Would you take a cheating spouse back?

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The thing about playing the devil's advocate is that you can end up sounding obtuse. I will pray for you.

I wasn't playing the devils advocate. I asked a sincere question and you immediately wrote me off

I asked you in a serious tone: what was the prophet talking about to his wives that showed expression of feelings? Any hadith? I'm not doubting you. I was curious to know.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I don't have patience whatsoever. Even if I see my man smiling at other chicks I would drop kick his ass and make him sleep in the basement with the heat turned off so he can freeze his ass and think about not smiling at other chicks.
Wait is that too much? Lol

Idman, it's your call. Think nothing of it, and do the same for a dude. :win:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Are you married? Does your husband open up to you?

The only time I saw my dad reach my mom was when his parents died. The only time I've ever seen him sad/emotional

Yes. I think you're mistaking being emotional with being sad and/or crying. When a woman says she wants you to 'open up more', she doesn't mean 'tell me the saddest moment in your life'. It can be as simple as being expressive about how you feel about any given situation through an open and honest dialogue. It's all about communication.
Yes. I think you're mistaking being emotional with being sad and/or crying. When a woman says she wants you to 'open up more', she doesn't mean 'tell me the saddest moment in your life'. It can be as simple as being expressive about how you feel about any given situation through an open and honest dialogue. It's all about communication.

If that's the case, almost all spouses do that. But a few don't. They might just express it in a different way/tone.
I write you off because you're on a public forum hollering an ideology that isn't true and insulting. Go back and study the sunnah.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
If that's the case, almost all spouses do that. But a few don't. They might just express it in a different way/tone.

They actually don't.




lol emotionally cheat is not a big deal. is it now? me to tell the truth i have never considered that cheating. i was with my SO for about 2 years and we had been happy for about 5th of dat. it is not bad. but my SO my partner they(i like keep my idnetity) were emotinally involved with somwone i had no knowledgne. none what soeva because they were super snicky sly cat. they built relationship with this person behind my they shared themself behind my back. i played many bad kelly clarkson songs tan. i was a reck. they were tell this new person that they were unhappy wit me behind my back. if you unhappy you eoudl tell me. why tell other? anyway so they were unhappy and they found someone to share emotion with behind my ack. i cant say i dont have sadness because that is lie. i had had forgiven them now but now i am believe that we cant be happy in monogoumous relations. it just not work.:trash:
Emotional cheating:what1:
Only a girl would come up with some shit like that.
There are things that my boy know about me that I would never tell my wife.we been boys for 21 years so compared to a wife if you been married less than 7-8 years.I'm more comfortable telling him shit cuz me and this nigga used to watch cartoons and play with legos
As a guy I'd expect my girl to come to me with the emotional talk. Something's up if she has to go to another guy to open up or for a shoulder to lean on. But as a guy I wouldn't be very open emotionally, if I'm upset or annoyed I keep it to myself, and if I have to speak about something it's to one or two close friends.
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