Xamar before and after Turkey support


Turkey doesn't build anything with Turkish money if it isn't Turkish owned or their global pimp hand on other markets. All the road projects are funded by Europe and given to Turkish as a contractor, it's not a cent from Turks to Somalis.

How embarrassing they take 50 billion usd dollar for 30 years in Mogadishu port and airport for a 5 million dollar terminal, I got a real estate dude to value that terminal build cost, What a motherfucking pimp hand on a ho.

Plus their hospitals and airport hotel are making a killer taking it all to Turkey. Their not even given citizenship to at least fake it to look like it's Somalia owned on paper lol 😆

Mad respect to Turkish hustlers tho, eating other ppl market while they still call u a brother.
Turkey doesn't build anything with Turkish money if it isn't Turkish owned or their global pimp hand on other markets. All the road projects are funded by Europe and given to Turkish as a contractor, it's not a cent from Turks to Somalis.

How embarrassing they take 50 billion usd dollar for 30 years in Mogadishu port and airport for a 5 million dollar terminal, I got a real estate dude to value that terminal build cost, What a motherfucking pimp hand on a ho.

Plus their hospitals and airport hotel are making a killer taking it all to Turkey. Their not even given citizenship to at least fake it to look like it's Somalia owned on paper lol 😆

Mad respect to Turkish hustlers tho, eating other ppl market while they still call u a brother.
Shut up waryaa stop hating on Xamar progress xaasidyahow by walaalaheena Turkey
Sad Anthony Anderson GIF


Shut up waryaa stop hating on Xamar progress xaasidyahow by walaalaheena Turkey
Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

Somalis r funny cats looking for brothers in a world where there is no brothers only survival and anyone who helps you survive is technically your only brother. Survival.means economic progress(not fdi but locals booming not foreigners), knowledge transfer, security. Their the big 3 and most important brothers.

The rest is soft influence such as political common systems, sports, tourism, religion or continental commonality is really only used as a vehicle for those 3 big end goals in foreign policy. The world they live in has no brothers, even one Muslim told me we r brothers in akhirah but in this world my brother is whoever helps me achieve my goals.


These things just give me a headache to look at, I hate them so much. After they fix the infrastructure the city must buy 1k busses and start public transit system.

How many tuktuks are registered it's worth 5000(brand new plus shipping cost and taxes) If u know the volume in terms of quantity which I don't that will tell u how much large buses it can purchase only if they pool together funds and then share the gains based on everyone financial input, somalis are clowns doing things solo and shit(all wins but all losses is on you then) plus all time lost(most important). It's better working and having side hustles and more streams of money then running a business and dedicating all your time to it.


The edge in Somalia isn't business but knowledge as that translates to goods and products and services which businesses need or their is no business stage. I'm telling my sub sub clan we need a proposal and plan to develop the highest human capital in Somalia as that will give us an edge where knowledge is absent and all businesses will be tied to us for knowledge stage(patents).

Knowledge needs Stem. Science, Tech, engineering, Maths. U need to know the theory stage and also the engineering stage(assembly) usually easiest. Even the knowledge stage is divided into application(bachelor) easy usually vs research(to advance).
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