Xawadle militia from Hiraan seize ceel baraf

This is now the second time the village has changed hands, with the abgaal locals thought to have fled to xamar, talk of the town is that xawaadle WONT be returning ceel baraf to its previous owners.
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Tom and Jerry. But one thing thats alarming is. That AS isn’t running away. They’re defending the areas. They’re trying to see FGS reaction to it. FGS has less military aid. Most of the aid cut off except food aid. ATMIS not going through. Many things are gonna happen. Under HSM these factors spell disaster. Pre-Taleban government most likely
Notice how reer ceel baraf are real quiet on here. Not a word from our agoonyar friend from the bush who used sing dalxoreeye. He’s gone completely missing. That’s why you can’t ever take any of these guys seriously in this section.
This is actually the best way to expand 🤣 if I’m like sheekhal or something I’m getting together all my men to grab a town
Miir Tuugo, Cali Fooldheere, etc are all up for grabs. Get your agoonyar town in the lush and fertile jungles of middle Shabelle before it’s too late :icon lol:
trump sale GIF

