WTF is going on in Chicago?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They're all going to hell though
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah had once forgiven a prostitute. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Seeing that thirst had nearly killed him, she took off her shoe, tied it to her scarf, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3143, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245

Allah is often Oft-forgiving most wise it's he who judges & gets to say who is going to enter heaven or hell its he who knows the secrets that one conceals in their heart.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah had once forgiven a prostitute. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Seeing that thirst had nearly killed him, she took off her shoe, tied it to her scarf, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3143, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245

Allah is often Oft-forgiving most wise it's he who judges & gets to say who is going to enter heaven or hell its he who knows the secrets that one conceals in their heart.


Ina diina cindallaahi al-Islam



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Ina diina cindallaahi al-Islam

Allah tests those that he loves best, AA are more closer to us Muslims cause in the Quran they're referred to the people of the book. Laakinse what do you believe in mr bahal? Demonology iyo numerology :mugshotman:
This is the logical conclusion of the cultural marxist movement that you wish Somalis would adopt, OP. All of those murderers were raised by liberated, empowered, and independent women who "don't need no man" like @Angela Davis. :manny:

If you look at some diasporic Somali communities, you see the same culture of gang violence, hyper masculinity, widespread single motherhood, and government dependency emerging in tandem with widespread acceptance of the far left ideals you espouse.


Not your typical Farah
I've repeated it before but I'll say it one more time: these people escaped second class citizenhood not even 50 years ago. Every leader they had was either sniped or died too early to bring significant change.

Not entirely sure how people believe hundreds of years of perpetual enslavement and then a hundred more years of exclusion can be eradicated in 50 years tbh.

Also Chicago has pretty much always been a shit hole whether it was the Italians shooting the f*ck out each other or blacks. The 70s were a far more disgusting stretch than now and things haven't gotten better.

That city is just pure trash. Corrupt police officials since its inception to shitty mayors and bureaucrats.

Okay, so what does the current white man has to do then? So they have a cultural and psychological problems? Does the white man has to treat them for their psychological and teach them how act and live as a civilized responsible adult? Or do you think just dumping or AKA redistributing wealth is so going change this?
Relative poverty. There's no real poverty in the US. The ''poor'' people there are often fat and have all kinds of gadgets at home.

That's definitely true. Most poor people in Canada or the US aren't actually "poor".

Most of them are overweight, with running water in their homes, refrigeration, internet access, an old Hyundai vehicle and an iPhone.

They can't blame poverty for their crime rate. Places like West Virginia are just as poor but they have a very low murder rate---the only difference being that poor Whites just aren't as violent as poor Blacks.
I've repeated it before but I'll say it one more time: these people escaped second class citizenhood not even 50 years ago. Every leader they had was either sniped or died too early to bring significant change.

Not entirely sure how people believe hundreds of years of perpetual enslavement and then a hundred more years of exclusion can be eradicated in 50 years tbh.

Also Chicago has pretty much always been a shit hole whether it was the Italians shooting the f*ck out each other or blacks. The 70s were a far more disgusting stretch than now and things haven't gotten better.

That city is just pure trash. Corrupt police officials since its inception to shitty mayors and bureaucrats.

Fixing the problems of Black America won't happen if you keep creating excuses.

Set some standards, hold your leaders accountable, arrest the small percentage of Black men who are responsible for a majority of the homicides, and create strong nuclear families so that young Black boys can grow up in a stable family environment. Culture matters.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Fixing the problems of Black America won't happen if you keep creating excuses.

Set some standards, hold your leaders accountable, arrest the small percentage of Black men who are responsible for a majority of the homicides, and create strong nuclear families so that young Black boys can grow up in a stable family environment. Culture matters.

Those aren't excuses. It's an abject reality of Chicago being a legitimate shit-hole riddled with crime since its inception as a city.

And the rest of what I said is still not an excuse. How exactly do people who were enslaved for centuries, and then denied rights for a century further magically go past their circumstances? In less than 50 years no less, a fraction of the time the were perpetually owned and abused. You say hold your leaders accountable. My question is what leaders? Sure you can name a few with an ivy league education who have ingrained themselves in America's elite, but do you know how far removed these people are from their pasts? We're talking decades usually of surrounding themselves with people far outside their circumstances. How in tune are these people really with the community they left behind?

What you're doing is diagnosing the symptoms. We know those. They're meme notes at this point, really. But culturally speaking you can't just change societal norms when genuine degenerates are rewarded in that community with money, retail endorsements etc. Black boys growing up in a stable environment relies on a whole generation receiving new media, access to resources, stable role models they can relate to, and a justice system that isn't privatized and routinely linked to corruption and finances. They need more than what they're getting and this is why they are where they are.

It's not really about assigning blame. It's about seeing circumstances and trying to fix them. And considering this country just elected a buffoon to lead them for 4 years I'm more inclined to believe their comprehension of societal norms aren't as in tune as we thought.


Those aren't excuses. It's an abject reality of Chicago being a legitimate shit-hole riddled with crime since its inception as a city.

And the rest of what I said is still not an excuse. How exactly do people who were enslaved for centuries, and then denied rights for a century further magically go past their circumstances? In less than 50 years no less, a fraction of the time the were perpetually owned and abused. You say hold your leaders accountable. My question is what leaders? Sure you can name a few with an ivy league education who have ingrained themselves in America's elite, but do you know how far removed these people are from their pasts? We're talking decades usually of surrounding themselves with people far outside their circumstances. How in tune are these people really with the community they left behind?

What you're doing is diagnosing the symptoms. We know those. They're meme notes at this point, really. But culturally speaking you can't just change societal norms when genuine degenerates are rewarded in that community with money, retail endorsements etc. Black boys growing up in a stable environment relies on a whole generation receiving new media, access to resources, stable role models they can relate to, and a justice system that isn't privatized and routinely linked to corruption and finances. They need more than what they're getting and this is why they are where they are.

It's not really about assigning blame. It's about seeing circumstances and trying to fix them. And considering this country just elected a buffoon to lead them for 4 years I'm more inclined to believe their comprehension of societal norms aren't as in tune as we thought.

That's not what people want to hear. They want to hear African-Americans are genetically inferior . African Americans are facing a myriad of issues today because men don't want to be fathers or something, something rap music and BET! Has absolutely nothing to do historic disenfranchisement and marginalisation.



Wallahi this "modowizaion", "GANG, GANG, GANG" era is really ruining the somali community...i see somalis wanabe rappers and all this bullshit "i wanna be a soccer player" or this apparent "men talk about sports" culture is really fucked up or when i walk to a group of young men and all their talking about is either music or last night's NFL, NBA, or Premier league game nothing better and when you go like "bro, i didnt watch no game last night" they give you those funny ass looks as if youre some alien or something.
And when you start talking about life or studies or Islaam they go like "Sheekadaas naga xir saaxib."
But when it comes to Low life weceloos like rappers they'll get all excited to an extent you'll see them calling themselves "Mohammed Curry" "Amina Lopez" "Bad Farxiya"
"Abdullah West" shit makes me go like...:faysalwtf:

I see these entertainers as TIME WASTERS and the bottom of the bottom, go to the African, Arab Indoyar and Muslim world and ask little kids what they wanna you'll hear kids say i wanna be a doctor, lawyer, Engineer, haafidh, i wanna be a muslim scholar, i wanna be imam of the haram. fast foward the kid in somalia or Syria finishes highschool then no higher Secular or Deen education coz its expensive or they're busy getting bombed, in qabil wars or rapping women in the street. WARR DALANYARADA SOMAALIDA OO QURBAHA JOGAAN WAX BARTA OO RAG IYO DUMAR INTAA ISKA DIGTIIN DADKIINA WAX TARA MISE SURWALAHA DABADA KARITA IYO JILBAABADA INTA TUURTIIN MADOWGAAN FAIDADA LAHEYN KUDEYDA.

Now, switch to the West you'll hear kids saying... I wanna be like Beyonce, i wanna be a baller, you'll hear phrases like "ball is life", i wanna be an actor...Umadaan maa wax fiican laga suugaya? NO.

Those aren't excuses. It's an abject reality of Chicago being a legitimate shit-hole riddled with crime since its inception as a city.

And the rest of what I said is still not an excuse. How exactly do people who were enslaved for centuries, and then denied rights for a century further magically go past their circumstances? In less than 50 years no less, a fraction of the time the were perpetually owned and abused. You say hold your leaders accountable. My question is what leaders? Sure you can name a few with an ivy league education who have ingrained themselves in America's elite, but do you know how far removed these people are from their pasts? We're talking decades usually of surrounding themselves with people far outside their circumstances. How in tune are these people really with the community they left behind?

What you're doing is diagnosing the symptoms. We know those. They're meme notes at this point, really. But culturally speaking you can't just change societal norms when genuine degenerates are rewarded in that community with money, retail endorsements etc. Black boys growing up in a stable environment relies on a whole generation receiving new media, access to resources, stable role models they can relate to, and a justice system that isn't privatized and routinely linked to corruption and finances. They need more than what they're getting and this is why they are where they are.

It's not really about assigning blame. It's about seeing circumstances and trying to fix them. And considering this country just elected a buffoon to lead them for 4 years I'm more inclined to believe their comprehension of societal norms aren't as in tune as we thought.

You're making it seem as if Black-Americans are in a worse position than other groups of people. Spare me your crocodile tears, countries like Rwanda experienced a fucking genocide 20 years ago and now they're miles ahead of their neighbors in development. Somalia was on an equal footing with South Korea back in the 1960's but look how far they've surpassed us since. A generation ago, no one ever thought of categorizing China or India as legitimate world powers, but a lot has changed since then.

Black Americans have the benefit of living in a country where extreme poverty is non-existent, where educational opportunities are unmatched anywhere else in the world, and where they have a $1 trillion dollar purchasing power (more than countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia).

You're referencing slavery while neglecting to mention the fact that AA's had MUCH lower homicide rates when Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were still alive, and this was at a time when Black Americans were much poorer and received far more discrimination than they do in 2017. If slavery is to blame for these gang murders, then why weren't these patterns more obvious 50 years ago when the Black-Americans were closer to slavery times than today?
That's not what people want to hear. They want to hear African-Americans are genetically inferior . African Americans are facing a myriad of issues today because men don't want to be fathers or something, something rap music and BET! Has absolutely nothing to do historic disenfranchisement and marginalisation.


It doesn't have to be one or the other. You're just making a false argument and then shutting it down while congratulating yourself.

But nice job in placing the fate and fortunes of Black-Americans in the hands of Whitey. How empowering and liberating must it feel when you think that you have no agency over your own life and that your success/failure is purely due to the benevolence of White people.

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