Literally sxb, you reap what you sow. Gaalo women in particular would make such a fucking scene if you so much as sniggered at a troons out in public. The ironic thing is that the state, whom they used to essentially try to replace men, can't even protect them from these deranged lads in wigs and padded brasTbh gaalo women did this to themselves. For decades they kept screaming femininity , womenhood and gender roles are just complete man made social constructs.
We see the later half of the feminist revolution getting highjacked by these dudes wearing wigs and lipstick calling themselves female now. To them, womenhood and femininity are man made constructs. Blame white women for this![]()

Now they'll basically get called a "terf"/cancelled, lose their jobs and end up in a cell with a burly man with 5 o'clock shadow lol. I heard they even started giving female inmates in California condoms.