Women are finished... Man SA's two women, announces he's trans during court appearance and is sent to Womens prison

Tbh gaalo women did this to themselves. For decades they kept screaming femininity , womenhood and gender roles are just complete man made social constructs.

We see the later half of the feminist revolution getting highjacked by these dudes wearing wigs and lipstick calling themselves female now. To them, womenhood and femininity are man made constructs. Blame white women for this :mjcry:
Literally sxb, you reap what you sow. Gaalo women in particular would make such a fucking scene if you so much as sniggered at a troons out in public. The ironic thing is that the state, whom they used to essentially try to replace men, can't even protect them from these deranged lads in wigs and padded bras:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:

Now they'll basically get called a "terf"/cancelled, lose their jobs and end up in a cell with a burly man with 5 o'clock shadow lol. I heard they even started giving female inmates in California condoms.
Now you understand why we Somalis shouldn't support left wing politicians, some people convince themselves to support these degenerates because they're accepting of minority groups like ours, so we should turn the blind eye to their weird degenercy.
I do not support the right either and believe they’re a threat as well, well extreme right that is.

That is why I said women are between a rock and a hard place.
Literally sxb, you reap what you sow. Gaalo women in particular would make such a fucking scene if you so much as sniggered at a troons out in public. The ironic thing is that the state, whom they used to essentially try to replace men, can't even protect them from these deranged lads in wigs and padded bras:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:
So how or when do they define a man as a female, do they need to cut off their manhood or do they just only need to jump into a dress, wear wig and color their nails? Never understood how the transformation process of these degenerates work.
Women are the number one supporters of these LGBTQ group. They are to blame for protecting them for so long, even BLM Halimos were doing this
Radical feminists such as TERFs are incredibly vocal about trans and are wholly against them. They’re demonized by mainstream feminists though.
I do not support the right either and believe they’re a threat as well, well extreme right that is.

That is why I said women are between a rock and a hard place.
Not all right wing groups are bad, but the racist anti immigrant ones are bad.
So how or when do they define a man as a female, do they need to cut off their manhood or do they just only need to jump into a dress, wear wig and color their nails? Never understood how the transformation process of these degenerates.
Nah sxb, the big new thing is "self-identification". So you'll get some freak with a Sheikh-like beard and lipstick claiming to be a "masculine presenting trans-woman" lol. They can still keep their cock and still use the same changing rooms as women :mjlol:
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Not all right wing groups are bad, but the racist anti immigrant ones are bad.
You find a lot of the misogynistic, racist and down right sociopathic talking points are that of the extreme right. There is also an element of hypocrisy with regards to the right that I can’t stand.

The only reason why more and more people are gravitating towards the right these days is because Leftist identity politics and LGTB has become insane and delusional. It wasn’t like that 10, 20 yrs ago.
Watch wallahi, the same feminist slags who were posting their "male tears" coffee mugs on twatter will be screeching about how men aren't policing other men and defending them from the troons menace. The whole thing fills me with such glee:rejoice:

You find a lot of the misogynistic, racist and down right sociopathic talking points are that of the extreme right. There is also an element of hypocrisy with regards to the right that I can’t stand.

The only reason why more and more people are gravitating towards the right these days is because Leftist identity politics and LGTB has become insane and delusional. It wasn’t like that 10, 20 yrs ago.
It's partly that, and female "right-wing commentators" grifting and getting money out of cuckservative types. That invariably draws more women into these movements, "oh look, another pretty girl like me is also right-leaning" type shit lol

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Literally sxb, you reap what you sow. Gaalo women in particular would make such a fucking scene if you so much as sniggered at a troons out in public. The ironic thing is that the state, whom they used to essentially try to replace men, can't even protect them from these deranged lads in wigs and padded bras:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:

Now they'll basically get called a "terf"/cancelled, lose their jobs and end up in a cell with a burly man with 5 o'clock shadow lol. I heard they even started giving female inmates in California condoms.
My little cousin is currently in secondary school. They have an official come out celebration during school assemblies now :mjcry: this is not a conspiracy they are pushing this shit on to little kids
My little cousin is currently in secondary school. They have an official come out celebration during school assemblies now :mjcry: this is not a conspiracy they are pushing this shit on to little kids
These people can't reproduce via normal means, so they latch onto small children with undeveloped brains. Children who don't have the intellectual capacity/aren't mentally equipt to tell them to f*ck off. They can deny it all they want and try to disguise it under the guise of "educating children" but that's been their M.O. from the start :francis:

They think that fact that he's going to be put into solitary confinement temporarily will help the situation. This predator will be released into the general female population.

WTF is going on. We are done for.

This can only be explained by mass psychosis in the last 8 to 10 years. There is no way we went from “can homosexuals get married”... to this in that short of a span.
they had teenage me convinced. I would’ve gone to war for them in this thread.
Watch wallahi, the same feminist slags who were posting their "male tears" coffee mugs on twatter will be screeching about how men aren't policing other men and defending them from the troons menace. The whole thing fills me with such glee:rejoice:

It's partly that, and female "right-wing commentators" grifting and getting money out of cuckservative types. That invariably draws more women into these movements.
And that is one of the hypocrisies that I’m talking about. You get a bunch of women living life the way they claim to be against. They’re in their 20s, university educated, making a shit ton of money, outspoken, opinionated and unmarried with no kids. Yet, they preach about putting family first, having lots of kids, complain about women being supposedly being more masculine now whilst simultaneously being argumentative and combative towards those they feel are ‘lefties’, berating work and education for women ect, whilst they cash in and rant against women who work to try and make ends meet.

Also, don’t get me started with the amount of right wing male leaders who hark on about the family unit and demonize single mothers whilst having a mistress and a side baby, thus contributing to the single motherhood epidemic. Then you have the fact that most right wing bros who are against immodesty and hate only-fan women and constantly complain about the degenerate nature of the West, support a ographers whose job was to manage webcam/only fan girls and who promotes Zina which will obviously lead to single motherhood, abortions and just all around chaos. What do these idiots even stand for at this point?

My take is that they’re a bunch of sociopaths who thrive ofdishonesty and hypocrisy. 0 principles and 0 integrity.

Waa balayoo soocato
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And that is one of hypocrisies that I’m talking about. You get a bunch of women living life the way they claim to be against. They’re in their 20s, university educated, making a shit ton of money, outspoken, opinionated and unmarried with no kids. Yet, they preach about putting family first, having lots of kids, women being more masculine and berating work and education for women ect, whilst they cash in and rant against women who work to try and make ends meet. Also, don’t get me started with the amount of right wing men who bark on about the family unit and demonize single mothers whilst having a mistress and a side baby, thus contributing to the single motherhood epidemic. Then you have the fact that most right wing bros who are against immodesty and hate only-fan women support a ographers whose job was to manage webcam/only fan girls who promotes Zina and which will obviously lead to single motherhood, abortions and just all around chaos.

My take is that they’re a bunch of sociopaths who thrive of dishonesty and hypocrisy. 0 principles and 0 integrity.

Waa balayoo soocato
You quickly realise it's all one big con if you dig even a mm beneath the surface. The smooth-brained women who come on these e-talkshows hosted by supposed "right-wing" whòres only to be berated don't have an ounce of dignity in their body wallahi. Most of these "right-wing women" look, dress and act exactly like the girls they brow-beat. It's honestly funnier to watch than any TV show/movie, I get a sick pleasure out of seeing women rip each other to shreads wallahi :chrisfreshhah:
You quickly realise it's all one big con if you dig even a mm beneath the surface. The smooth-brained women who come on these e-talkshows hosted by supposed "right-wing" whòres only to be berated don't have an ounce of dignity in their body wallahi. Most of these "right-wing women" look, dress and act exactly like the girls they brow-beat. It's honestly funnier to watch than any TV show/movie, I get a sick pleasure out of seeing women rip each other to shreads wallahi :chrisfreshhah:
Honestly, it actually makes me sick to the core. They don’t realize or maybe they do and it’s just about making money which is honestly sociopathic since the more traction the views they spread gains, the more their lives will also be impacted.

Example, how does a woman who is privileged enough to be educated and make money rail against that? Do these women not know that the only reason why they can come on our screens and chat shit is because of the rights they have as women which they’re trying to undo?

Im seeing this stupidity with some Muslim women as well. A few of these trad Muslim sisters who hark on about how sisters are forgetting their natural role and demonize university are the same ones who have their degree major written in their bio and literally charge $500 an hr for lessons/ counseling. Wallahi, I look at women like that and think they’re xaasid. Middle class women who can charge exorbitant fees but preach to working class Muslim women and expect them to stay financially stagnant whilst they pocket peoples money with their qashin talks.
Honestly, it actually makes me sick to the core. They don’t realize or maybe they do and it’s just about making money which is honestly sociopathic since the more traction the views they spread gains, the more their lives will also be impacted.

Example, how does a woman who is privileged enough to be educated and make money rail against that? Do these women not know that the only reason why they can come on our screens and chat shit is because of the rights they have as women which they’re trying to undo?

Im seeing this stupidity with some Muslim women as well. A few of these trad Muslim sisters who hark on about how sisters are forgetting their natural role and demonize university are the same ones who have their degree major written in their bio and literally charge $500 an hr for lessons/ counseling. Wallahi, I look at women like that and think they’re xaasid. Middle class women who can charge exorbitant fees but preach to working class Muslim women and expect them to stay financially stagnant whilst they pocket peoples money with their qashin talks.
It essentially boils down to them grifting and e-begging online, but there is an element of competition elimination. It's a tried and true method of keeping the plebians mid-wits in their place. "Don't earn a living and contribute your share during these trying times, just pump out kids and defraud the state uhkti". I love seeing that girl power shite fly out the window, women are ruthless wallahi. It's about time you lot started getting knee-capped by your peers and experiencing the female equivalent of cock-blocking, except it's x10 more diabolical:hemad:


East Africa UNUKA LEH
My little cousin is currently in secondary school. They have an official come out celebration during school assemblies now :mjcry: this is not a conspiracy they are pushing this shit on to little kids
TF??? I was on my schools council and I would've never allowed this
It essentially boils down to them grifting and e-begging online, but there is an element of competition elimination. It's a tried and true method of keeping the plebians mid-wits in their place. "Don't earn a living and contribute your share during these trying times, just pump out kids and defraud the state uhkti". I love seeing that girl power shite fly out the window, women are ruthless wallahi. It's about time you lot started getting knee-capped by your peers and experiencing the female equivalent of cock-blocking, except it's x10 more diabolical:hemad:
I don’t even believe in that girl-power shit. Just straight honesty and wanting for women what I want and take for granted. Funny isn’t it that the most traditional women such as our mothers and grandmothers who actually never went to university, never worked and charged people shit and actually lived the life that these trad girls preach were in fact the ones in my life to council me to take education seriously and always have money coming in or savings. They’re seen real shit and understand that life and motherhood isn’t a fairytale. From being widowed young with being nearly penniless to some who had difficult marriages I’d say the pensioners in my fam like my grand-mothers and great aunts have seen it all and they’d laugh at these scamming so called traditional
Woman who are nothing but privileged liars beating down on women from poorer backgrounds. It truly is a case of keeping plebians mid-wits in their place as you put it. They’ve always told me, by all means get married, have kids ect but make sure you have a degree and saving for a rainy day. Traditional women know the value of these things.
I don’t even believe in that girl-power shit. Just straight honesty and wanting for women what I want and take for granted. Funny isn’t it that the most traditional women such as our mothers and grandmothers who actually never went to university, never worked and charged people shit and actually lived the life that these trad girls preach were in fact the ones in my life to council me to take education seriously and always have money coming in or savings. They’re seen real shit and understand that life and motherhood isn’t a fairytale. From being widowed young with being nearly penniless to some who had difficult marriages I’d say the pensioners in my fam like my grand-mothers and great aunts have seen it all and they’d laugh at these scamming so called traditional
Woman who are nothing but privileged liars beating down on women from poorer backgrounds. It truly is a case of keeping plebians mid-wits in their place as you put it. They’ve always told me, by all means get married, have kids ect but make sure you have a degree and saving for a rainy day. Traditional women know the value of these things.
It's the girl version of men who pine for the 50s where they could come home, back-hand the Mrs if she didn't hand them a glass of scotch whilst also taking turns banging the office secretary. The whole "simpler times" bollocks where even cùnts who pumped gas for a living owned their own homes. It's women's halal version of "Mad Men" basically lol

Women from the generaion they're emulating beat us (girls & boys alike) over the head with the education, education, education lectures. Having a children and married life is important, but passing up on the opportunities modern women have is just short-sighted to say the least. What happens if your husband passes away and you're stuck with 3+ mouths to feed, what happens if your husband gets made redundant and you're falling behind on mortgage/rent payments etc? That bad "what if" scenarios are end-less. Life's not a fucking Saturday morning cartoon, both partners equally have to be able to pull their own weight.

But never mind that, I just wna watch girls emotionally eviscerate one another :heh:
"Erm, your body count is over 3 sweaty, you're going to end up being a lonely cat-lady". Or the classic "I don't have time for needy children, I'm a boss-bïtch, that toxic Chinese manufactured lip-gloss isn't going to sell itself baby!" kkkkk


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