Yeah pretty much, you can’t really fight the mindset some of your own soldiers can get indoctrinated overnight and al shabaab can bring proof in the Quran and Sunnah for most things that they do meanwhile you got sufi aswj smoking weed and worshipping graves so to many al shabaab will look like they are on the Haqq, I think the best way to stop them is make the consitution sharia lawPla , have you studied i
So what you are saying is since USA wasnt able too eradicate terrorism , we should throw in the towle?
Allhamdullilah bro !I'm not even from Somalia , So hell no!
My country is terror free Alhamdulilah.
Always its human natureyeah you gotta fight for peace
Now we are talking!. Did you know your enemy while you was fighting ? , and are you from Dhul UdugI fought few months in the civil war. I would fight for my region against internal and external threats be it Alshabab or rival clans.
The Constitution is already partly built on the sharia , not as much as in Saudi but we still do fufill alot of obligations specially when it comes to qisasYeah pretty much, you can’t really fight the mindset some of your own soldiers can get indoctrinated overnight and al shabaab can bring proof in the Quran and Sunnah for most things that they do meanwhile you got sufi aswj smoking weed and worshipping graves so to many al shabaab will look like they are on the Haqq, I think the best way to stop them is make the consitution sharia law
only kinda like Saudi Arabia then they have nothing to really fight for
Whats the matter with ya talking about churches being built nigga leaveI think they would prefer the status quo if they knew a church was going to be built.
I fought few months in the civil war. I would fight for my region against internal and external threats be it Alshabab or rival clans.
What type of guns have you fielded?
Did you know this gun’nick name is Miskiin Caawiye(PKM)?
With this, You can take on a whole squad by yourself.
Dabo jeexin south-central somalia PKM is nicknamed dhabojeex