Xawadle militia from Hiraan seize ceel baraf

AS launch mortar attacks all the time on Aden adde, i don’t think AS have the capability to launch an attack on xamar just yet, if that’s what’s being implied.
AS is gonna try to. It would make more sense for them to wait. Till ATMIS situation is solved. 99% it wont be funded anymore.


Notice how reer ceel baraf are real quiet on here. Not a word from our agoonyar friend from the bush who used sing dalxoreeye. He’s gone completely missing. That’s why you can’t ever take any of these guys seriously in this section
Kumanaan qoys aa qaxay degaanada qaar dhulka lala simay iyado lagu jiro bil ramadan ma waxaad rabtay meeshaan ina idinkaga sheekeeyo? Aqli futada ayu kaa galay
Kumanaan qoys aa qaxay degaanada qaar dhulka lala simay iyado lagu jiro bil ramadan ma waxaad rabtay meeshaan ina idinkaga sheekeeyo? Aqli futada ayu kaa galay
Isn’t that the same shit you were enjoying in Ceerigaabo and Ras Kamboni? How about the xawaadle SNA slaughtered like animals in Ceel Baraf that you enjoyed? Just because it wasn’t ramadan that makes it ok? Even in this month you never stop your munaafaqad eebow.
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