With your bank account right now, where can you travel to ? ( U.K. folks excused, no income)

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El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist

How about you go take care of your kids.

diyaarad Kullaha :draketf:
Why you hating on my adeer waryaa. at least you are the smartest somali guy i know, utilizing his welfare cheques for credit card travel points with cheap third world flights, staying at 2 stars hotels and preaching "financial wellbeing" :mjlol:

You i like you sxb :yousmart:
Why you hating on my adeer waryaa. at least you are the smartest somali guy i know, utilizing his welfare cheques for credit card travel points with cheap third world flights, staying at 2 stars hotels and preaching "financial wellbeing" :mjlol:

You i like you sxb :yousmart:

Duulis are interesting.

You wasted your valuable time consuming my content only to reply with dhuuso.

Remember, haters always increase engagement.

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
Duulis are interesting.

You wasted your valuable time consuming my content only to reply with dhuuso.

Remember, haters always increase engagement.
Dont get triggered sxb. its just banter anyway.

Actually i dont consume your content just one vid on facebook and thats it. its xaar compared to what i follow irl; Forbes, CNNmoney, WSJ, bloomberg, FT, TheEconomist, Reuters etc.

Insha allah i will tune to you when your stuff are par with the above gems.



I can travel to all EU countries plus East African countries.
I would love to go to JigaJiga and get some Jigi Jigi down there.
Dont get triggered sxb. its just banter anyway.

Actually i dont consume your content just one vid on facebook and thats it. its xaar compared to what i follow irl; Forbes, CNNmoney, WSJ, bloomberg, FT, TheEconomist, Reuters etc.

Insha allah i will tune to you when your stuff are par with the above gems.


That's for the 5mins of your life.
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