Wtf, why are cunsuuris obsessed with us

Bruh stop caring about these people they've always hated us from day one it's not like they just started hating Somalis now they always do this no one cares let them seethe who gives a f*ck.


First of all that subreddit seems like an alt right version of R/Minneapolis so you are more likely to have negative comments
Second : we Somalis incarnate everything that many Americans hate : being black and being Muslim. Many comments sat they want us to assimilate , assimilation means they can still hate us but also make us weak after robbing us of our culture and language.


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
Lol, in the thread they complain mostly that they see their somali neighboor driving good car and not working lmao.

Caadan don't know that we are not as poor as they think we are

Because of Islam and our strict culture we're not spending money on alcohol or cigarettes for the most part, neither do Somalis tend to splash on clothes and accessories.

Most mothers are in hagbad/ayuuto/shaloongos and know how to save and hustle money.