiers from the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) will be leaving by the end of this year regardless of the fact that there was a terrorist attack in the capital Moqadisho that claimed the life of more than 350 people and wounded several hundreds more. The reason for the significant reduction of AMISOM troops is largely due to the reduction in salary payments and the failure of AMISOM to address related grievances from the soldiers.


Just because a fraction of AMISOM force left duo to reduced budget, does not mean the main combat force, numbering some 21,000 strong, will leave anytime soon. The fact that AMISOM total departure from Somalia was delayed for 2 years (and counting) shows just how inept the SNA to be entrusted with handling the security of Mogadishu, much less the entire country.

Another strawman argument. Just cut it out. At least tell me why stability is impossible in Somalia?

Drugged? Sxb, it is you who has been ideologically poisoned, deceived, mislead and misguided by villainous and corrupt politicians into believing this farce called SL.

I can flip it right at you and say, you have been ideologically poisoned, deceived, mislead and misguided by villainous and corrupt politicians into believing this farce vassal state called Somalia.

See the irony.

SL stays a better viable alternative to Somalia, politically economically and militarily, a functioning state, in all but name, which is why you don't have any reasonable rebuttal for SL case of independence, and instead, attack our politicians, knowingly that yours, are 100x worse. Projection much?

There is more chance for SL to have recognition in the coming 50 years than to Somalia becoming a semi-functional state in the current century.
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Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Keeping it real, by operating independently for 27 years, and never backing down from independence

, while the other two, relinquished their claims for independence, and showed how Somali unity is worth, in shilling.

Meaning SL has better case for independence than any federal state, and dare I say, even better from Somalia itself

Still illegal secession sxb, where does it say in Somali law that a federal state can leave the union?

Operating freely? By your lack logic would that make Sealand a nation?

SNA reports back to SFG, are you saying you support the government, that would be amusing, because the head of SNA, is appointed by president with careful reflection on clan allocation

SNA is the army you idiot, do I need to explain to you what an army does?

It’s being reported that thousands of soldiers from the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) will be leaving by the end of this year regardless of the fact that there was a terrorist attack in the capital Moqadisho that claimed the life of more than 350 people and wounded several hundreds more. The reason for the significant reduction of AMISOM troops is largely due to the reduction in salary payments and the failure of AMISOM to address related grievances from the soldiers.


Just because a fraction of AMISOM force left duo to reduced budget, does not mean the main combat force, numbering some 21,000 strong, will leave anytime soon. The fact that AMISOM total departure from Somalia was delayed for 2 years (and counting) shows just how inept the SNA to be entrusted with handling the security of Mogadishu, much less the entire country.

The majority of AMISOM troops will be leaving very soon anyway


I can flip it right at you and say, you have been ideologically poisoned, deceived, mislead and misguided by villainous and corrupt politicians into believing this farce vassal state called Somalia.

See the irony.

SL stays a better viable alternative to Somalia, politically economically and militarily, a functioning state, in all but name, which is why you don't have any reasonable rebuttal for SL case of independence, and instead, attack our politicians, forgetting that yours are 100x worse. Projection much?

There is more chance for SL to have recognition in the coming 50 years than to Somalia becoming a semi-functional state in the current century.

You cannot flip it because your so called nation is born out of qabyaalad and only thrives on qabyaalad. The majority of the population have been ideologically poisoned for over 26 years now. That is a clear cut fact.

You suffer from "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome. I hope you get better.

Still illegal secession sxb, where does it say in Somali law that a federal state can leave the union?

Operating freely? By your lack logic would that make Sealand a nation?

No, your logic is that Somalia, country which does not control 10% of its territory, under occupation by variety of foreign proxies, and survives on handout from UN, is worthy of ruling Somaliland which did much better with far less? Joke is on you Dickhead, SL surpass Somalia in state building, government institutions and is far more suited to be a country than the latter.

For you, it is illegal secession, for me, it is reclaiming our Independence. Your constitution says something, mine say another, its a matter of prospective.

I'll support a viable state, over a failed one. Only a fool would wait indefinitely for your civil war to end in order to move on and follow up with the rest of the world.

SNA is the army you idiot, do I need to explain to you what an army does?

Do I need to explain to you what does 4.5 mean, dumbass. How can you appose SL citing "muh qabiil" (for the lack of any logical reason), turn around, and support a tribal constricted army units of SNA? You haven't answered about the 21,000 AMISOM strong getting down in Liido beach.

Unless there are further cut in the budget, they'll continue to set their roots deeper and deeper into Somalia, report back when they do, I forecast they'll be getting down in Liido beach until 2030, minimum.


You cannot flip it because your so called nation is born out of qabyaalad and only thrives on qabyaalad. The majority of the population have been ideologically poisoned for over 26 years now. That is a clear cut fact.

You suffer from "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome. I hope you get better.

I can flip it because one, your country is based on 4.5, two, composed of tribal federal states, three, your politicians are far more corrupt than mine. Bearing all these factors in mind, I can flip you statement and it will fit perfectly.

Learn to differentiate between fact and opinions.

My nation was born before yours, under the name of State of Somaliland, it precedes your failed state, and all Somali states, we have every right to reclaim our independence, and the opinion of AMISOM subjects couldn't matter less.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
No, your logic is that Somalia, country which does not control 10% of its territory, under occupation by variety of foreign proxies, and survives on handout from UN, is worthy of ruling Somaliland which did much better with far less? Joke is on you Dickhead, SL surpass Somalia in state building, government institutions and is far more suited to be a country than the latter.

For you, it is illegal secession, for me, it is reclaiming our Independence. Your constitution says something, mine say another, its a matter of prospective.

I'll support a viable state, over a failed one. Only a fool would wait indefinitely for your civil war to end in order to move on and follow up with the rest of the world.

Do you have any idea whatsoever why SL is supposedly doing better?

It's because SL escaped the brutal and destructive civil war relatively unharmed. SL would not be in the position it is if it was embroiled in that civil war. Even then, it certainly does not give it any right whatsoever to declare illegal secession.

Again you fail to answer my question.

By your lack of logic, would being so called free make Sealand a nation?

How can it be a matter of perspective when the Constitution of Somalia was made way before yours. Insanity.

Do I need to explain to you what does 4.5 mean, dumbass. How can you appose SL citing "muh qabiil" (for the lack of any logical reason), turn around, and support a tribal constricted army units of SNA? You haven't answered about the 21,000 AMISOM strong getting down in Liido beach.

How many times do I actually have to tell you this you brain dead doqon, I don't support the 4.5 system in place, I want the political system to be revamped.

SL still thrives on "Muh Qabiil". In fact it was the SOLE reason you called for illegal secession.

Unless there are further cut in the budget, they'll continue to set their roots deeper and deeper into Somalia, report back when they do, I forecast they'll be getting down in Liido beach until 2030, minimum.

So much for not being hypothetical....................

Sxb the qabyaalad parasite is devouring your temporal lobe. Soon there will be nothing left and you'll just become a brain dead "Muh Qabiil" zombie.

This thread will benefit you:

I can flip it because one, your country is based on 4.5, two, composed of tribal federal states, three, your politicians are far more corrupt than mine. Bearing all these factors in mind, I can flip you statement and it will fit perfectly.

Learn to differentiate between fact and opinions.

My nation was born before yours, under the name of State of Somaliland, it precedes your failed state, and all Somali states, we have every right to reclaim our independence, and the opinion of AMISOM subjects couldn't matter less.

Nope, you can't flip it because your so called nation was born out of qabyaalad whereas our nation Somalia was not.

More corrupt?

Do you really want to delve into how corrupt and villainous Siilanyo is or the fact that one of your major corrupt and villainous politicians is a khat chewer?

Born before yours?


"Muh nation was 5 days older than yours"

Idiot. That was part of the schedule between Italy and Britain.

AMISOM subjects?

More likely to happen is SLanders to become slaves to Xabashi raw meat eaters.
Do you have any idea whatsoever why SL is supposedly doing better?

It's because SL escaped the brutal and destructive civil war relatively unharmed. SL would not be in the position it is if it was embroiled in that civil war. Even then, it certainly does not give it any right whatsoever to declare illegal secession.

Again you fail to answer my question.

By your lack of logic, would being so called free make Sealand a nation?

How can it be a matter of perspective when the Constitution of Somalia was made way before yours. Insanity.

Remember this?

where does it say in Somali law that a federal state can leave the union?

Your referenced a Somali constitutions as premise to refute SL independence, I cite SL constitutions to refute yours, its that simple.

Who told u Somaliland escaped the civil war, another clueless chimp who's ignorant about history, Somaliland was the second to experience the civil war, in 1988 Somali Army demolished, Hargiesa, Burco and other smaller settlements, in early- mid 90s Somaliland was engulfed in 2 brutal civil wars that was ended in 1996. But we came together and negotiated peace, something your kind couldn't accomplish with AMIOSM.

As for trivial Sealand analogy, free is absurd standard, you can be free in the middle of sea, can you rule it,

Besides, you toke the offence on operational (obviously hits a nerve, because you lack severally in that department) Does this look like operational country with standing army and government institutions?

Caqli laax

How many times do I actually have to tell you this you brain dead doqon, I don't support the 4.5 system in place, I want the political system to be revamped.

SL still thrives on "Muh Qabiil". In fact it was the SOLE reason you called for illegal secessio

Again with emotional charged opinions, I support SL because its a no brainier, we have better government institutions, a standing national army with no foreigners, free 1 man 1 vote elections, booming economy, historical legitimacy, and overall a better country than Somalia.

What makes Somalia better than SL? Can u answer this question without hopes, dreams, procrastination and such, no you can't, which is why you keep regurgitating muh qabiil over and over again, because you have no facts to debate with, so the quick exit would be "muh qabiil"

You voiced your apposition for 4.5, and still want Somaliland to unite with you? 0% logic. It would be similar for me asking Khatumo to join Somaliland while I don't support the government, utter hypocrisy.

And showering SNA with your blessings, a military force formed with careful attention to clan balance, god how delusional and retard you sound, cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

So much for not being hypothetical....................

Sxb the qabyaalad parasite is devouring your temporal lobe. Soon there will be nothing left and you'll just become a brain dead "Muh Qabiil" zombie.

This thread will benefit you:


21,000 strong are camping in Somalia, yes or no?

Maskiin. You seem to be bothered with AMISOM prolonged stay in Liido. .

Nope, you can't flip it because your so called nation was born out of qabyaalad whereas our nation Somalia was not.

More corrupt?

Do you really want to delve into how corrupt and villainous Siilanyo is or the fact that one of your major corrupt and villainous politicians is a khat chewer?

. My president doesn't chew khat, yours however was caught in the action.:chrisfreshhah:



Tribal Government

Tribal Federal states

Tribal National Army

Fits like charm :manny:

"Muh nation was 5 days older than yours"

Idiot. That was part of the schedule between Italy and Britain.

AMISOM subjects?

More likely to happen is SLanders to become slaves to Xabashi raw meat eaters.

You would know how it feels, right, you're being gang raped by AMISOM-Ethiopia- Kenya trio for how long now? 10 years of relentless interracial pounding:wowsweat:
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Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
It's a war between newbie Frazier and experienced "Muh qabiil" syndrome expert MerchantofMogadishu who will win who will lose, stay with us on Somalia Got Back

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
No matter how good looking your elections may be, no one is going to recognise SL. The problems will be too much for Somalis in East Africa.

It is the epitome of "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome.
music to my ears. the forever looking excuses to downplay the great stuff happening in sland. waar shut the f*ck up, recognition is the rabbit hole, the long con is to keep trouble and the federal scam far from somaliland territory and to keep us in self rule.

smart, i know. now go back securing that place you claim to be their merchant.

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
im actually impressed how comfy farmaajo is and how organized he is with his khat. if only he could do the same on a fraction of Mogadishu! :meleshame:

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Your referenced a Somali constitutions as premise to refute SL independence, I cite SL constitutions to refute yours, its that simple.

Who told u Somaliland escaped the civil war, another clueless chimp who's ignorant about history, Somaliland was the second to experience the civil war, in 1988 Somali Army demolished, Hargiesa, Burco and other smaller settlements, in early- mid 90s Somaliland was engulfed in 2 brutal civil wars that was ended in 1996. But we came together and negotiated peace, something your kind couldn't accomplish with AMIOSM.

As for trivial Sealand analogy, free is absurd standard, you can be free in the middle of sea, can you rule it,

Besides, you toke the offence on operational (obviously hits a nerve, because you lack severally in that department) Does this look like operational country with standing army and government institutions?

Caqli laax

When I said "Somali law" I meant real Somali law not this fake illegal secessionist constitution which was made after the constitution of Somalia. At the end of the day federal state law does not override national law so your secessionist movement is completely illegal.

Civil war started in 1991 sxb not 1988. Also that short civil war you had is nothing compared to the suffering of the people in the south, that is a clear cut fact. So SL did escape the civil war relatively unharmed.

Looks like you backtracked on your statement from before.

Keeping it real, by operating independently for 27 years, and never backing down from independence

Sealand has been doing the exact same thing, so by your logic does that make Sealand a nation? A simple answer to a simple question because I know complex concepts are tough to understand for people like you who suffer from a terrible disease called "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome

21,000 strong are camping in Somalia, yes or no?

Maskiin. You seem to be bothered with AMISOM prolonged stay in Liido. .

They'll be leaving next year, can't you understand such a simple thing?

My president doesn't chew khat, yours however was caught in the action.:chrisfreshhah:



Tribal Government

Tribal Federal states

Tribal National Army

Fits like charm :manny:

Oh I wasn't talking about siilanyo:


Isn't this guy going to be your next president?

In terms of siilanyo he is a corrupt and villainous politician that has been ideologically poisoning your entire population with "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome.

"Muh nation is not corrupt!"


Epic fail, not surprising as it's a "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome sufferer that is showing me this picture. It's obviously not Farmaajo.

I could say the exact same things about SL in fact I could go even further and say SL was born out of "Muh Qabiil".

You would know how it feels, right, you're being gang raped by AMISOM-Ethiopia- Kenya trio for how long now? 10 years of relentless interracial pounding:wowsweat:

Ah so you failed to back your own point huh?

My nation was born before yours, under the name of State of Somaliland


You love to talk about AMISOM right?

Almost as if you want to get gang raped by a bunch of Bantu warriors. .
When I said "Somali law" I meant real Somali law not this fake illegal secessionist constitution which was made after the constitution of Somalia. At the end of the day federal state law does not override national law so your secessionist movement is completely illegal.

I could care less what your perceive as authentic law, your Somali law does not exist in SL and vice versa, its is like a Hindu citing the vedas scriptures to disprove Jesus existence to a Christian.


Civil war started in 1991 sxb not 1988. Also that short civil war you had is nothing compared to the suffering of the people in the south, that is a clear cut fact. So SL did escape the civil war relatively unharmed.

Nah you doqon, just because you felt the effect of civil war in 1991, does not mean it did not start elsewhere, civil war have begun in 1977 in Mudug region, and slowly spread to Somaliland in 1988. There a whole paper documenting government attrocites in SL, the world does not revolve around Mogadishu, dumbass.

The rivalry between Caydid and Mahdi resembles that of Tuur and Egal, but the stark difference is they compromised for greater good of the country, meanwhile Mogadishu was divided into north and south and sink further into anarchy. 0 sympathy from me, you could claim that you suffered more, it won't change the fact SL declared independence and on it way for recognition.

Cry me a river:trumpsmirk:

Sealand has been doing the exact same thing, so by your logic does that make Sealand a nation? A simple answer to a simple question because I know complex concepts are tough to understand for people like you who suffer from a terrible disease called "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome


I know you are too dumb to grasp simply sentence and the context it was used for.

I said, SL never backed on claiming its statehood (in reference to Azania and Puntland) has an army with government institutions, of which, you conveniently disregard and left out of your quote. But like the clown you are, knowing u have nothing else to argue for, run with it like a headless chicken



Oh I wasn't talking about siilanyo:


Isn't this guy going to be your next president?

In terms of siilanyo he is a corrupt and villainous politician that has been ideologically poisoning your entire population with "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome.


"Muh nation is not corrupt!"


Epic fail, not surprising as it's a "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome sufferer that is showing me this picture. It's obviously not Farmaajo.

I could say the exact same things about SL in fact I could go even further and say SL was born out of "Muh Qabiil".

When I show a pic for Farmajo chewing Khat, I'm Muh Qabiil, but u show a pic for Bixi you are not:chrisfreshhah: Epic fail indeed!:chrisfreshhah:

By all accounts Silanyo did a great job, quadrupled Somaliland budget, raised army soldiers and civil service employees salary, placed a formal rank of hierarchy for the army, initiated several large scale infrastructure projects, incorporated Khatumo into Somaliland and many more.

He certainly beats Farmanajo and Hassan Shiekh Mahmoud presidencies, where soldiers don't get paid, continental shelf sold to neighboring countries, bombardments is a part of every day life in Mogadishu, 400,000 Somali citizen die of famine, terrorists hold large swath of territory in south Somalia, continuously tapping international transparency index for corruption and is renowned for being the world longest failed state.

Silaanyo >>>>>> Farmajo >> HSM
I'll take Silaanyo over Farmajo any day of the week:manny:

They'll be leaving next year, can't you understand such a simple thing?

I'll belive it when I see, and untill you free yourself of AMISOM shackles, you'll forever stay their obedient slave. :trumpsmirk:

Ah so you failed to back your own point huh?

Its true dumbass, Somalia is the horn prostitute and recently Uganda showed interest in joining the rape train through Somalia's various holes :ahh:


You love to talk about AMISOM right?

Almost as if you want to get gang raped by a bunch of Bantu warriors. .

Awwww have I hurt your feelings, it appears AMISOM haven't used lube yesterday, explains the stick up in your ass:chrisfreshhah:

The fact you couldn't answer any of my questions and proceeded to pick trivial matters shows how bankrupt and hopeless you are to refute SL case for independence. Music to my ears :liberaltears:
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Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
I could care less what your perceive as authentic law, your Somali law does not exist in SL and vice versa, its is like a Hindu citing the vedas scriptures to disprove Jesus existence to a Christian.

0% logic again.

How can federal law supersede national law? It cannot, in any way shape or form.

Nah you doqon, just because you felt the effect of civil war in 1991, does not mean it did not start elsewhere, civil war have begun in 1977 in Mudug region, and slowly spread to Somaliland in 1988. There a whole paper documenting government attrocites in SL, the world does not revolve around Mogadishu, dumbass.

The rivalry between Caydid and Mahdi resembles that of Tuur and Egal, but the stark difference is they compromised for greater good of the country, meanwhile Mogadishu was divided into north and south and sink further into anarchy. 0 sympathy from me, you could claim that you suffered more, it won't change the fact SL declared independence and on it way for recognition.

Cry me a river:trumpsmirk:

You think I have no idea about the atrocities the people of Waqooyi faced, I know what happened. Innocent men, women and children were massacred by MSB's goons, AUN to all those people who lost their lives. But what you must understand is that many many clans, not just yours, faced massacres and atrocities under MSB. Why is it that only the Isaaq that has been trying to illegally secede, why aren't all the other clans who have faced hardship under MSB doing the same?

You and your people are not special snowflakes that should receive special treatment, yes horrible things have happened, but it is time to come together and improve the nation, a sense of brotherhood will lead to unity which will then lead to prosperity. "Muh Qabiil" will only lead to hatred and destruction.

Recognition? In the last 27 YEARS who has recognised this fake nation?

The city councils of Sheffield and Cardiff don't count.

I know you are too dumb to grasp simply sentence and the context it was used for.

I said, SL never backed on claiming its statehood (in reference to Azania and Puntland) has an army with government institutions, of which, you conveniently disregard and left out of your quote. But like the clown you are, knowing u have nothing else to argue for, run with it like a headless chicken


Sxb you do know that having an army is not required to become a nation. Just look at Costa Rica. What is required is a legal secession and being recognised by other nations, both of which SL does not have.

SL and Sealand are on the same level, just admit it.

When I show a pic for Farmajo chewing Khat, I'm Muh Qabiil, but u show a pic for Bixi you are not:chrisfreshhah: Epic fail indeed!:chrisfreshhah:

By all accounts Silanyo did a great job, quadrupled Somaliland budget, raised army soldiers and civil service employees salary, placed a formal rank of hierarchy for the army, initiated several large scale infrastructure projects, incorporated Khatumo into Somaliland and many more.

He certainly beats Farmanajo and Hassan Shiekh Mahmoud presidencies, where soldiers don't get paid, continental shelf sold to neighboring countries, bombardments is a part of every day life in Mogadishu, 400,000 Somali citizen die of famine, terrorists hold large swath of territory in south Somalia, continuously tapping international transparency index for corruption and is renowned for being the world longest failed state.

Silaanyo >>>>>> Farmajo >> HSM
I'll take Silaanyo over Farmajo any day of the week:manny:

You are one blind "Muh Qabiil" zombie if you really believe that's a picture of Farmaajo. I showed you a true picture of Muse Bixi chewing on khat and you have nothing to say, funny. The country that says they are supposedly better than Somalia, will soon have a khat chewing villainous and corrupt politician as their president.

Why are you dodging, I gave you an article about siilaanyo being corrupt and your like "Muh prez is not corrupt, he's a good prez"


He's a villainous, corrupt, who espouses "Muh Qabiil" and nepotism.

10 million dollars will go straight to the pocket of siilaanyo and his family. He's gonna be living the good life whilst his people are starving.

How many homes has he bought in Dubai, UK and Kenya? How much of the peoples money has he drained away for his own lavish expenses?

I'll belive it when I see, and untill you free yourself of AMISOM shackles, you'll forever stay their obedient slave.

This guy doesn't even know the meaning of "next year"


Its true dumbass, Somalia is the horn prostitute and recently Uganda showed interest in joining the rape train through Somalia's various holes :ahh:


Awwww have I hurt your feelings, it appears AMISOM haven't used lube yesterday, explains the stick up in your ass:chrisfreshhah:

The fact you couldn't answer any of my questions and proceeded to pick trivial matters shows how bankrupt and hopeless you are to refute SL case for independence. Music to my ears :liberaltears:

Again you've literally dodged my point, because I know that all you have is a strawman argument.

My nation was born before yours, under the name of State of Somaliland

"Muh country was before yours by five days"

I will say it again, it was part of the schedule between Italy and Britain.

It is you that cannot answer any of my questions coherently.
0% logic again.

How can federal law supersede national law? It cannot, in any way shape or form.

Here is where we different, SL is not federal state, its a de facto independent state, thus what is written on your piece of paper, isn't worth horse shit.

You think I have no idea about the atrocities the people of Waqooyi faced, I know what happened. Innocent men, women and children were massacred by MSB's goons, AUN to all those people who lost their lives. But what you must understand is that many many clans, not just yours, faced massacres and atrocities under MSB. Why is it that only the Isaaq that has been trying to illegally secede, why aren't all the other clans who have faced hardship under MSB doing the same?

You and your people are not special snowflakes that should receive special treatment, yes horrible things have happened, but it is time to come together and improve the nation, a sense of brotherhood will lead to unity which will then lead to prosperity. "Muh Qabiil" will only lead to hatred and destruction.

Recognition? In the last 27 YEARS who has recognized this fake nation?

The city councils of Sheffield and Cardiff don't count.

Who said SL seceded because of 1988 atrocities, a big factor yes, but sole reason, hell no. a very common misconception.

After MSB fled Mogadishou, Caydiid declared himself president of Somalia (including SL) without consulting with his SNM allies and others, in light of such illegal and unilateral move, and the collapse of the Somali state, SL declared independence in Burco 1991, with the participation of all sub clans inhabiting SL.

In 2017, 27 years later, Somaliland remains a better alternative than Somalia for the after mentioned in my earlier posts. Recognition of SL is far more likely to happen sooner than Somalia's getting back on its feets, so I'' take my chances with aqoonsi

Sxb you do know that having an army is not required to become a nation. Just look at Costa Rica. What is required is a legal secession and being recognised by other nations, both of which SL does not have.

SL and Sealand are on the same level, just admit it.

You're not equating it with Costa Rica, you're equating it with Somaliland, dumbass.
Since you are so eager to do so, its only fair both entities are measured on the same standards, neef.

You are one blind "Muh Qabiil" zombie if you really believe that's a picture of Farmaajo. I showed you a true picture of Muse Bixi chewing on khat and you have nothing to say, funny. The country that says they are supposedly better than Somalia, will soon have a khat chewing villainous and corrupt politician as their president.

Why are you dodging, I gave you an article about siilaanyo being corrupt and your like "Muh prez is not corrupt, he's a good prez"


He's a villainous, corrupt, who espouses "Muh Qabiil" and nepotism.

10 million dollars will go straight to the pocket of siilaanyo and his family. He's gonna be living the good life whilst his people are starving.

How many homes has he bought in Dubai, UK and Kenya? How much of the peoples money has he drained away for his own lavish expenses?

Are you blind, he is Farmajo, man-boobed president, you need to treat you chronic addiction of Khat, starting with Farmajo :hemad:

Qarannew is a well known tabloid owned by one of the apposition partys, look at the name of the writer, its opinion piece written by Osman Awad. Silanyo is the best president Somaliland ever had, I don't need to speak on his behalf, his achievements speak for themselves, and isnhallah, president Bixi will perform even better :rejoice:

This guy doesn't even know the meaning of "next year"


Don't you know the meaning of Procrastination ?

The moment you have enough balls to take matter in your own hands and secure Somalia, than you can say we are stable country. Until than you are AMISOM and will be treated as such.:russsmug:

Again you've literally dodged my point, because I know that all you have is a strawman argument.
"Muh country was before yours by five days"

I will say it again, it was part of the schedule between Italy and Britain.

It is you that cannot answer any of my questions coherently.

What is your question exactly, Somaliland voluntarily united with Somalia, it does not take away the fact it was a sovereign country before the union. Historical legitimacy grants SL the right to reclaim its independence and become a sovereign state again.

So again what is your question? Many countries come into union and part ways later. :sitdown:
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Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Here is where we different, SL is not federal state, its a de facto independent state, thus what is written on your piece of paper, isn't worth horse shit.

I could say the exact same thing about SL's federal state constitution. It is horse shit to me.

Who said SL seceded because of 1988 atrocities, a big factor yes, but sole reason, hell no. a very common misconception.

After MSB fled Mogadishou, Caydiid declared himself president of Somalia (including SL) without consulting with his SNM allies and others, in light of such illegal and unilateral move, and the collapse of the Somali state, SL declared independence in Burco 1991, with the participation of all sub clans inhabiting SL.

In 2017, 27 years later, Somaliland remains a better alternative than Somalia for the after mentioned in my earlier posts. Recognition of SL is far more likely to happen sooner than Somalia's getting back on its feets, so I'' take my chances with aqoonsi

At that time the main reason was "Muh Qabiil" got killed, a clear cut fact. Now its "Muh Qabiil" is better than your Qabiil.

If SL hasn't received any recognition for 27 years, when Somalia was in a worst state in the 90's and 00's, full of clan warlordism and bloodshed everywhere, why on earth do you think SL will receive recognition when Somalia is started to pick itself up.

Again, you lack basic logic, not surprising since the qabyaalad parasite is currently having a feast on your temporal lobe.

You shall benefit from this thread:


You're not equating it with Costa Rica, you're equating it with Somaliland, dumbass.
Since you are so eager to do so, its only fair both entities are measured on the same standards, neef.

Yes, you fucking moron, both SL and Sealand shall be measured on the same standards, those standards are legal secession and recognition, which both entities do not fulfill.

Are you blind, he is Farmajo, man-boobed president, you need to treat you chronic addiction of Khat, starting with Farmajo :hemad:

Qarannew is a well known tabloid owned by one of the apposition partys, look at the name of the writer, its opinion piece written by Osman Awad. Silanyo is the best president Somaliland ever had, I don't need to speak on his behalf, his achievements speak for themselves, and isnhallah, president Bixi will perform even better :rejoice:

I'm the blind one?

You actually think that's Farmaajo? May Allah cure your illness.

There are many many articles online that have called out Siilaanyo's clear and visible corruption



Again, you want a khat chewer, corrupt and villainous politician to be your president. So much for progression.

But then again, most people in SL is suffering from this too. I hope they get better.

Don't you know the meaning of Procrastination ?

The moment you have enough balls to take matter in your own hands and secure Somalia, than you can say we are stable country. Until than you are AMISOM and will be treated as such.:russsmug:

No one is procrastinating here, we are all striving to create a better Somalia

Its more likely that you will be Oromo's slaves than I to AMISOM.

What is your question exactly, Somaliland voluntarily united with Somalia, it does not take away the fact it was a sovereign country before the union. Historical legitimacy grants SL the right to reclaim its independence and become a sovereign state again.

So again what is your question? Many countries come into union and part ways later. :sitdown:

5 fucking days doesn't count sxb. It was part of the schedule between Britain and Italy. It never ever a sovereign nation before the union. There is 0 historical legitimacy whatsoever.
I could say the exact same thing about SL's federal state constitution. It is horse shit to me.

I'm happy your learned your lesson, next time, don't cite Somali constitution, as valid argument to refute Somaliland.


At that time the main reason was "Muh Qabiil" got killed, a clear cut fact. Now its "Muh Qabiil" is better than your Qabiil.

If SL hasn't received any recognition for 27 years, when Somalia was in a worst state in the 90's and 00's, full of clan warlordism and bloodshed everywhere, why on earth do you think SL will receive recognition when Somalia is started to pick itself up.

Again, you lack basic logic, not surprising since the qabyaalad parasite is currently having a feast on your temporal lobe.

You shall benefit from this thread:

Not even close xoolo yahay, Somaliland might be 1 man 1 vote democracy, but clan identity still plays vital role in shaping social and political landscape of Somaliland, I'm honest enough to admit that, you rather to bury you head deep in your ass than to acknowledge the 4.5 cult in your country, run along, virgin scout boy.

I'm the blind one?

You actually think that's Farmaajo? May Allah cure your illness.

There are many many articles online that have called out Siilaanyo's clear and visible corruption



Again, you want a khat chewer, corrupt and villainous politician to be your president. So much for progression.

But then again, most people in SL is suffering from this too. I hope they get better.

Learn the difference between news and opinion piece, the link you cite is opinion piece about alleged corruption in Somaliland-Djibouti deals with DP world, the 2nd is Somali government official describing the deal as illegal. Do I need to say more:mjlol:

Reality on the ground shows that Berbera is handling historical amounts of shipments never seen before.

In September, the port recorded the highest container volumes in its history with 40% increase compared with September 2016.


Not only did Berbera performance raise sharply, DP world has implemented several project in the port town and many to come.



Of course your tin foil swine ilma xaraan bastard did not have any clue about ongoing development projects, and instead follow opinion column and tabloids to spread your diarrhea.

Now the question is, if Silanyo was that corrupt, than certainly it would have reflect badly on the port, but instead, we are witnessing great leaps never seen before in Somaliland history. :salute:

No one is procrastinating here, we are all striving to create a better Somalia

Its more likely that you will be Oromo's slaves than I to AMISOM.

What is worse than adoon, a delusional one, AMISOM are doing the work work for a decade , and you still believe you're free with 22,000 strong ravishing through your country like no man lands.


5 fucking days doesn't count sxb. It was part of the schedule between Britain and Italy. It never ever a sovereign nation before the union. There is 0 historical legitimacy whatsoever.

Who are you to decide what counts and what doesn't, be it 5 minutes or 5 days, State of Somaliland was granted independence as sovereign state.

Another common misconception, however, that UK and Italy had plans to unite the 2 entities, false, a sense of brotherhood and Somalnimo swap through the 2 countries, to come together and form a united Somali state with the 3 other territories. That is why Somaliland voluntarily merged with Somalia, to regain the territories claimed by Ethiopia.
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Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
I'm happy your learned your lesson, next time, don't cite Somali constitution, as valid argument to refute Somaliland.

And you don't cite SL constitution as a valid argument to refute the union.

Not even close xoolo yahay, Somaliland might be 1 man 1 vote democracy, but clan identity still plays vital role in shaping social and political landscape of Somaliland, I'm honest enough to admit that, you rather to bury you head deep in your ass than to acknowledge the 4.5 cult in your country, run along, virgin scout boy.

You are one retard aren't you? I have acknowledged the 4.5 system so many times to you, but you don't understand. I know its there, but want it changed. I know its hard to understand with "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome but at least try to.

Clan identity still plays a vital role in shaping social and political landscape in SL?

I wonder why? Is it because of the population being ideologically poisoned by villainous and corrupt politicians with "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome for 27 years?

You are not truly honest unless you admit that SL is the epitome of "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome.

Learn the difference between news and opinion piece, the link you cite is opinion piece about alleged corruption in Somaliland-Djibouti deals with DP world, the 2nd is Somali government official describing the deal as illegal. Do I need to say more:mjlol:

Reality on the ground shows that Berbera is handling historical amounts of shipments never seen before.

In September, the port recorded the highest container volumes in its history with 40% increase compared with September 2016.


Not only did Berbera performance raise sharply, DP world has implemented several project in the port town and many to come.



Of course your tin foil swine ilma xaraan bastard did not have any clue about ongoing development projects, and instead follow opinion column and tabloids to spread your diarrhea.

Now the question is, if Silanyo was that corrupt, than certainly it would have reflect badly on the port, but instead, we are witnessing great leaps never seen before in Somaliland history. :salute:

Hmm great leaps you say? To me it seems Siilaanyo will be getting 10 million dollars into his pocket. Why was the deal so secretive? Why didn't UAE who doesn't even recognise SL not ask Somalia for permission? That's like France doing a deal with Catalonia without Spain's permission. Insanity.

Also, it seems the local population are getting the short end of the straw


What is worse than adoon, a delusional one, AMISOM are doing the work work for a decade , and you still believe you're free with 22,000 strong ravishing through your country like no man lands.

Again they'll literally be leaving next year, why on earth are you acting like they'll be staying here forever?

More likely to hear Oromo rapists roaming freely in Hargeisa than AMIOSM staying for another decade.
Who are you to decide what counts and what doesn't, be it 5 minutes or 5 days, State of Somaliland was granted independence as sovereign state.

Another common misconception, however, that UK and Italy had plans to unite the 2 entities, false, a sense of brotherhood and Somalnimo swap through the 2 countries, to come together and form a united Somali state with the 3 other territories. That is why Somaliland voluntarily merged with Somalia, to regain the territories claimed by Ethiopia.

Who are you to decide what counts and what doesn't? Somaliland was never independent in any way, shape or form, it was part of the schedule to unite with the south. In those 5 days, it was merely in limbo. In those 5 days, was SL recognised by other nations?
Still illegal secession sxb, where does it say in Somali law that a federal state can leave the union?

And you don't cite SL constitution as a valid argument to refute the union.

Than don't cite the constitution as premise in the first place, dense tard.

You are one retard aren't you? I have acknowledged the 4.5 system so many times to you, but you don't understand. I know its there, but want it changed.

Change with what, dua and prayers, or dreams and procrastination, cause that is all what you are doing now.

I could careless of what you want, your dreams and aspirations, doesn't matter, what matters is what take place in reality, until Somalia ditch the 4.5, it will stay the epitome of "muh qabiil ", what naive clueless idealist diaspora snowflake take for granted won't change Somalia, so enough with excuses and procrastinations, Somaliland is a better and more viable state than Somalia.

Hmm great leaps you say? To me it seems Siilaanyo will be getting 10 million dollars into his pocket. Why was the deal so secretive? Why didn't UAE who doesn't even recognise SL not ask Somalia for permission? That's like France doing a deal with Catalonia without Spain's permission. Insanity.

Somaliland is a de facto independent state, Somalia is modern AMISOM colony, it is no surprise DP World will ask permission from SL, I take delight in Somalia throwing tantrum at Somaliland, it further enforces our case for independence.

Also, it seems the local population are getting the short end of the straw


Same happened in Mogadishu port after port was transferred to Turkey.


A natural part of modernization, incompetent and ghost workers services will be terminated, allowing the port to operate in more effective and efficient manner. Berbera handles more containers than ever, prove of DP effective administration.

Again they'll literally be leaving next year, why on earth are you acting like they'll be staying here forever?

More likely to hear Oromo rapists roaming freely in Hargeisa than AMIOSM staying for another decade.

I told you so :russsmug:
Nay, it will most likely you will remain AMISOM for the forcible future. :manny:

Who are you to decide what counts and what doesn't? Somaliland was never independent in any way, shape or form, it was part of the schedule to unite with the south. In those 5 days, it was merely in limbo. In those 5 days, was SL recognised by other nations?

Again you show how ignorant and oblivious you are with recent Somali history, State of Somaliland was granted independence as sovereign state represented by parliament and government institutions, recognized by 30 countries including UK and US, we were all set to rule ourselves after independence.
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