WTF Amhara are 15% in Jigjiga? and Somalis are 84%? 1% others include Oromo

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what? a jidwaq sub clan have been assimilated? bro i never heard of this before,

tell me more please, which clan has been assimilated? or do you mean yall live or borer them but learned their language and marry their females?

Somalis are native to hararghe , and oromos expanded into Somali lands after the fall of the adal sultanate until they were eventually stopped by his majesty Garaad of the Kumaade, Garaad Wiil Waal. The qabils mentioned in futuh al habash like karanle hawiye, marehan, geri koombe, harti koombe, yabare jidwaaq, bartire jidwaaq, gurgure all live in eastern hararghe ( area around Harar) . Even though these people speak oromo they are Somali. Thats why oromos constantly try to make the gurgure oromo so they can claim dir dhabe ownership ( because dir dhabe waxa iska leh gurgure iyo ciise). But thanks to qabil/abtirsin its hard to assimilate somalis even if they speak oromo just look at the garre in Liban / Dawa zone who border the oromo and speak their language but forever even until now are sworn enemies.

He's talking about yabare jidwaaq. They haven't been assimilated , for example balcad absame and even some abaskuul subclans that used to live in this area they have been assimilated by Oromo , particularly jaarso. The yabare though they weren't assimilated since their numbers were larger, like the karanle. Thats probably 30 percent of yabare though, the rest they mainly live in jigjiga region.

I met a yabare jidwaaq guy from this area couple weeks ago who told me all this. They own and inhabit kombolcha a city/district with a population of 160k closely north of harar. Suldaan ayeey ba leeyihin who was appointed by the yabare suldan in jigjiga to monitor them. Also the second man in charge or the gudoomiye ku xigeen of the eastern hararghe zone (gobol) is yabare. I was invited by him to visit the area since i'm a fellow jidwaaq/absame and I might since I'm going to Jigjiga this summer inshallah.

Heres a video of some jarso guy who has traveled through this area talking about it and dadka dega. First off he says oromo don't know qabil and the only thing that makes someone oromo is luuqad, thats it. A lot of insight, Its worth a listen . Start from 26 minutes and watch till 31 minutes.

Last but not least somalis need to unite and liberate the Harare highlands.
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