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The reason feminists hate transgenders is because they make a mockery out of womanhood and they are getting
more powerful economically in the USA. Caitlyn Jenner was given the "woman" of the year award, this
left many feminists fuming. It is funny seeing the liberals clash.
Somalis will never integrate. They will never leave the West. Go back to Africa if you hate our culture and values and the way we are.

Stop begging us gaalo
There's one particular Swedish research made on transgenders during the span of 10 years. The research concluded that their male behavior, such as violence against women did not minimize after their transition. Infact after their transition the suicide rate for trannise increased. I don't have a link right now I read it a couple of months ago but I'll search for you

And a lot of radical feminists have a large collection of evidence concerning male transgenders violating women in our safe spaces. Just recently a transgender "woman" was arrested in England for raping a 15 year old girl.

You should also read on the cotton ceiling, transgender "woman" trying to force lesbians to sleep with them. It's disgusting and it's rape culture.

I couldn't find the swedish study, is this the one you are talking about?
I just had a brief look, but it say the increased risk in violence in the transgendered community was only significant in the group who underwent transition before 1989. This is would make sense as the psychological needs of transgendered people have become better understood over time. Better psychiatric help, leads to a less fucked up person. This also ties in with the video I posted. The Dr in that suggested nowadays they encourage parents to help their child transition earlier, because this will help them psychologically in the long term and will ward off what can be the 'damaging' approach of ignoring the issue, more common in the past. The fact however, remains, that transgendered people are far more at risk of violence from others and themselves, than the other way around. If you could give me a study that says 50%+ of transgendered people will try and try and rape a woman at some point, I would be equally as concerned as you are. However, that's not the case (thanks be to god). You are taking the behaviour of a minority of transgendered people to justify your dislike of their community. This is not a considered or decent approach to human beings who need understanding in the way we all want and need.
The reason feminists hate transgenders is because they make a mockery out of womanhood and they are getting
more powerful economically in the USA. Caitlyn Jenner was given the "woman" of the year award, this
left many feminists fuming. It is funny seeing the liberals clash.

What is your honest opinion of this person?



Suicidal men adore me.
I couldn't find the swedish study, is this the one you are talking about?
I just had a brief look, but it say the increased risk in violence in the transgendered community was only significant in the group who underwent transition before 1989. This is would make sense as the psychological needs of transgendered people have become better understood over time. Better psychiatric help, leads to a less fucked up person. This also ties in with the video I posted. The Dr in that suggested nowadays they encourage parents to help their child transition earlier, because this will help them psychologically in the long term and will ward off what can be the 'damaging' approach to ignoring the issue. The fact however, remains, that transgendered people are far more at risk of violence from others and themselves, than the other way around. If you could give me a study that says 50%+ of transgendered people will try and try and rape a woman at some point, I would be equally as oncerened as you are. However, that's not the case (thanks be to god). You are taking the behaviour of a minority of transgendered people to justify your dislike of their community. This is not a considered or decent approach to human beings who need understanding in the way we all want and need.

There are a ton of research done on transgenders and many have concluded that they have a set of other illnesses. They are autogynephilic, according to a different study they have a higher rate of committing pedophilia and rape. Stop being a SJW and go do your own research. I believe these people need help.

Here's just a few articles of transgender males committing crimes against women.

Man dressed as woman went into pool locker room

July 6, 2011-

MILWAUKIE, Ore . – A registered sex offender dressed up like a woman, went into a women’s locker room at a pool and talked with several children before being chased down by a good Samaritan, according to a Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office spokesman.

Friday around 3 p.m. 39-year-old Thomas Lee Benson put on a bra, lipstick and eyeliner and walked into the North Clackamas Aquatic Park in Milwaukie, Detective Jim Strovink said.

Strovink said Benson wandered around the center talking with children, went in the women’s locker room and took a dip in the hot tub.

The pool was full of children at the time, including many on a summer field trip with the group Self Enhancement, Inc.

26-year-old Tayo Cotton and other adults were supervising kids on the field trip when he noticed Benson walk into the locker room. He said Benson was wearing a bikini at that point. He next saw Benson leave the men’s locker room dressed in men’s clothes.

“It looked just like a man wearing a bikini bottom and he had a white t-shirt on with a bikini top, you could see the bikini top,” Cotton said.

Cotton tried to stop Benson when he came out but Benson took off running, Strovink said.

Cotton gave chase as Benson ran into the parking lot and through a Sears department store. Cotton said Benson was trying to open several car doors during the chase.

Eventually, Strovink said Benson found a car with an open rear window and was able to open the door. There was a startled woman in the car.

Before Benson could get into the car, Cotton grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him away. During the tussle, a Clackamas County deputy arrived and handcuffed Benson.

“I just ran to him, grabbed him, kind of wrapped him up and then just kind of rolled on him,” Cotton said. “He didn’t say one word to me, make any eye contact from the moment I saw him until he was arrested.”

Benson was taken to jail and faces charges of unlawful contact with a child, unlawfully being in a location where children congregate, robbery and attempted unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

“That’s horrifying, because some people let their kids go change in the bathroom,” said parent Tisha Rayson.

Benson has a history of similar behavior. In 2007, Portland Police said he dressed up as a woman and went into the women’s locker room at Mt. Scott Community Center.

According to the state sex offender registry, Benson was convicted in 1994 of sex abuse and was known to target girls between five and nine years old. The state lists him as a “predatory” sex offender.

He Just Wanted to Shake Women’s Hands—as Cross-Dresser in Restroom

Strange report from Grossmont Center details man dressed up as woman, but considered an isolated incident.

By Ken Stone
July 27, 2011

People often dress up for movies—Harry Potter fans being the latest example. But one visitor to the Grossmont Center cinemas was acting up in the wrong place at the wrong time Sunday—a man in the women’s restroom.

That afternoon, a possibly middle-aged man was reported to be wearing older women’s clothing and a face mask, pretending to be a woman, La Mesa police said Wednesday.

The dressed up man came out of a stall inside the women’s restroom at the movie theater at Reading Cinemas Grossmont Center 10, said police Lt. Dan Willis.

“At the time, the reporting person, a woman washing her hands at the sink counter, was approached by the dressed up man, who asked the woman if he could shake her hand,” Willis said.

“When the woman said ‘No,’ the subject left and was walking around the lobby of the movie theater asking to shake the hands of women.

A police “calls for service” report mislabeled the incident as indecent exposure, Willis said.

But it was merely a Municipal Code violation—an adult being in the opposite sex bathroom.

“There is no further information on the subject, and we have not had any similar calls,” Willis said.

Police: Man in bra and wig found in women’s bathroom
by KOMO 4 Staff
Updated 08:27 p.m., Friday, March 16, 2012
EVERETT, Wash. – A man wearing a bra and wig was arrested Friday after he was spotted in a women’s bathroom at Everett Community College, police said.

Officers responded to the scene at about 1:30 p.m. after a college staff member said she saw the man go into the women’s rest room and alerted security personnel.

An investigation found that the suspect had gone into the rest room while two women were inside, according to a police report. The women were later interviewed and said they had no idea that the man was there.

When police interviewed the man, he claimed that he had gone into the bathroom to use the facilities.

But the investigating officer noted that the man was wearing a wig and bra. A search also turned up a pair of woman’s panties in his front pocket, according to the police report.

The man, later identified as Taylor J. Buehler, 18, of Lake Stevens, was placed under arrest.

He admitted to officers that he was the suspect in an earlier voyeurism incident at Everett Community College on Monday, police said.

In the earlier incident, he said he took a shower in the girls’ locker room for sexual gratification, acccording to the police report.”

Teen Coerced Into Food Court Bathroom for Sex: Cops

A special needs teen reports being lured into bathroom. Police file charges.

http://www.nbcconnecticut.c om/news/l...123472564.html

Male Transgender sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for assault on woman in women’s restroom:

“Hagan was convicted in July of punching a fellow bar patron in the mouth. The victim, 40-year-old Cheryl Partsch, lost five teeth and could end up paying as much as $60,000 in medical bills.

LACEY — A transgendered Floridian stole more than $3,000 from women at the Forked River service station, police reported yesterday. Gwendolyn (aka Edward) Scott, 49, of Miami, was arrested Saturday after she was observed at the women’s bathroom at the service station on the Garden State Parkway, State Police Trooper John Steet said.

The bathroom had been the scene of several thefts, dating back to May 20, Steet said. The suspect would target middle-aged and older women who hooked their purses on the bathroom stall door, he said. Some victims also reported being escorted or directed to a specific stall.

Generally, they would not notice their purse had been taken until they saw it returning over the stall door, either hitting them in the head or falling to the floor, he said.

Rome man arrested in women’s bathroom at Calhoun Walmart

by Calhoun Times

“A Rome man was released on bond after being arrested for allegedly taking his clothes off in front of children in the women’s restroom of Walmart in Calhoun. Police officers arrived to find Burnes wearing a dark woman’s suit including a short skirt and jacket, black leather coat, black high heals, red nail polish, green eye shadow and women’s jewelry. According to the witness, Burnes had been in the women’s section of the store with his skirt “kicked up showing his white girdle and dark thong underwear.”

Cops: Locker Room Transvestite Has Cheerleader Fantasy

GREENSBURG, Pa. — “A 48-year-old man allegedly dressed as a woman and went into a girls’ locker room at Greensburg Salem High School, ”

man taking photographs in women’s restroom

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -” Purdue University police are

investigating a reported incident in which a man dressed as

a woman was seen taking photographs under the wall of a

women’s bathroom stall in Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and

Performing Arts.

The incident was reported to police about 3:30 p.m. Monday

According to a police report, a woman was in a bathroom

stall on the third floor of the building and saw a hand

holding a blue flip-phone camera beneath the door.

“I wanted to see women naked,” he was quoted as telling investigators. “Dressing up as a woman was a step to do that.”

the fact that you don't find this alarming is specious
Second, regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.
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