trump,brexit ,ukip and the rise of many other "right wing" populist Cadaan coalitions all have one thing in common:the angry Cadaan man.the angry Cadaan man doesn't not like immigration by way of Mexicans,Arabs and blacks .the angry cAdaan man doesn't not like to so called islamisation of Europe and the security situation .he doesn't like the economic situation whereby the average working class Cadaan is not even entitled to his most basic of privileges ;a manual labour job,even that is competitive these days. The cadaan Man is angry with the Hamites (black lives matter)challenging one of his most scared institutions -the police.
The angry cadaan Man is anxious about the rise of Chinese and Indian economics. History shows things get ugly when populist angry Cadaan movements garner enough support to..........
I don't like playing the race card.that said ,as a sociologist,anthropologist and historian ,I am obliged to describe the reality unfolding .
I am prepared for this (the Anglo European crisis by way of politics,economics and society).i will buy a house in Somalia where inwill settle with barni.
War dadkani waa imtixaan.
The angry cadaan Man is anxious about the rise of Chinese and Indian economics. History shows things get ugly when populist angry Cadaan movements garner enough support to..........
I don't like playing the race card.that said ,as a sociologist,anthropologist and historian ,I am obliged to describe the reality unfolding .
I am prepared for this (the Anglo European crisis by way of politics,economics and society).i will buy a house in Somalia where inwill settle with barni.
War dadkani waa imtixaan.