WOOOW CNN showcasing Siad Barre's butcher of Gabiley ( nigga fired frm his job again)

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Let me tell you something this case there pushing has for 20+ been ignored by the us and canada for a reason there trying to creat fake sympathy for them in reality there isnt much proof of anything outside bunch of cugdad filled people lying about him because his darod:childplease:
They have no video no nothing outside of random criminals pointing fingers:childplease:
Also I see @Canuck taking a page from her traitorous aunt saado ali:childplease:
Stop consigning with people who are against him:childplease:

Plz do not drag me to tribal war enough is enough, there are people now at hotel in Mogadishu still facing those thugs enough enough enough watch the Arab feeding your kids and Bantu raping your women


Citizen of Southwest State
Its a REGIONAL administration.
No, it's not. At the very least, it's an autonomous self-governing entity.

My Ethiopian brothers are granted more access to business and social opportunities in Southwest State than you rabid dogs from the failed state.:russ:

May the warm and brotherly relations between Southwest State and Ethiopia continue for decades to come.:rejoice:
No, it's not. At the very least, it's an autonomous self-governing entity.

My Ethiopian brothers are granted more access to business and social opportunities in Southwest State than you rabid dogs from the failed state.:russ:

May the warm and brotherly relations between Southwest State and Ethiopia continue for decades to come.:rejoice:

I read always your name Hilary queen and when you talk you sound like running mental ill patient


Southie pride
Eeydoor always cry like a babies, why is that?
My clan alone lost 10,500 heroes in Jubaland and still we complain to no one. Just move on. Dame it.


Your superior
Eeydoor always cry like a babies, why is that?
My clan alone lost 10,500 heroes in Jubaland and still we complain to no one. Just move on. Dame it.

Eydoor cry? Isn't your father crying right now being kicked out of dadaab
Come on Kenya, kick out those doofar ismaciil terrorists from dadaab


Southie pride
Somalia needs reconciliation in order people to forgive and forget, but doesn't need pointless acusation and rufyaanimo.
Why we can't we bring SNM to justice too cuz they also killed thousands innocent Somalis, specially Daroods?


Your superior
Somalia needs reconciliation in order people to forgive and forget, but doesn't need pointless acusation and rufyaanimo.
Why we can't we bring SNM to justice too cuz they also killed thousands innocent Somalis, specially Daroods?

They should've killed darod more. No one wants to reconcile. Build your regions and move on


Southie pride
Don't talk to me you kenyan stooge. Slave of Kenya and Ethiopia, sheekh doofar was a yemeni slave so I can see why
We give a lesson to Kenyan army when they came to Gedo, they don't spend more than a week, they run away, they have lost 210 soldiers where Marehan lost view people. They jump the border and never come back. History is written. Eeydoor bilaa edeb.
isaaq was abandoned son of King "Bucur Baceyr". Learn your history nacas.


Your superior
We give a lesson to Kenyan army when they came to Gedo, they don't spend more than a week, they run away, they have lost 210 soldiers where Marehan lost view people. They jump the border and never come back. History is written. Eeydoor bilaa edeb.
isaaq was abandoned son of King "Bucur Baceyr". Learn your history nacas.

At least Bucur Bucayr was a king, sheekh darod was a dirty slave and his o
Yemeni owner used to beat him


Citizen of Southwest State
I hate people who use "Somalinimo" to try and hide their clannism.

Develop your region and compete that way instead of trying to unite with people who don't want anything to do with you.

Let everyone develop their own region and live in peace instead of trying to leech off others. f*ck your "Somalinimo."
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