ayyy is this thread about my country or the mentally ill?
1/3 of Somalis are mentally ill. You're in no position to insult anyone
1/3 of Somalis are mentally ill. You're in no position to insult anyone
How could they ever explain that shit to the kids?Right!!!! Why not do it the normal way. Fucking special snowflakes.
There's one particular Swedish research made on transgenders during the span of 10 years. The research concluded that their male behavior, such as violence against women did not minimize after their transition. Infact after their transition the suicide rate for trannise increased. I don't have a link right now I read it a couple of months ago but I'll search for you
And a lot of radical feminists have a large collection of evidence concerning male transgenders violating women in our safe spaces. Just recently a transgender "woman" was arrested in England for raping a 15 year old girl.
You should also read on the cotton ceiling, transgender "woman" trying to force lesbians to sleep with them. It's disgusting and it's rape culture.
You're a feminist but an anti LGBT person.
The reason feminists hate transgenders is because they make a mockery out of womanhood and they are getting
more powerful economically in the USA. Caitlyn Jenner was given the "woman" of the year award, this
left many feminists fuming. It is funny seeing the liberals clash.
I'm anti T. I have no problems with the LGB community.
You're like that fraud @VicePrez of the Association of Sunni Scholars.
You are a SS account created by the Salafis to try and destroy us progressive folk from within. You Salafis want to show disunity among us that doesn't exist. It'll never work. We're not like you.
Abdi It looks like a man because it is. Men and women bone structure is very different, you can easily tell.
I couldn't find the swedish study, is this the one you are talking about? http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885
I just had a brief look, but it say the increased risk in violence in the transgendered community was only significant in the group who underwent transition before 1989. This is would make sense as the psychological needs of transgendered people have become better understood over time. Better psychiatric help, leads to a less fucked up person. This also ties in with the video I posted. The Dr in that suggested nowadays they encourage parents to help their child transition earlier, because this will help them psychologically in the long term and will ward off what can be the 'damaging' approach to ignoring the issue. The fact however, remains, that transgendered people are far more at risk of violence from others and themselves, than the other way around. If you could give me a study that says 50%+ of transgendered people will try and try and rape a woman at some point, I would be equally as oncerened as you are. However, that's not the case (thanks be to god). You are taking the behaviour of a minority of transgendered people to justify your dislike of their community. This is not a considered or decent approach to human beings who need understanding in the way we all want and need.
Second, regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.