Xariirland flag replaces PL flag in Goldogob


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The most he could do was send a few boys to destroy wells and engage in cattle rustling, he knew he couldn’t touch us, which is what made him even more angrier
Boo hoo, SSDF kissed MSB AUN ring at the end of the day and were neutured like the bisads they are. Atleast USC and SNM fought until they achieved their goal.

Bunch of Cowards :hahaidiot:
Aren't we talking about all this clans from Puntland that want to succeed?

Look at it this way. When a Dhulbahante signs his Federal MP in Laascaanood, Warsangeli boys revolt on Puntland administration in Badhan iyo Haylan markaas baanu sheekeysan doona aniga iyo adiga Insha'Allah tacala 👍
Warsangeli is on board, no need to mention them I think. Dhulbahante want their autonomy and they have it, bes iska kala dheh apowe 😁
Boo hoo, SSDF kissed MSB AUN ring at the end of the day and were neutured like the bisads they are. Atleast USC and SNM fought until they achieved their goal.

Bunch of Cowards :hahaidiot:
If I remember correctly, it was MSB who made overtures of peace and then rewarded SSDF officials which led to defections. he couldn’t “neuter” them in the first place…..
Warsangeli is on board, no need to mention them I think. Dhulbahante want their autonomy and they have it, bes iska kala dheh apowe 😁
Is on board with what? Adiga waxaad is leedahay jiq kaga dhig oo ha ilmeeyaan. Inaga badan Bari, Nugaal iyo Waqooyiga Mudug.

Do you know how easy it would be if Sool, Sanaag, Godobob, Degmada Tawfiq iyo Saaxo left would make Puntland. At least we won't be claiming lands that we can't implement our rule of law and taxation on.

Let them figure out Galmudug, Somaliland and Somalia all together.

I will pray for them xataa 😂.

Sipping Tea Time GIF
For the size of our nation if we open this door it will lead to eventually secession.

The current states we can't control, imagine 20 states.
No you are viewing it in the completely inverse direction, Larger states have opened the way to secession. You think that the smaller states will have the same powers as the current states. This is not what I mean, with smaller states they will have less power to challenge the national government and less authority to claim their own country. You also view it in a qabil way, the only reason why states want to secede is due to qabil, thats the root cause of it. With more states, their less likely to line up along qabil lines.
The key to all this change is a drastic change at the federal level, HSM is just not up for the job, no one has since siad.
Unlike your 'Somaliland' delusion. Majeerteen can survive politically without others, that area was called Majeerteenia and the Sultanate of Hobyo in the past for a good reason.

There are several things that decide power in Somalia

1. Land; there is not a clan in Somalia that has more land than MJs.
2. Population- enough said
3. Wealth- not ONE but 2 ports, multiple Airports, and that's just public assets, when it comes to private assets, MJs are very wealthy.


So, WHO are you talking to? You think we will notice or care if a group wants to leave? In fact, they'd do us a BIG favour, as we'd have less political buuq and guilt tripping.

Puntland has even worse odds then somaliland to secede, what a terrible idea. Your arguement basically comes down to that MJ's are richer.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
I noticed that @TekNiKo has two distinct sides.

First, the FKD Merchant Tekniko, who constantly posts FKD Rage bait content to stir up Clan beef with either Hawiyes, Kablalax, or Isaaq.

Then there's the Incel Tekniko, who harbors deep hatred towards Somali women and consistently shares all kinds of negative posts about them.

Very low IQ Person


I noticed that @TekNiKo has two distinct sides.

First, the FKD Merchant Tekniko, who constantly posts FKD Rage bait content to stir up Clan beef with either Hawiyes, Kablalax, or Isaaq.

Then there's the Incel Tekniko, who harbors deep hatred towards Somali women and consistently shares all kinds of negative posts about them.

Very low IQ Person
Not sure about second part, but him and @Grigori Rasputin are kings of rage bait. Grigori even expanding it to twitter and reddit to try and enrage cadaans. kkk they very good at it after much practice yet people still fall for it


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