Xalimos, will you be breaking your back with cooking/cleaning for your house during ramadan?

We all know that Somalis like to cook/prepare a lot for iftar which leads to a lot of cleaning as well
What is your home situation like? The women do all the work while the men chill? :drakelaugh:
If your sisters/mom also work and you just go home and sit down to eat, you are a xaasid.
I also wonder how these people will be dealt with on the day of judgement. Are they really passing the tests.

Even if your mother/ female relatives don't work, at least do other things, such as offering to clean, shopping and generally being a helpful and clean person. Life is about balance, not about being a selfish leech.
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I just cook my own food. My sibs will probs be ordering out. My Aabo likes to cook so he might whip up something. But otherwise my parents are too old and I feel shame. If I want Sambuusa or stuff I just go to the market place.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
I try to help but I get chased out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon. I guess they don’t like my cooking even though my pasta and bolognese is banging
We all know that Somalis like to cook/prepare a lot for iftar which leads to a lot of cleaning as well
What is your home situation like? The women do all the work while the men chill? :drakelaugh:
The shydan is strong in this one
You Must Star Wars GIF by Regal


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
I've had this as well, especially if there are a lot of visitors. The women are always in the kitchen
Nah I don’t even go near the kitchen when women visitors are in there. I just feel out of place. When the house is just all women I usually just dip and find some shit to do outside

