WTF! please Somali girls go to the gym!

Luciddreamer, Here is average look for somali females. 7 out of ten you run into look like this



@Basic do u look like any of these women?
Tell that to @NotMyL, accusing me of being a woman or some sort of pervert.
Thigh gap is beyond sexy bro.

Its not just white women i find attractive, i find Moroccans, Turkish and Asians girls very appealing.
Im not in love or half white tho haha, i like beauty thats all

Thigh Gap is actually sexy. As for beauty, yours is subjective. Well, we are all biased to and against something. But in fairness, and keeping universal beauty standards in mind, Somali women are generally good looking. Their body shape can be affected by their eating habits and life style, but they are one of the prettiest women out there.

Old guys I work with occasionally mention how attractive Somali women they see on trains with Hijab look. They are referring to the facial features of course.

In One of my math class at the U few years ago, I had young Somali female classmates. Very cute girls, all of them. I swiped their emails and phone numbers. To stroke my ego. Somali girls are ego boosters bro.



"You are your best thing"
Why do somali men hate curvy woman like the one the OP posted? Why are they fat ( when they literally have no belly, just breasts and ass) to you? Do you like your women to not have any curves? No breasts, ass of thighs? I don’t understand, these women are famous on insta and get lots of likes because men like em. But as evidence by this thread and numerous other threads, Somali men don’t?
It’s just online thing I never met a Somali guy who wasn’t into curves, also some of these posters do live in white populated areas so they tend to like what Mike and John like, it’s like that white kid in all black school you know he’s going to like big booty.
Thigh Gap is actually sexy. As for beauty, yours is subjective. Well, we are all biased to and against something. But in fairness, and keeping universal beauty standards in mind, Somali women are generally good looking. Their body shape can be affected by their eating habits and life style, but they are one of the prettiest women out there.

Old guys I work with occasionally mention how attractive Somali women they see on trains with Hijab look. They are referring to the facial features of course.

In One of my math class at the U few years ago, I had young Somali female classmates. Very cute girls, all of them. I swiped their emails and phone numbers. To stroke my ego. Somali girls are ego boosters bro.


More like ego crashers.

they expect me to be with this sht :

When i can have this :

Ive made my choice when i was 17 and no insecure salty xalimo can convince me otherwise

How are you going to compare a 35+ year old women with drug and alcohol addictions to this much younger girl here.

