Women and khat

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Here in this thread we see the best example of haram sex which does not bring any pleasure. Look at guys (nothing personal) they have all these fears and doubts( AIDS, condom could break, fear of police, local community, guilt) all these things will have their experience, because they are like thieves who are stealing behind the society. They know what they are doing is wrong, how could someone enjoy among all these native emotions. Unlike the halal sex(marriage) you do not have any of these doubts, fears and guilt, and your experience will full and complete.


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
These niggas get no pussy in the west which is why they go back home to prey on local poor women


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@yas/London abaayo macaan you know youris my sunshineis, abaayo caadi Ma tahiid ee haleka badan Iska dhaaf ee let's increase the population of Somalia adigo raali ah oo weliba mudan sweery.
The next person to WhatsApp me apart from my family, I will kill you with my bare hands. Don't believe me I'm that fucking crazy!!
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