wtf is wrong with the UK somalis Diaspora on social media.

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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
All of you guys are under 20 and it shows.

I said my piece about reer UK, you already know my opinion on this gender FKD.

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No believe me it would make sense if you see how those UK folks out there act:
Salafis keep themselves to themselves and don’t even get involved in street nonsense. And most Caribbeans and Africans who convert become salafis. Religious youth who are in the masjid are not involved in street beefs


Salafis keep themselves to themselves and don’t even get involved in street nonsense. And most Caribbeans and Africans who convert become salafis. Religious youth who are in the masjid are not involved in street beefs
Dude a majority of Somalis in the Uk are Salafis and they are the biggest diaspora involved with gang violence, drill music and shit? The UK diaspora have actual problems


Salafis keep themselves to themselves and don’t even get involved in street nonsense. And most Caribbeans and Africans who convert become salafis. Religious youth who are in the masjid are not involved in street beefs
In my city the young Somali guys that became salafis and the madow friends they convert were both "former" gangsters.
They mostly stick with their kind of black only. They would never go for any Africans because they see themselves inferior to other black/Africans.

monkey the caribbeans actually interact with any other black people. Wallahi those from Curaçao & Aruba I met are actually very nice people but just mind their business.

cant say the same about Suriname. They want to be everything but what they are.
Late reactie maar dit is zo waar, as a fellow dutchie. Ik kon me nog goed herinneren op Twitter dat het voornamelijk Surinamers (van alle kleuren en afkomst) die altijd op ons hadden gemunt. Tuurlijk had je ook nog de anti's, mocro's en andere Afrikanen als Ghanezen die altijd ops ons vuurden maar ik merkte echt een haat van Surinamers richting ons en de koelie's die door eigenlijk iedereen werden beledigd.

Ik merkte dat de halfbloedjes, zowel in real life als online, echt uit de hoogte waren en gehypt werden als de mooiste vrouwen. Zij waren ook degene die donkere vrouwen beledigde, maar nu dat die hele melanin en dat andere donkere vrouwen gehypt worden en dat zij eigenlijk vergeten zijn, willen ze opeens pro black lopen spelen.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
madows show me bare love but torontos jus like dat everyone fucks wit everyone

i wouldn’t know why y’all in the uk got beef with black people tho
madows show me bare love but torontos jus like dat everyone fucks wit everyone

i wouldn’t know why y’all in the uk got beef with black people tho
Bro Toronto wasn't like dat 10 years ago.....somalis and jamaicans hated each other back then.
Everyone fucking with us know cause somali rappers blew up in the city 6 years ur boy in the dp lol
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