Would you ever divorce a girl after finding out that she was in a relationship before your marriage

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:mjlol: the person would find out regardless. Do you know how fast gossip about situations like that spreads? Women are really stupid if they believe a guy would shut up about a person he had sex with. Before you know it the whole neighborhood would find out.

That would be incredibly embarrassing for the guy, and you would think if it wouldn’t have been better if he found out from you instead of the streets.

This is why you don’t shit where you eat.

You set up dick appointments outside of your state or a different country if you’re reer Europe.

Remind me again boowe, you’re in Sweden right?
This is why you don’t shit where you eat.

You set up dick appointments outside of your state or a different country if you’re reer Europe.

Remind me again boowe, you’re in Sweden right?
This my friends is quality advice:qri8gs7:
Knowles always comes through mashallah.
She doesn’t have to tell me her past but I will list some requirements that I want in my wife and add on a virgin spouse who kept her chastity to the list. That way she won’t be exposing her sin and at the same time won’t be fooling me. All she has to do is move on.

If I later find out that she has a past, then I’ll divorce her.

Wise man, I recently heard about this and I too will be implementing this.


Wise man, I recently heard about this and I too will be implementing this.

This is modern day virginity tests taught by the low life dawah man.

If you’re setting up tests for a woman to reveal to you if she has sinned then you might as well ask directly. Imagine trying to outwit your own religion lol.
why does she have to be upfront about it? it is between her and Allah. It is none of your business. She had a life before you, you know.
What's the difference between her and cadaan s then? you bed one and marry the other.

Depends on how many men she's been with. I don't want to take her back home and have ppl know her as the girl in the club who got down and jiggy with the whole Madow neighbourhood.


Even if you do the “right” thing and marry her, there’s still a chance she might come home one night smelling like the Nigerian football team with the flimsy excuse of being “unhaaaaaaappyyy” with the marriage.
Allah will eventually expose her if she lied to me about her virginity. I put my trust into him.

Surah an-Nur Ayah 26: “Good Women Are For Good Men”

Btw it’s not hard to tell if a woman has past experiences.
They think just because some cursed doctor can stitch up their hymen that they are safe. Virgin girls are miskeen walaahi and don't know what they are doing whilst having sex for the first time. A non virginn is easier to tell apart it's just something about the way they behave during bed. You will know when you have a non virgin in the bedroom.


If you’re the type of girl who slept around before marriage but have now “repented”, then you should likewise look for men who slept around and have “repented”.
It is not deception. How evil can you guys get? Nearly all you guys on here have the same FREAKIN mentality. What will become of that girl if all of you are not willing to stay with her?
She can be the second wife at best since that's the only compromise i will make and then we will see how pious of a muslimah she is whether she will accept her punishment from allah for committing zina or will she be ungrateful and wish to be valued as much as a woman who graded her chastity. If you sleep around get ready to marry another adulterer or prepare to be come the second wife.
There are cameras everywhere nowadays and if she has her picture taken with another man then she is a non virgin in my book.
This is modern day virginity tests taught by the low life dawah man.

If you’re setting up tests for a woman to reveal to you if she has sinned then you might as well ask directly. Imagine trying to outwit your own religion lol.

She hasn't revealed that she lost her virginity but more that she doesn't fill the requirements you sent her. This enables her to avoid talkings one one who isn't interested in her.
If you’re the type of girl who slept around before marriage but have now “repented”, then you should likewise look for men who slept around and have “repented”.
Loooll naayada look at this kathaab. You know damn well that the most qashin of all abdis whos been with every becky on the block and has been trapping since age 8 will demand a sheikhad with their chest with 0 shame. Stop the lies sxb.:ulyin:
I am not shallow, I just don't see her as wifey material, maybe if I know her for longer.
And if you know her for longer and you still dont see her as wifey material?:reallymaury: you gonna keep dragging her around till wifey shows up miiya? The male psyche is an incredible thing msa. :ummhmm:
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