Would you marry your first cousin?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Would you ever consider marrying your first cousin? :tacky:

I've recently met a couple, they're so lovey dovey, I always thought their relationship was kind of cute, but I just found out that they're first cousins. Not just any cousins but freaking first COUSINS. :pacspit:

I view all my male cousins as my brothers. It's sickening even possibly imagining laying down with them. I know it's not haraam so save me your calcaal but it still creeps me out!
that doesn't creep me out, but what does is some cousins who flirt and act like boyfriend/girlfriend jokingly, but still say walaalkay/shay waaye noh


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
The couple I'm talking about are Somali. The girl was born and raised in UAE and the guy was born and raised in the U.S :tacky:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Guys, what if your cousin is like really, really hot? Like I mean movie star or model hot? And you didn't meet each other until adulthood, so you didn't grow up with eachother? What about then?:zhqjlmx:
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