It depends. Some ethnicities, like the Oromos, are not uniform in religion, ethnicity (background), and belief like Somalis. During 18th & 19th century, we've converted many of them into the religion, but many still display double-dealing mannerisms we should not be tolerated when creating a state based on religion and belief. Also, one must note that there is a sizeable amount of them that are not even muslim, and would ardently back their Amhara oppressors when such actions are taking place.
Afars are another problem as well. Many of them (similar to right now) are on hostile terms with Somalis, and would prefer to remain in the current state of conflict with Somalis, in order to seize land and resources. Unlike other ethnicities of the horn, they are as hardheaded - if not more hardheaded than the average Somali. So good luck negotiating the creation of an 'Islamic State' to them. Amharas are another option too. But, as we all know, the vast majority of them are Orthodox Christians. Any sign of a rising Muslim population within the Amhara would be squandered by them.
The only viable option we have is with Eritrea. We are on neutral terms with them, which is a great thing. However, how must we create a state with them, considering our long distance between each other? A better idea would be to form some sort of alliance with them. We should base the alliance on both religion and geographical & political positions. This alliance would squeeze Ethiopia and other gaal nations of the horn, and stagnate whatever progress they have.
That's what I think to be a better idea.
Afars are another problem as well. Many of them (similar to right now) are on hostile terms with Somalis, and would prefer to remain in the current state of conflict with Somalis, in order to seize land and resources. Unlike other ethnicities of the horn, they are as hardheaded - if not more hardheaded than the average Somali. So good luck negotiating the creation of an 'Islamic State' to them. Amharas are another option too. But, as we all know, the vast majority of them are Orthodox Christians. Any sign of a rising Muslim population within the Amhara would be squandered by them.
The only viable option we have is with Eritrea. We are on neutral terms with them, which is a great thing. However, how must we create a state with them, considering our long distance between each other? A better idea would be to form some sort of alliance with them. We should base the alliance on both religion and geographical & political positions. This alliance would squeeze Ethiopia and other gaal nations of the horn, and stagnate whatever progress they have.
That's what I think to be a better idea.