Would you sign a prenuptial?

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  • Narrated 'Uqba: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The stipulations [in the marriage contract] most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women's) private parts."
Sahih Bukhari #82
According to this Hadith a wife can't refuse her husband sex as part of the marriage contract.
In Islam you have to sign a marriage contract with certain conditions you can't opt out of this darling.

Again with blind Bukhari
  • Narrated 'Uqba: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The stipulations [in the marriage contract] most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women's) private parts."
Sahih Bukhari #82
According to this Hadith a wife can't refuse her husband sex as part of the marriage contract.
In Islam you have to sign a marriage contract with certain conditions you can't opt out of this darling.

Some times you gotta chill with the religion thing fam smh niggas have no chill these day's

Some people claim that the "Hadith & Sunna" are divine revelations. Obviously, they are not aware that the criterion of divine revelations is PERFECT PRESERVATION. Since the so-called Hadith & Sunna of the Prophet have been vastly corrupted, they can never meet the criterion of divine revelation. It is an acknowledged fact that the vast majority of Hadiths are false fabrications. Please see the section on "The numbers of Hadiths". After your review of "the numbers of Hadiths" you will find that as much as 99% of the hadiths alleged for the prophet were lies and fabrications. Not a simple number to ignore regarding God preserving His divine revelations as stated in 15:9. "Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder (Azekrra) (Quran), and absolutely, we will preserve it."
Any reader of Hadiths books will find in them so many contradictions to make the above conclusion easily, they are not from God.

The blasphemy is evident when they claim that Hadith and Sunna are divine revelations Do they not realize that God Almighty is capable of preserving His revelations?

YES, WE SHOULD OBEY THE PROPHET MUHAMMED. God in the Quran clearly states that obeying the Prophet is the same like obeying Him. No one should consider himself true Muslim (Submitter in English) unless he obeys and follow the prophet Muhammed. Obeying him is to follow the words that came from his mouth inspired by God , the Quran. Without getting into more details , review for yourself the verses, 6:19, 50:45, 16:44, 16:64, 14:1, 6:155, 4:105, 18:27 .....etc. to see that Quran is the only message of Muhammed.
the greatest?" Say, "God's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna)has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches......

[Quran 50:45] .........remind with this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna) , those who reverence My warnings."
When the prophet Muhammed died, he left behind only ONE book, the Quran. The ONLY book that the prophet Muhammed followed was the Quran.

Those who follow the Quran are following the Prophet Muhammed , those who are following the alleged Hadith and Sunna are not following the Prophet but following those who wrote these books. Following anybody but God's commandments in the Quran, is idol-worship. Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained tell death. Good intentions do not help, many idol-worshipers will face God on the Day of Judgment not realizing what they were doing , their intentions will not help them then, read for yourself 6:22-24.
concept of Trinity was CREATED, and is now the primary source of a Christian's belief in defiance of the Bible which advocates the absolute worship of God Alone.

The Muslims 150- 200 years after the death of Muhammed CREATED another source of their religion with the Quran, "Hadith and Sunnah", falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammed, and in defiance of the Quran. Today most Muslims have discarded the Quran in favor of Hadith and Sunnah.
When the prophet Muhammed died, he left behind only ONE book, the Quran. The ONLY book that the prophet Muhammed followed was the Quran.

Those who follow the Quran are following the Prophet Muhammed , those who are following the alleged Hadith and Sunna are not following the Prophet but following those who wrote these books. Following anybody but God's commandments in the Quran, is idol-worship. Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained tell death. Good intentions do not help, many idol-worshipers will face God on the Day of Judgment not realizing what they were doing , their intentions will not help them then, read for yourself 6:22-24.

Why don't you tell this to your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters?
Many of the Muslims in general talk about the Hadiths collection with a respect that matches and sometimes exceeds that of the Quran. While the Quran does not leave any doubt as to where God wants us to look for the guidance and perfect happiness, those who do not believe God in His own words usually find in the Hadiths and Sunna a refuge that has been condemned by the Quran repeatedly. God already informed us in the Quran that His book is the BEST HADITHS 39:23,and that we should only seek His Hadiths (Quran) 7:185, and wonders why the people are not satisfied with His words, 45:6 !!

Imam Al-Bukhary or Bukhary for short, is just one of several scholars who decided to collect the Hadiths and Sunna despite the clear prohibition by the Prophet Muhammed himself and all the Khalifas who followed him of collecting and writing anything but the Quran.

Many of the Muslims today look at Bukhary with a respect he did not deserve or earn. His elevation to the level of a Saint by the Muslims and Scholars who came after him made of his books of Hadiths and Sunna a second Quran .

While modern Christianity is the product of Paul's corruption and hallucination , traditional Sunni Islam as practiced today, is the product of corruption of the true religion of Islam by people like Bukhary.

As soon as the Muslims deserted the Quran in favor of the Hadiths and Sunna books, their true Islam was corrupted beyond belief and their practice of Islam today is but a reflection of the Islam of the Scholars like Bukhary, Moslem, Nesaay, Termethy, Abu-Daoud...etc. and not a reflection of the Islam (Submission in English) presented to us by the Prophet Muhammed.

While those who defend Bukhary praise him for his methodology of collecting the hadiths for his book known as "Sahih Al-Bukhary". They only reflect ignorance with what Bukhary actually collected in his book .

Not only did Bukhary broke the rules that he claimed he used to ensure the authenticity of the hadiths but his own personal feelings, political alliance and hatred to people like Ali Ibn Abu Talib affected his choice of what hadiths to list in his book and what hadiths to refuse. He cared less about the content of the hadiths itself . He listed many hadiths that contradict the Quran, contradict other hadiths , contradict common sense, insult God, insult the Prophet Muhammed, insult the Prophet's wives and his family . The position that Bukhary took regarding Ali Ibn-Abu Talib Vs his position towards Mu'aawyiah is but a reflection of the political corruption of Bukhary and his bias in listing the Hadiths that put down Ali while making of his ardent enemy Mu'aawyiah, a pure and righteous man despite his known

corruption and defiance of the simple Islamic laws. Bukhary narrated Many Hadiths in his book that the public call "Sahih" (Authentic) for people who were considered liars, corrupted and untrustworthy. Muslim Scholars who came after him were afraid to expose the truth and the shortcoming of Bukhary and other scholars of Hadiths and Sunna like him. As a simple example, in the famous book "Al-Mustadrek", the author states that Bukhary listed Hadiths taken from 434 persons who were not accepted by Moslem for his book "Sahih Moslem" as good trustworthy people. On the other hand Moslem accepted for his book 625 persons who narrated Hadiths ,who were refused by Bukhary.

The corruption of Islam by Hadiths and Sunna started right during the Prophet's life and soon after his death. This collection of the so called Hadiths and Sunna was condemned by God, the Prophet and the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet). This act reached its peak by the end of the second Hijra century when the famous six books (references) of Hadiths were written.

God Almighty predicted this corruption and told us in 6:112-113 why He permitted this corruption to happen and also told us ahead of time that the messenger will complain to Him on the day of Judgment of the Muslims DESERTING THE QURAN (not deserting the Hadiths and Sunna). See 25:30
Why don't you tell this to your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters?

Because this man's book are preventing you from seeing the beauty of Islam, I want to study the Islam without Bukhara and you will recognize the beauty of our religion
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