will there be a great Cadaan awakening

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trump,brexit ,ukip and the rise of many other "right wing" populist Cadaan coalitions all have one thing in common:the angry Cadaan man.the angry Cadaan man doesn't not like immigration by way of Mexicans,Arabs and blacks .the angry cAdaan man doesn't not like to so called islamisation of Europe and the security situation .he doesn't like the economic situation whereby the average working class Cadaan is not even entitled to his most basic of privileges ;a manual labour job,even that is competitive these days. The cadaan Man is angry with the Hamites (black lives matter)challenging one of his most scared institutions -the police.

The angry cadaan Man is anxious about the rise of Chinese and Indian economics. History shows things get ugly when populist angry Cadaan movements garner enough support to..........

I don't like playing the race card.that said ,as a sociologist,anthropologist and historian ,I am obliged to describe the reality unfolding .

I am prepared for this (the Anglo European crisis by way of politics,economics and society).i will buy a house in Somalia where inwill settle with barni.

War dadkani waa imtixaan.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
>settle with barni

you best hope somalia adopts some secular values real soon then, my nigga. and it better clean this al-shabaab mumbo jumbo up too. ain't none of us going back there without that as a guarantee :birdman:
Shame on the Africans and the Arabs, the only thing sustaining the European economy is their presence. They should take their mineral rich country back from the greedy dictators and selfish monarchs and build it. Nothing is better than living in your native land.


I have a real hard time contemplating what it would be like to permanantly settle back in the motherland, TBH.
So the whiteman is angry after he invaded the world, ethnic cleansing 3 continents (NA, S America, Australia) looted & raped Africa and sold their people. Created new countries and made countries disppeared(east Turkstan, Palestine......etc) made borders and created border disputes between neighbouring countries. Forced poor countries to pay colonial tax, put puppets dictators that stole
and tortured their people. Killed every patriots leaders from Maclom X to lumumba, Jamal Abdi Nasir,.....whiteman invented diseases like HIV to depopulate whatever race he wants, Whiteman made half world to worship him. He tells the beauty measurement, what we should eat, how we should live. He is the god, the power. But he is angry.
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OMG Canuck is cracking me up :cryinglaughsmiley:

Do you guys really think the white man is different? He's just as deplorable as the rest of humanity.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
errbody just post the face you made when you got to the HIV part

for me it was:



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
we mostly do it sarcastically

the white man also does incredibly important shit like live with gorillas for a month to understand human psychology, and traverse the antarctic to understand climate change. we darkies will never do that shit.
trump,brexit ,ukip and the rise of many other "right wing" populist Cadaan coalitions all have one thing in common:the angry Cadaan man.the angry Cadaan man doesn't not like immigration by way of Mexicans,Arabs and blacks .the angry cAdaan man doesn't not like to so called islamisation of Europe and the security situation .he doesn't like the economic situation whereby the average working class Cadaan is not even entitled to his most basic of privileges ;a manual labour job,even that is competitive these days. The cadaan Man is angry with the Hamites (black lives matter)challenging one of his most scared institutions -the police.

The angry cadaan Man is anxious about the rise of Chinese and Indian economics. History shows things get ugly when populist angry Cadaan movements garner enough support to..........

I don't like playing the race card.that said ,as a sociologist,anthropologist and historian ,I am obliged to describe the reality unfolding .

I am prepared for this (the Anglo European crisis by way of politics,economics and society).i will buy a house in Somalia where inwill settle with barni.

War dadkani waa imtixaan.

I stopped reading after the "Hamites" comment.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't like playing the race card.that said ,as a sociologist,anthropologist and historian

that means you missed this gem

sociologist kulaha

historian kulaha

itt tech university qualification

mans on his everest game


we mostly do it sarcastically

the white man also does incredibly important shit like live with gorillas for a month to understand human psychology, and traverse the antarctic to understand climate change. we darkies will never do that shit.

It's an important quality. Curiosity never kills the cat. That's what people need to learn.
Don't become like madow people with their White man this, White man that rhetoric.
I am not a black matter lives delusional.however, there in a clear white (call it right wing if you like) anger movement sweeping across Europe and North America .the number of racist Attacks alone in the UK last year prove that. I think it is an interesting phenomenon which must be scrutinised the same way Islam and kneegrows are scrutinised.
When cadaans uprise the world goes to war. It looks like they are going to lead us to the third world war as usual.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Cadaans are not uprising, nor will they ever. they're just being carefully guided and prepared for the upcoming war. The cadaan population are the least cynical and most trusting of their government(s). The idea that westerners just got fed up of foreigners one day is a naive one, it's been a decade and a half of careful and consistant propaganda.

Somalia won't be a safe haven.
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