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Anyone heard of this remittance company which is basically the Dahabshil of the digital world? The founder and CEO is Somali guy, It's currently worth 500 million US dollars and has received a lot of capital funding from american firms that funded multi billion dollar companies such as Netflix and Facebook in the past.

His business has gone global and he recently launched his Asian branch in Australia.

What's with Somalis and remittance companies though? :obamatell:


Your superior
He is Isaaq, Mashallah. I use world remit to send money. It is so easy wallahi. Just download their app and send the money


Jet life till my next life
His name is Ismail Mohamed, WorldRemid will replace Western Union in few years! Just watch sxb


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Dahabshiil and all the other remittance businesses could have become a lot bigger if they had the ambitions and willingness to do so.

Even Somali websites are shocking. Look at Hiiraan, they've been around for a very long time and their website layout and design is still shambolic.


Your superior
Dahabshiil and all the other remittance businesses could have become a lot bigger if they had the ambitions and willingness to do so.

Even Somali websites are shocking. Look at Hiiraan, they've been around for a very long time and their website layout and design is still shambolic.

Dahabshiil has diversified a lot but they have to target non somali if they want to expand
World remit is so Colo.

Colo in Ghana means "old fashioned". From colonial times.

Shout out of my Ghanaian professor for this teaching me this word.
Even if my own brother made a crappy service I will not bootyclap for him.

I will tell him it's garbage if it's indeed garbage.

Nothing more honorable than being an indepedent man.

Shame on those who bootyclap for kinsmen. Be real. Worldremit is garbage. Why does it take 1 week to send a money transfer from N.A to Europe? I rather use Amal Express. Minutes. Not days. I can send from Edmonton to Isku Shuban in 1 minute at Amal.

It's 2016.

I don't accept that shit

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@AbdiJohnson dee thats 3 posts in a seems personal now:yloezpe:
World remit will expand because of the investors who have a stake in it, that's what it comes down to. Similar to how barclays kept dahabshiil above everyone else
Nothing personal. I honestly don't even know the man or anything about him.

It's absolutely garbage.

I'm happy he's rich but I'm independent. It is what makes me an honourable man.

Worldremit has fancy font and fancy characters on its website. Worldremit just hired a fancy kind of web designer.

I will not get my boxers wet for that crappy service. You people need to get your head out of the sand.

Worldremit is absolutely garbage
Under the FAQ on their website it says the money transfers instantly if you are using the mobile transfer.
The only method that could take up to a week is the home delivery option.
Many transfers sent using WorldRemit arrive instantly. Some can take longer, depending on how the money is being received.

You will see transfer times for your chosen country and receiving method before you make a payment.

Broadly, the following timings apply:

Bank deposit: Instant transfers available to selected banks. Others vary depending on bank and country.

Cash pick-up: Available for collection instantly

Airtime top-up: Always instant or near instant.

Mobile Money: Always instant or near instant.

Home delivery: 24hrs – 7 days depending on location. See full list of timings and locations. (Philippines only).

Important: Your transfer will not start until WorldRemit has received payment. E.g. if your payment card is not authorised immediately, the transfer will be delayed slightly.
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