WOW! The French are straight forward "won't serve u Muslims, get out " says a Paris rest.owner (vid)

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
French people are such pussies needed so many countries even canada to save there asses in WW2. Used africans to rebuild there country and colonise and massacre millions. They deserve everything come there way keep pushing buttons and see whats gonna happen.

Charlie hebdo had to learn :sass1:


Suicidal men adore me.
There's two sides to the story. I can understand them. They've been hit by terrorism. I don't agree with them tho.
France what an arrogant country full of arrogant people, I am just glad that I live in the UK because people here are so tolerant of others

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
France what an arrogant country full of arrogant people, I am just glad that I live in the UK because people here are so tolerant of others

I've said enough times that the Frenchman is a saqajaan, a deceitful gaajo. In Djibouti they've annihilated Djiboutian girl's dabo. They only do them dabo and throw the peace sign.
There's two sides to the story. I can understand them. They've been hit by terrorism. I don't agree with them tho.
The real terrorism is what the French did in Algeria, Morocco and west Africa. Hun till today they are occupying countries indirectly through colonial tax, changing regimes like in Mali & Ivory Coast.
I've said enough times that the Frenchman is a saqajaan, a deceitful gaajo. In Djibouti they've annihilated Djiboutian girl's dabo. They only do them dabo and throw the peace sign.
They've colonized North Africa and now they are treating them like f in their own country and the way they are so obsessed with what women wear to the beach is pathetic


All Praise To Allah |
Islamophobes can only pick on innocent Muslim women, I'd like them confronting bearded Muslim men! :vncu2n5:bunch of arrogant cowards


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Islamophobes can only pick on innocent Muslim women, I'd like them confronting bearded Muslim men! :vncu2n5:bunch of arrogant cowards

Exactly! All these Islamophobes only pick on women. All these laws being implemented to reduce "terrorism risks" also affect women the most. It's funny because women terrorists are low so why are they so obsessed with hijab?


This is just the beginning, Islamophobia will get much much worse in Europe as the number of Muslim immigrants increase.
Exactly! All these Islamophobes only pick on women?
You can't tell Muslim men from non-Muslim men most of the time. With women it is easy because of the head covering so they get targeted more by Islamophobes.


All Praise To Allah |
Exactly! All these Islamophobes only pick on women. All these laws being implemented to reduce "terrorism risks" also affect women the most. It's funny because women terrorists are low so why are they so obsessed with hijab?
Muslim women are vulnerable compared to us men, why are they targeting hijabi women? Well.. they're wussies as a start, we should protect our sisters when it comes to cowardly attacks and discrimination. Muslim women are the mother's of this dunya, I can see shit escalating in Europe.
What a pos that guy is.

French people are such pussies needed so many countries even canada to save there asses in WW2. Used africans to rebuild there country and colonise and massacre millions. They deserve everything come there way keep pushing buttons and see whats gonna happen.

Charlie hebdo had to learn :sass1:

:kanyehmm:, damn you are wrong for this.

Although I don't speak French, I can see they're getting hammered. :mjlaugh:


All Praise To Allah |
This is just the beginning, Islamophobia will get much much worse in Europe as the number of Muslim immigrants increase.
Key interesting points handed out, I do wear khamis in England in town or public busses wherever

You can't tell Muslim men from non-Muslim men most of the time. With women it is easy because of the head covering so they get targeted more by Islamophobes.
That's true key interesting points handed out, I do wear Khamis in England haven't faced any blacklash but the Muslim women here are easily mobbed imo.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
There's two sides to the story. I can understand them. They've been hit by terrorism. I don't agree with them tho.

How can you understand them when they label 1.6 billion people terrorist. French people are ignorant, close minded and plain stupid. As a country they should learn how to be tolerant when they have Muslim citizens. I can't imagine the fear that is going through the Muslim French citizens, to me a terrorist is a person who's ignorant and a racist.


Suicidal men adore me.
How can you understand them when they label 1.6 billion people terrorist. French people are ignorant, close minded and plain stupid. As a country they should learn how to be tolerant when they have Muslim citizens. I can't imagine the fear that is going through the Muslim French citizens, to me a terrorist is a person who's ignorant and a racist.

It's pretty hard to be tolerant when you're being attacked. I didn't say I agree with them but I understand.
France is the weakest of the Europeans. Irnoically, they make the most noise. They got owned by Germany in 1870(Prussian franco ar), again in WW1 and again in WW2. When the germans start to revolt is when the Muslims should find ways to get out of europe. The rest of europeans are harmless.
It's pretty hard to be tolerant when you're being attacked. I didn't say I agree with them but I understand.
Which one came first? France getting attacked or france bombing Muslim countires? Also did you forget that as @Canuck said some countries in Africa pay annual taxes to france to this day? In the early 1920s they use to castrate men in Algeria and Morroco and Tunisa when they revolted. If the Europeans and white people stayed in Europe, I doubt anyone would be attacking them. By the way I condemn the terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere like a normal person would but it is good to analyze why these things happen and especially why they happen to france more than any other country.


Suicidal men adore me.
Which one came first? France getting attacked or france bombing Muslim countires? Also did you forget that as @Canuck said some countries in Africa pay annual taxes to france to this day? In the early 1920s they use to castrate men in Algeria and Morroco and Tunisa when they revolted. If the Europeans and white people stayed in Europe, I doubt anyone would be attacking them. By the way I condemn the terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere like a normal person would but it is good to analyze why these things happen and especially why they happen to france more than any other country.

As if the french citizens care. All they care about is not being attacked in their country. I didn't say I agree with them but I did say I understand their point of view. More and more Europeans and European countries will start behaving this way.

Xenophobia will only get more fuel thanks to terrorism cause by "Islamist groups". Can you really fault them when the people blowing themselves up are screaming Allahu Akbar? It's not hard to see why regular Muslims are being attacked for ISIS actions.
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