xdooli search results (yeah another one of these, I know)

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I have an IQ of 300
Why would I need to distribute a photo of me ? This does not answer the hair strand of human existence ? What exactly is the basis behind this intricately displayed rituals ? The male specie has through time exerted it's dominance via an array of complex calls. Each to display some form of existence to the opposite sex.

A photo of me doesn't resolve the fabric of human existence, why is its intricately woven strands of fabric still mould in perfect condition ? Through centuries of human decapitation such mysteries must be solved sir.
Who gave you the thesaurus :comeon:


I have an IQ of 300
Disgusting uff I hope you men set alight a blaze of fire, you being the object of eternal golden burn, such spectacle I would not mind watching feverishly.
"Disgusting uff I hope you men burn in hell, I wouldn't mind seeing that"
Maybe it'd save you time if you didn't search for synonyms of words you could have just as easily used?
It's all banter at the end of the day abaayo, there's no need to condemn us to a lifetime of immolation until our plane of existence ends abruptly


Queen of the light
I have never seen somali :/ tbh never knew such a thing existed, our women are sacred only somali men can see them nobody else. Our women are only for our men, love you all...
I have never seen somali :/ tbh never knew such a thing existed, our women are sacred only somali men can see them nobody else. Our women are only for our men, love you all...
"our women are sacred only somali men can see them nobody else."


"Our women are only for our men"


but sis i thought you were a feminist?


I have an IQ of 300
women have the right to choose, they aren't the property of somali men. that is anti feminism.
Property? Did she imply that Somali women are property? All she said was that they are "for" Somali men, like butter is to bread or bariis is to moos :dabcasar:
At least, that's how I read it


Queen of the light
women have the right to choose, they aren't the property of somali men. that is anti feminism.
Ofcourse a choice is present but what will our poor men do if we marry out ? They cannot live without their moos ? I'm sorry perhaps having a choice in this day and age where global travel has eased the traditional views of many racist individuals. But somalia would be incomplete without our existence ? I don't want another Europe in somalia no thx

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
Ofcourse a choice is present but what will our poor men do if we marry out ? They cannot live without their moos ? I'm sorry perhaps having a choice in this day and age where global travel has eased the traditional views of many racist individuals. But somalia would be incomplete without our existence ? I don't want another Europe in somalia no thx
Be ready for some disappointment then :drakelaugh:
Ofcourse a choice is present but what will our poor men do if we marry out ? They cannot live without their moos ? I'm sorry perhaps having a choice in this day and age where global travel has eased the traditional views of many racist individuals. But somalia would be incomplete without our existence ? I don't want another Europe in somalia no thx
i agree, but you shouldn't imply that we are only for our men. plus the marrying out issue isn't common within somalis. most of has never met a half somali or a somali married to a non somali. its a nonsensical fear.


i agree, but you shouldn't imply that we are only for our men. plus the marrying out issue isn't common within somalis. most of has never met a half somali or a somali married to a non somali. its a nonsensical fear.
Look at this shaytanad working towards her evil agenda. Perhaps she should've said Somali men are for Somali men, I bet that would make you happy. #LOVEWINS
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