Winning at all cost, is it a bad thing?

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I know a Farah here in my city who is really really really successful. I mean this guy has everything, the Single family house thats paid off, 2 brand new cars, and sizeable money in the bank.

I have known him since HS, because he always had this ruthless, win at all cost mentality.

He doesn't care, hadii uu qof caayo, been sheego, lacag uusan laheen long as it served his end goal.

Me personally, i have core beliefs and morals i could never compromise, even if i was offered success and wealth.

How about you guys, do you have a 'win at all cost' mentality? Even if it means u have to do some questionable things?
Depends, If it means self degradation, causing physical harm or whatever then no but if it means fucking someone else over through shrewd decision making well then its a dog eat dog world and anything goes.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Sometimes I admire people who are bastards on purpose and ruffle some feathers. They are efficient and know how to get things done. Successful decision makers don't worry too much about people's feelings.

Jose Mourinho would be a shrewd businessman because he's a bastard.
Give us examples of questionable things. FYI, the guy you are describing may be a psychopath.
Yea he might be a psychopath.

What he was doing was more than questionable. He lied, cheated, intimidated and bullied his way into the top.

He just got promoted to a new position within his company. I met him last month and he was telling me how he had to fight for this position and that they finally picked him over 11 other candidates. Mind you, some of the 11 people have been with the company longer and are more qualified. But he somehow gets picked for $190k position while working there only 4yrs.

I am not jealous of the guy, obviously he is successful, but knowing him since HS, but he is the type of guy to sell everyone down the river for his own benefits.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
If you don't bully your way into the top you will be sitting in the same position for a long time. You gotta fight for promotion amd make your own way nobody is gonna hand it to you.
@Duchess, lets say there was an election in Toronto tomorrow. HG vs.MJ.

And for the MJ guy to win, you, as a Duchess, would have to push an old elderly lady onto the path of oncoming train.

Would you do that so ur Qabiil candidate could win? Y'know winning at all cost.



HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
@Duchess, lets say there was an election in Toronto tomorrow. HG vs.MJ.

And for the MJ guy to win, you, as a Duchess, would have to push an old elderly lady onto the path of oncoming train.

Would you do that so ur Qabiil candidate could win? Y'know winning at all cost.


Give me more details. How old is this woman? What is my relationship with the MJ guy? Why do I hate the HG candidate?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
To judge a mans character you have to judge him by how he comes back from hardship. A man isn't a man if he has a price then he could be bought. A man with no morals, self respect is not a man at all.
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