Would you ask your future spouse for an std test before marrying?

Girls/Women should also be asked to get tested, it's not offensive to look after your own health. In fact, any girl/woman should see that as a sign of someone being responsible. It does not mean someone is being accused of promiscuity, as STDs are not only passed on through intercourse.

A man asking this of a chaste woman from a practicing family will most likely get chased away. It is offensive because whether he intends it or not he is implying she may not be chaste. People will automatically link "STD" with zina/faahisha and not medical malpractice.
A man asking this of a chaste woman from a practicing family will most likely get chased away. It is offensive because whether he intends it or not he is implying she may not be chaste. People will automatically link "STD" with zina/faahisha and not medical malpractice.

No it's not offensive. I'm from a practicing family and my own father told me to ask for an STD check. People need to stop being ignorant about health and understand that diseases can spread from non-sexual related activities.
What a lot of people are failing to realise is that due to people being scared of STD tests and the stigma of disease, it's spreading even more! For example, there are medical clinics who don't clean their equipment properly or they reuse needles, due to this people catch diseases.

HPV for example can be spread through non-sexual contact. Allah forbid, you get into a fight with someone with HPV and they stick their hand in your mouth or their skin rubs against yours.
The route of HPV transmission is primarily through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact. Sexual transmission is the most documented, but there have been studies suggesting non-sexual courses. The horizontal transfer of HPV includes fomites, fingers, and mouth, skin contact (other than sexual)
people are worrying too much. yes we all have problems but stopp worrying just gwt married inshaAllah no need for std check πŸ™‚

People are worrying too little and that's why miskeen women and children back in Somalia have HIV. Anyone who refuses to get tested or gets angry, should be considered suspicious and a threat to the general public.
No it's not offensive. I'm from a practicing family and my own father told me to ask for an STD check. People need to stop being ignorant about health and understand that diseases can spread from non-sexual related activities.

What a lot of people are failing to realise is that due to people being scared of STD tests and the stigma of disease, it's spreading even more! For example, there are medical clinics who don't clean their equipment properly or they reuse needles, due to this people catch diseases.

HPV for example can be spread through non-sexual contact. Allah forbid, you get into a fight with someone with HPV and they stick their hand in your mouth or their skin rubs against yours.
you do know that our bodies sometimes get immune to something right
you do know that our bodies sometimes get immune to something right

Very rarely are people immune to STDs, in fact, STDs have become even worse as of late because people are reckless.

In Muslim countries, it's because people refuse to listen to common sense and would rather be silenced due to 'Ceeb' culture.
thats like worrying you wil get malaria in europe the chance is very low so why worry

The risk of an STD is not 'very low'.

You only have one life, so why risk it in fear of 'offending' someone who could be a disease incubator for all you know.
Look, ultimately, it's your choice. I am not here to force people. I just want to raise awareness.
i agree with wath you say but worrying i dont agree with. worrying will make you sad.

We place trust in Allah, but we also 'tie our camel'.

The Prophet (PBUH) asked him β€œWhy don't you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, β€œI put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then replied, β€œTie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah.” It seems simple. Tie the camel, trust in Allah, go about your business
If she tells me she’s a virgin I will not be asking for an STD test. If she’s a non-virgin then you don’t marry her. No exceptions.

But if on the wedding night, it’s very obvious she’s had sex before. I would divorce her on the spot and get an STD test for myself. And then I would find a righteous woman to marry again. Simple.


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If she tells me she’s a virgin I will not be asking for an STD test. If she’s a non-virgin then you don’t marry her. No exceptions.

But if on the wedding night, it’s very obvious she’s had sex before. I would divorce her on the spot and get an STD test for myself. And then I would find a righteous woman to marry again. Simple.
Might I ask, what is wrong with a non-virgin woman?
If she tells me she’s a virgin I will not be asking for an STD test. If she’s a non-virgin then you don’t marry her. No exceptions.

But if on the wedding night, it’s very obvious she’s had sex before. I would divorce her on the spot and get an STD test for myself. And then I would find a righteous woman to marry again. Simple.

Virgins, male or female, can contract STDs from medical malpractice or if they inherit it from a HIV carrying parent who breastfed them.
A man asking this of a chaste woman from a practicing family will most likely get chased away. It is offensive because whether he intends it or not he is implying she may not be chaste. People will automatically link "STD" with zina/faahisha and not medical malpractice.
I would be horrified if a man asked me this.
For the women in here. Do you know how many men have secret wives, some even have secret families for decades before they are caught. So if men are capable of such huge deceptions, even the so-called 'religious' ones, why wouldn't they also lie about carrying STDs?

If you don't care for your own health and are too worried about 'offending', at least think about this: HIV can be passed onto babies through breastmilk! As a mother, you should look out for your babies, instead of falling prey to bullshit 'ceeb' culture.