Xabashi raw meat eater calls Somali’s “Arab worshippers” on r/Ethiopia

indian movies have been popular for 6 decades in somalia. our parents generation were bollywood fans.

i bekieve it comes from a political stance. sub saharan africa sides with ethiopia except somalis who prefer arabs who dont wish to annex and wipe us out. unlike selassie kenyatta menelik etc. also pan arabism doesnt have an element of attacking somalis. but pan africanism glorifies ethiopia menelik selassie kenya and kenyatta which is an attack on somalis.

exactly but this is usually ignored.


Coping through the 1st world
A lot of Arabs have this haplogroup too


only 15% or lesser.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Its so refreshing to meet Ethiopian and Eritrean Muslims. They're not mentally enslaved. They even read the Quran in their own language and understand what they're reading. I never met one in a khamiis but normal clothes or their culture one. I was mindblown. I never met a Somali go to the masjid with a macawiis but I have seen many who go to the masjid in Gulf royal attire.
Let's not pretend that a loud number of Somali people who are into the religion, don't mistake themselves for Arab orphans. They use Arabic words randomly for no reason, like "yacni", they call themselves Abu and Ummu which is Arab tradition, pre-Islam, again, nothing to do with Islam.

They need to understand that you can be both Muslim and your own ethnic group at the same time. The trouble is that a lot of our Islamic Scholars study in Arab countries and then they import Arabic culture to us, mistaking it for Islam. They also bring Arab misogyny to us, disguising it as "Islam". You get affected by your teachers, believe it or not.

I saw an English Muslim Documentary once, they wore their own clothes and their Masjid was built like a normal English building, no minarets. They actually have ethnic pride, unlike some Somalis.
your talking points sound like those kemet weirdos
minaret is part of Islam nothing to do with Arabs
and there are a lot of loan words from Arabic in the Somali language due to trade and historical ties seeing as the regions are geographically close

but you refer to yourself as puntite queen you already have a melted brain


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Its so refreshing to meet Ethiopian and Eritrean Muslims. They're not mentally enslaved. They even read the Quran in their own language and understand what they're reading. I never met one in a khamiis but normal clothes or their culture one. I was mindblown. I never met a Somali go to the masjid with a macawiis but I have seen many who go to the masjid in Gulf royal attire.

Funny... I remember praying at a masjid next to more than one guy wearing a macawiis in Bosaso. Also, plenty of Somalis have Qur'ans and little Xadith booklets with translated pages on the left side like my own parents do. It's fairly regular from what I've seen. Yet there's no doubt Somali dhaqan has been ruined but that is not a mark of some failing of Somalis as a people. Somalis have always been a proud folk with their own customs. It's just that the civil war made the place pretty weak and ripe for clerics from Saudi and other such places to start spewing their ideas and in like a generation you started seeing jilbabs, indho-shareers and khamiis donning nigs who borderline worship their local Shaykh. "Waxaa la yiri!" and all that. Subxanallah.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Funny... I remember praying at a masjid next to more than one guy wearing a macawiis in Bosaso. Also, plenty of Somalis have Qur'ans and little Xadith booklets with translated pages on the left side like my own parents do. It's fairly regular from what I've seen. But there's no doubt Somali dhaqan has been ruined but that is not a mark of some failing of Somalis as a people. Somalis have always been a proud folk with their own customs. It's just that the civil war made the place pretty weak and ripe for clerics from Saudi and other such places to start spewing their ideas in like a generation you started seeing jilbabs, indho shareers and khamiis donning nigs who borderline worship their local Shaykh. "Waxaa la yiri!" and all that. Subxanallah.

I'm not talking about Bosaso. Of course they wear macawiis there lol. But you're right. They became weak.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I'm not talking about Bosaso. Of course they wear macawiis there lol. But you're right. They became weak.

Somalis are easily impressionable, saaxiib. If they see you doing something interesting and seemingly living it up next door they immediately imitate you. This is even how they do business. If they hear that heblayo is selling such and such and making bank they all suddenly copy whatever the hell she's doing and saturate the market (Kkkkkkkk). It wouldn't be hard to make the old dhaqan and customs come back. Just alleviate poverty, improve living standards and just open establishments that wink-wink and nod-nod the old dhaqan at them while practicing it yourself and bribing some tuugsi ridden locals to go along with you. I wouldn't be shocked if within a month you get 90% of a tuulo to start dressing like old nomad lamagoodles.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Hmmm meanwhile they’re selling their babies to cadaan couples for a bag of teff 🙁
Theirs not wrong, we have a large percentage of Arab worshipping coon's in the Somali community, which makes me cringe, to be honest.
@Magan95 Why are you always trying to paint the racial dynamic between Somalis and Arabs akin to that of blacks and whites? This self-victimization rhetoric is very ceeb

negro what?

I don’t blame Arabs as much for this, I blame us even more because it was somali sheikhs that ran with Wahhabism/Salafism and directly contributed to the brainwashing of a vulnerable war ravaged community.

