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Go back to sleep I got work
I have been unemployed for 1 month on 1 job and you know it. I will never tell anyone in my life what my second job is.I'm not a..
Drug Dealer
Killer with an AK47
Eat elephants
But this hyena will come for you if you f*ck up.
So which one of you stupid Somalis snitched on me? I don't think it's Mr Patel, if it is you c*nt I'm coming for you.
My mother believes that I am going to kill myself she's 60 years old she doesn't need this shit. She's on her way with the Qur'an and a suitcase it's not a joke, I haven't slept for days something is happening and I don't know what but whatever it is it will not let me sleep. I'm not nuts I tried to knock myself out with alcohol it didn't work, so know I've resigned myself to the fact I'm OK for know. The holy book isn't going to help.
This isn't Topix - its a small site and the mods are on your case LOL!!. You told me you were banned once before so there you go...you muppet..:)
google the great Barry Fredericks in moss-side. I'm an open book - everyone knows me and mine, muppet..:). You are getting closer to me sweetie.
you keep thinking you can use me as your imaginary punching bag. you are an attention seeking drama queen. remind us all what you majored in at university ...f*ck it...DRAMA..LOL!!.

There I just exposed your arse.
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