Winning Traits of White People


first monotheistic religion? Zoroastrianism not Jewish

Jewish religion has respect for life ? like it's the only religion that does that.

refraining from sexuall crimes? what abt the infants that contract herpes from oral suction during Jewish circumcision
im not talking in a religious sense but an ethnic sense, if were talking religious 90 percent of the west literally worship a jew in Jesus lol
I agree but the education part is too simplified. I don’t advice college, unless it’s engineering, lawyer, or medical is necessary.Trades are a far better option and open job opportunities in navy, border patrol and fishing. There should be more focus on entrepreneurship and more support of self employment for Somalis. The problem with college is that it’s a debt trap. The main strengths of Somalis is that we’re adaptable, innovative, and good with talking our way out of shit. I believe that I’ve heard that Somalia actually had a talent with telecommunications, which fits perfectly with the nomadic aspect of the culture. Anarchy is our strength. As crazy as it sounds. As for tourists, I think you can compromise by having designated theme parks and have the funds towards rebuilding Islamic temples and buildings as I mean the Somali version. There’s a restaurant here in Chicago where the waiters are rude and surly. I picture something like that. This way we can turn one of main weaknesses of Somalis to actually generate wealth. And Somalis get to keep their pride and have fun fucking with the ajnabis. They can sign an agreement to cover our asses and it could attract a lot of thrill seekers.
Different parts of the worlds civilisation grow and fall. Right now, China & India will dominate the next 50yrs while other developing nations will follow.

You also need to remember, you have to discuss Somalia with the lens of a nation still recovering from the devastations of civil war. It needs a long time.


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I actually don’t think White people are inherently special. There have always been rising and falling civilizations, but this time, it was different in that small advantages over other populations at the right time put them in a unique position. And those small advantages morphed into bigger advances.

The reason for White success is multi-faceted, and I don’t think think it has anything to do with the specific characteristics listed. It was a matter of developing or building on what others built (ex gunpowder from China) for superior weapons, and a few other notable important developments that would take them across oceans, while having a knack for adventure that solidified their power over many world populations.

As a domino effect, the subsequent enrichment that came from those endeavors elevated the conditions of their home populations, freeing them from widespread poverty to enlightenment, philosophical pursuits, literature, gradually abandoning religion for the sciences, etc.
Most people on here won’t read that and instead will go back to kissing their mayonnaise jar very passionately
ALL lists u listed also apply with Africans, but yet the Africans are not as prosperous as "Northern Whites"

It ALL just comes down to inherent, civil minded as in strife for being ultra civilized. Civilization as a definition being, remove yourself from your natural, original state of being. A highly educated African with top notch education, can still behave in his natural way.

for example there is this New York times famous African american reporter. Parents from Ghana. With his expensive suit, and his shiny tie, and his New York times refinement, the White Camera TV crew men made fun of him while he was chunking a bagel. The dude was munching like only two bites for a huge bagel. A civilized person will take at least 7 bites to finish that single bagel. Females should take ten bites at least. The White crew people were mesmerized. (personally i cant eat a bite without have a liquid down with it, or i will imagine it will be stuck in my throat)

His african mother, the Ghanaian mother called the studio-- threatening to sue the MSNBC network for making fun of her son, which was done in a jest. She called them racists.

White people go out of their way-to pretend to eat proper in public. Act proper. If u r in your home, u can gorilla eat however u want, but when u r in public, behave in a civilized way

Madows struggle with changing their natural state. I have seen doctorate pursuing Madows go days without combing their hair or applying lotion on ther skin or wearing deordrant. :drakelaugh: The Canadian Legal Association have deemed Madows to be the most incomptent laywers just by the way they conduct themselves :mjlol:

