I don't think men care that much what other men think especially Muslims because its haram to trophy ur wife and just downright weird
this would only kind of apply to non-Muslims
Nahh muslim men care what his friends think of the girl his talking to. How she looks matter. If his friends think shes ugly he wont go through with it lol people are followers
Nahh muslim men care what his friends think of the girl his talking to. How she looks matter. If his friends think shes ugly he wont go through with it lol people are followers
I disagree with that Muslim men do not care, especially how she looks that is dayuuth behaviour.
Its only a small group of non-Muslim men, Most men don't care what other men think of their girl they just tryna smash, I think that is a agreed on fact by now.
Its women who are the ones who care what other girls think
I disagree with that Muslim men do not care, especially how she looks that is dayuuth behaviour.
Its only a small group of non-Muslim men, Most men don't care what other men think of their girl they just tryna smash, I think that is a agreed on fact by now.
Its women who are the ones who care what other girls think
Nah i disagree. Men care what their friends think muslim or non muslim anyways thats what ive seen.
Woman why?
Cos I think if your male you would understand that its a minority of men who care what other men think, whereas a majority of men don't care what their boys think, or grow out of it very quickly. in reality a grown men does not care what other men think of his girls looks, and a young man just wants to smash, some are naive and care what other friends think.

I have had one experience with this myself with a turkish guy, I told him why do u care what I think, other than that all the other guys in my existence didnt care at all
Looks matter to women but I think there is so much more that goes into being attractive as a man. For example, a lot of khaniis guys are " good looking" ( this is random, i apologize) but from the gait/posture and finally the way they speak all attraction disappears, they become like women to us.
I just realized i am trying to describe masculinity :snoop:
i've gotten used to writing paragraphs on this darn site - hadal for hadals sake
i think the reason alot of gay men are attractive is because they take care of themselves

they have showers, they groom themselves and dont look like hobos

lol the bare minimum wallahi